4.7 / 5.0
136 opini
0.0 / 5.0
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0.0 / 5.0
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Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Kancelaria Barbara Garlacz | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
ADWOKAT PAWEŁ BOROWSKI | Wrocław | sprawdź | |
Na bank Orski Dąbrowska Radcy Prawni s.c. | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Po 3 latach boju wygraliśmy tylko dzięki Panu mecenasowi a tak naprawdę dzięki zaangażowaniu wszystkich pracowników kancelarii!!!! Wygrana sprawa i wygrana apelacja są wystarczającą rekomendacją, za co należy się szczególna pochwała i podziękowania!! Opinie miałam wystawić już po pierwszej wygranej ale wstrzymałam się aby móc powiedzieć także o wygranej apelacji. Gorąco polecam, profesjonalizm i fachowa obsługa w każdym calu…jeszcze raz dziękujemy
Bardzo dobra współpraca. Przejrzysta dla klienta, nie lubią banków i wiedzą jak z nimi walczyć za ich przekręty. Doskonała wiedza prawnicza, profesjonaliści!
Sprawa z bankiem. Procesujemy się, sprawa idzie dobrze, mecenasi mają wiedzę wyjątkową, kancelaria się sprawdza!!
Pan Paweł bardzo rzeczowo podszedł do sprawy i temat załatwiony. Dodatkowy plus za wszechstronną wiedzę i doradztwo.
Fajna i skuteczna współpraca oparta na wzajemnym zaufaniu. Pozdrawiam i dziękuję z pomoc z walce z patologią kredytów pseudofrankowych. Polecam wszystkim!!!!!
Profesjonalne i UCZCIWE podejście do klienta! jestem bardzo zadowolony ze współpracy. Moim skromnym zdaniem na kredytach CHF znaja się jak mało kto.
2 lata temu zdecydowałem się na wybór tej kancelarii w sprawie frankowej przeciwko mbank. Miałem wówczas do wyboru kilku prawników, oferta mecenasa nie była najtańsza ale ja wybrałem. Teraz gdy mamy to wszystko już za sobą polecam i rekomenduję kancelarię bardzo mocno! Podczas całego procesu kontakt był doskonały i cały czas wiedzieliśmy dokładnie o co walczymy, co się dzieje w sprawie i jaki jest dalszy plan działania. Polecam wszystkim zarówno kancelarie jak i podjęcie decyzji o pozwaniu banku gdyż to wspamiałe uczucie gdy uwolniamy się od tego pseudo kredytu.
Two years ago, I decided to choose this law firm in the franc case against mBank. At that time I had a few lawyers to choose from, the patron’s offer was not the cheapest but I chose. Now that we have everything behind it, I recommend it and recommend the office very much! During the entire process, the contact was perfect and all the time we knew exactly what we were fighting for, what was happening in the case and what is the next action plan. I recommend to both the law firm and the decision to suing the bank because it is a feeling when we free ourselves from this pseudo loan.
Bardzo profesjonalna obluga, pomoc od samego poczatku do konca. Bardzo dobry kontakt, zawsze otrzymywalem odpowiedz na kazde pytanie. Z cala pewnoscia moge polecic kancelarie innym frankowiczom. Pozdrawiam!
Very professional service, help from beginning to end. Very good contact, I always received an answer to every question. Certainly I can recommend the office to other francs. Greetings!
Sporo się naszukaliśmy doświadczonej kancelarii do spraw frankowiczów która zaproponuje uczciwe warunki współpracy oraz warunki umowy. Miejsce które uczciwie i partnersko podeszło do współpracy to właśnie ta kancelaria. Współpraca owocna!! a nawet bardzo owocna. Mogę Państwu polecić. Jesteśmy zadowoleni
We’ve been looking for a lot of experienced franchise law firms that will offer fair terms of cooperation and contractual terms. A place that honestly and partnerly approached cooperation is this office. Fruitful cooperation !! and even very fruitful. I can recommend you. We are pleased
To rewelacyjna kancelaria. Pozew złożony w styczniu a już w czerwcu jest unieważnienie umowy w 1 instancji :DDDDDD. polecam i pozdrawiam. Działamy dalej.
This is a sensational office. A claim filed in January and already in June is the cancellation of the contract in one instance: DDDDDD. I recommend and greet. We keep working.
Jestem pod dużym wrażeniem tej kancelarii. Mogłam liczyć na szybką i efektowną pomoc. Ludzie empatyczni i przyjaźni. Polecam każdemu, nie tylko z okolic! Kancelarie frankowe są co prawda teraz na każdym rogu ale tutaj jest prawdziwe doświadczenie
I am very impressed with this law firm. I could count on quick and effective help. Empathetic and friendly people. I recommend it to everyone, not only from the surrounding area! Frank offices are on every corner now, but here’s the real experience
Relevant and competent staff
top law firm for franchisees – QUALITY at the best level.
Eksperci od spraw frankowych najwyzszej klasy. Szczerze i jasno przedstawiaja sytuację, nie koloryzują i mówią uczciwie jak sprawa wyglada. Widac tez ze maja ogromna wiedzę i doświadczenie
Top-class Swiss franc experts. They present the situation honestly and clearly, do not colorize and honestly say what the matter looks like. You can also see that they have vast knowledge and experience
Powiem szczerze, że czytając te wszystkie super opinie zdecydowałem się na skorzystanie z usług kancelarii. Jednakże dzisiaj żałuję. Informacje przed pozwem przekazywane zdawkowo, a sprawa traktowana sztampowo, na czym cierpi sprawa. kancelaria nie przekazuje niezbędnych informacji do podjęcia właściwej decyzji a potem się tłumaczy w taki sposób że nie można nic zrozumieć. Kontakt jest trudny, a uzyskanie informacji tym bardziej. Widać, że teraz ważna jest ilość a nie jakość. Po prostu nie polecam, skorzystajcie Państwo z tańszej kancelarii, bo tu nie warto płacić.
Proszę mnie źle nie zrozumieć, mam nadzieję że sprawa się skończy w po naszej myśli jednakże uważam że kilka rzeczy naprawdę można zmienić z korzyścią dla klienta. Mówię tu przede wszystkim o szczegółowej rozmowie, a także dostarczeniu klientowi wyczerpujących informacji w celu pomocy przy podjęciu każdej decyzji w trakcie trwania sprawy. To nie klient powinien „ciągnąc za język” żeby uzyskać informację. Ale nie chcę też wszystkiego negować. Wiedzy merytorycznej Państwu z pewnością nie brakuje. Reasumując – być może strona Google nie jest faktycznie odpowiednim miejscem do dyskusji o takich kwestiach jednak takie są moje odczucia na ten moment. Miejmy nadzieję że dalej już będzie lepiej a moje uwagi należą do odosobnionych przypadków. Pozdrawiam wszystkich frankowiczow, trzymajcie się.
„Powiem szczerze, że czytając te wszystkie super opinie zdecydowałem się na skorzystanie z usług kancelarii. Jednakże dzisiaj żałuję. Informacje przed pozwem przekazywane zdawkowo, a sprawa traktowana sztampowo, na czym cierpi sprawa. kancelaria nie przekazuje niezbędnych informacji do podjęcia właściwej decyzji a potem się tłumaczy w taki sposób że nie można nic zrozumieć. Kontakt jest trudny, a uzyskanie informacji tym bardziej. Widać, że teraz ważna jest ilość a nie jakość. Po prostu nie polecam, skorzystajcie Państwo z tańszej kancelarii, bo tu nie warto płacić.”
Please don’t get me wrong, I hope it will end in our way, however I think that some things can really be changed for the benefit of the client. I am talking primarily about a detailed interview, as well as providing the client with comprehensive information to help in making each decision during the course of the case. It is not the client who should „pull the tongue” to get the information. But I don’t want to deny everything either. You certainly have plenty of substantive knowledge. To sum up – perhaps the Google website is not actually the right place to discuss such issues, but these are my feelings at the moment. Hopefully things will get better later and my remarks belong to isolated cases. Greetings to all franchisees, take care.
„Honestly, reading all these super opinions I decided to use the services of the law firm. However, today I regret. Information before the lawsuit is provided in a perfunctory manner, and the case is treated in a standard way, what the case suffers from. The law office does not provide the necessary information to make the right decision and then he explains in such a way that you cannot understand anything. Contact is difficult, and obtaining information even more so. You can see that quantity is important now, not quality. I simply do not recommend it, use a cheaper office, because it is not worth paying here. „
Please do not get me wrong, I hope the matter will end in our way, however I think that some things can really be changed for the benefit of the client. I am talking mainly about a detailed interview, as well as providing the client with comprehensive information to help in making each decision during the course of the case. It is not the client who should „pull the tongue” to get the information. But I don’t want to deny everything either. You certainly have plenty of substantive knowledge. To sum up – perhaps the Google website is not actually the right place to discuss such issues, but this is my feeling at the moment. Hopefully things will get better next and my remarks belong to isolated cases. Greetings to all franchisees, take care.
„Honestly, reading all these super opinions I decided to use the services of the law firm. However, today I regret. Information before the lawsuit is provided in a perfunctory manner, and the case is treated in a standard way, what the case suffers from. The law office does not provide the necessary information to make the right decision and then translates in such a way that you cannot understand anything. Contact is difficult, and obtaining information even more so. You can see that quantity is important now, not quality. I simply do not recommend it, use a cheaper office, because it is not worth paying here. „
Kancelaria wybrana do sprawy o kredyt we frankach ze wzgledu na dużą ilość wygranych spraw oraz szybkość w zdobywaniu wyroków. Pan adwokat zrobil juz na początku nardzo dobre wrażenie. Sprawa prowadzona bardzo profesjonalnie. Podejście do klienta oraz ceny oceniam korzystnie. Z całą pewnością i przekonaniwm polecam tą kancelarie
The law firm selected for a loan in francs due to the large number of won cases and the speed in obtaining judgments. The lawyer made a very good impression at the beginning. The case is handled very professionally. I evaluate the customer approach and prices favorably. I definitely and confidently recommend this law firm
Polecam sprawa od złożenia pozwu do prawomocnego wyroku trwała dwa lata . W mojej sprawie była to najlepsza oferta cenowa z topowych kancelarii .Do mnie należało załatwienie zaświadczeń z banku , uczestnictwo w jednej rozprawie w celu złożenia zeznań przed sądem, jedno spotkanie w kancelarii przed pierwszą rozprawą . Dziękuje 🙂
I recommend that the case from filing a lawsuit to a final judgment lasted two years. In my case, it was the best price offer from top law firms. I was responsible for obtaining bank certificates, attending one hearing to testify before the court, and one meeting at the office before the first hearing. Thank you 🙂
I recommend
Superb service in the office. Attorney Borowski is a professional in every way. Thank you very much for your professional help and I recommend the services of this law firm to everyone!
Polecam. Bardzo udana współpraca z kancelarią przełożyła się na doskonały wynik końcowy i pełen sukces w sprawie. Mogę śmiało polecić każdemu kto chce mieć pod ręką mocne wsparcie prawne.
I recommend. A very successful cooperation with the law firm translated into an excellent final result and full success in the case. I can confidently recommend to anyone who wants to have strong legal support at hand.
Victory over PKO BP in appeal. Professionalism and good preparation for the case resulted in the final win. Thank you and we recommend.
A loan in Polbank francs. Very good Law Firm Mr. Borowski handled the case perfectly, which ended with the annulment of the loan agreement. I recommend the law firm. Full professionalism.
great legal service, I recommend Mr. Paweł Borowski for professionalism and specific results that speak for themselves
Professional solution of the case regarding loans in francs (CHF). Full satisfaction, individual approach to the client, culture and affordability.
Professional legal service! Annulment of the franc contract after a hard battle, because I had an unusual case related to the status of a consumer. I recommend !
Good morning
I am just after a final judgment favorable to me in the second instance canceling my franc loan. The course of the entire case in the first and second instance was conducted on my behalf by Paweł Borkowski Law Firm. Therefore, I would like to share my opinion, the whole process went very smoothly, there were no problems or delays in contact with the attorney. They always answer questions, offer advice and are professional in contact with the court. I wholeheartedly recommend it
Very good e-mail contact. Very extensive knowledge of people from the law firm about franc loans and professional approach to the case + judgments of the first and second instance courts favorable for me …
I sincerely recommend the office. She helped us win against the bank and represented us well before the court of first and second instance. We have a judgment voiding our contract with the bank. Now we are facing the next stage of loan settlement and deletion of the mortgage from the land and mortgage register. Of course, further in cooperation with the Law Firm of Paweł Borowski. I recommend.
A law firm with extensive experience in the so-called franc matters. Full professionalism, determination to end the process positively for the borrower, efficiency. The effect – annulment of the Swiss franc loan. You can beat the bank. I recommend the law firm Paweł Borowski.
I am very satisfied with the services of the law firm. Full professionalism. Very good knowledge of the law, appropriate approach to the client. The case for annulment of the loan won 🙂 I recommend ordering difficult cases to attorney Paweł Borowski.
Outstanding Team! Full professionalism, communicativeness at the highest level, excellent knowledge of the subject of franking!
Very efficient lawyers (we had the first hearing after 9 months from the date of filing the lawsuit!), and most importantly, they were effective – our case was resolved in our favor by the court of appeal after only 16 months from the date of the hearing before the court of first instance!
We recommend!
No direct contact…? After several attempts to call… I received a reply. Only an SMS sent simultaneously to many recipients.. The level of service that does not give me a sense of solid interest in the case, and even less of a desire to take care of the client! .. not to mention the respect accompanying a culture that obliges you to call back…
I highly recommend cooperation with the law firm of Mr. Paweł Borowski to all those who are undecided. Choosing a law firm to fight the Bank is not easy, especially since there are many of them now. I bet on the best (I found such opinions on the net and it was a bull’s-eye). The contract very clearly defines the rules of cooperation (remuneration). but also other people from the law firm with whom I had the pleasure of talking. I always receive a specific answer to bothering questions (and there are a lot of them during the process). Currently, I am after a final judgment and I also left the remaining issues regarding the Swiss franc case in the hands of THE BEST FIRM.
With a clear conscience I RECOMMEND.
I would like to thank Mr. Paweł Borowski and all the Law Firm’s associates for their commitment. Thanks to you, I can enjoy my life without a loan and I wish this to everyone who will fight with the Bank.
Thanks to the great cooperation with the very reliable and professional law firm of Paweł Borowski, we ended court franc disputes with an unfair bank and WE RECEIVED! money already paid. I strongly recommend this law firm to all interested „Frankowicz” (and I 'filtered’ a lot 😉 )
I highly recommend, I appreciate the professionalism, competence and good contact, quick responses and, above all, information at every stage of the case. Also after the case is completed, the law firm provides further guidance. I heartily recommend it, especially since the franc case was won 🙂
Catherine Sidor
I did not choose this law firm by accident and I know that I made the right choice. Professional and diligent work of the law firm led to winning the first and second instance. It remained to settle the accounts with the bank also with the help of this excellent team. I recommend!
We would like to thank the Paweł Borowski Law Office for bringing our franc case to a happy finale and annulment of the loan. Professional service, all information translated into understandable language, great commitment and individual approach to the client. Thank you for the efficiency of the court proceedings as well as for the efficiency in contact with us, the minimum of formalities on our part. If you’re still wondering if it’s worth fighting for a Swiss franc loan, don’t hesitate and just do it with the help of the Paweł Borowski Law Firm
Polecam Kancelarie Adwokacką Paweł Borowski!
Wygraliśmy I i II instancje!!! Umowa naszego kredytu jest unieważniona!!!!
Pełen profesjonalizm, na każdym etapie postępowania kontakt z Kancelarią był bardzo dobry, wszystkie niejasmości zostały nam wyjaśnione, pełne zaangażowanie kancelarii. Bardzo polecam!
I recommend Paweł Borowski Law Firm!
We won the 1st and 2nd instances!!! Our loan agreement is invalidated!!!!
Full professionalism, contact with the law firm at every stage of the proceedings was very good, all uncertainties were explained to us, full commitment of the law firm. I highly recommend!
We are very pleased with the cooperation with this law firm. Currently, the case is at the stage of final settlement with the bank (in the first and second instance, we won without any problems, we also entrusted the settlement to the law firm). Very good contact, reliable information and accurate advice. If anyone is wondering / has any doubts, at least we have a full recommendation – you can see that they know what they are doing and have great results.
Very efficient handling of our case, from the assessment of documents to the final judgment in the second instance. The law firm was happy to explain to us what to expect at every stage of the case, what the documents from the bank mean and what steps to take, as well as when to be patient. I definitely recommend it
Our case has been won, the verdict is now final. We had a complete picture of what was happening at every stage of the case. Contact with the law firm is great both by phone / SMS and by e-mail. It is worth noting the very high level of professionalism. The conversations and emails were extremely specific, without giving vain hopes or promising positive results. We always had full and factual information about possible consequences and threats. All the better the undisputed victory tasted. The contract with the bank has been annulled and thanks to Borowski we are finally free people!
Thanks to this law firm, I won the franc loan case with the BPH bank. I freed myself of a loan that I would have to pay off in 14 years. Highly recommended office. They handled the matter professionally. In terms of price, for a law firm that is in the top ten of franc loans law firms, they are one of the cheaper ones. They provide all information and prepare for the trial.
Thanks to this law firm, I won a Swiss franc loan case with BPH bank. I freed myself from the loan, which I had to repay in 14 years. A law firm worth recommending. They handled the matter professionally. Price-wise, for a law firm that is among the top ten law firms offering Swiss franc loans, they are one of the cheaper ones. They provide all information and prepare for the hearing.
Cool!!! The best law firm in Wrocław.
Extremely professional and reliable, clear and legible communication, without unnecessary conversations and correspondence.
Actions aimed at success.
July 21, 2023 final judgment, franc loan annulled after 3 years of work of the Law Firm.
Thank you very much and I heartily recommend them to everyone who is looking for professional legal support.
We started cooperation with the Law Office of Adwokat Paweł Borowski in October 2020. Since filing the lawsuit in November 2020 until the final judgment in July 2023. We stayed in constant contact by e-mail and by phone all the time. A very efficient law firm with top-notch service.
I would like to thank the Law Firm for the efficient and very substantive conduct from A to Z of the entire procedure / court battle with Bank PKO BP resulting in the CANCELLATION OF THE AGREEMENT IN WHOLE in the so-called. franc credit. I pay special attention to the fact that the law firm conducted the case from 2020, when there were not enough „paths blazed” through the rulings of the CJEU, etc., until July 27, 2023, when the District Court in the Second Instance upheld the ruling of the Court of First Instance. I recommend it the most. They will lead by the hand like a child in the fog. We would especially like to thank Mrs. Magdalena Wiśniewska, Advocate, and Mrs. Magdalena Żytkiewicz, Advocate, who directly participated in the hearings.
Excellent communication, transparency, clear rules of cooperation and most importantly – effectiveness. I recommend it not only to people who want to win a case with a bank (franc loan).
The law firm won the case for the invalidation of a Swiss franc loan with the Millennium bank. Professional service, assistance at every stage, transparency in settlements. We also intend to seek assistance in deleting the mortgage and terminating the loan. I recommend it with a clear conscience
I recommend it to everyone who is still considering choosing a law firm for a Swiss franc loan. Full professionalism, extensive experience and very good contact at every stage of the case. Winning the first and second instance in 2.5 years with complete success speaks for itself. Thank you very much and I recommend it again.
The law firm conducted our case against the bank for the invalidation of a Swiss franc loan in the years 2019 – 2023. We were reliably and easily informed about the opportunities and risks, as well as the planned course of events. The lawyer prepared us for the hearing, and subsequent hearings took place without our participation. During our cooperation, we received the necessary information. The case was decided in our favor in the first and second instances. We recommend the law firm as reliable and competent.
Zofia and Tadeusz Skrzeczyński
I recommend the Borowski Law Firm, the Chf loan case was won in both instances, very good contact. Compared to other law firms, they handled the case at a reasonable price. Thank you very much for such an ending
I recommend! Thanks to your law firm, I recovered the funds due from a Swiss franc loan. The cooperation was professional and in a pleasant atmosphere, and most importantly, effective.
Competent law firm. The Swiss franc case was resolved from start to finish within 2.5 years. Clearly defined costs in advance, no unpleasant surprises. I recommend!
The law firm dealt with our case regarding the invalidation of a Swiss franc loan and showed full professionalism. We won in the first and second instance. We heartily recommend it, Anna and Jerzy Napora
As a former client, I would like to share my observations regarding cooperation with the Law Firm based on my experiences. I found the contact with the office correct. It often happened that they did not answer the phone, but they usually called back after some time. I appreciated the fact that I always received a response. This proves that they care about contact with customers, even when they are very busy. Unfortunately, telephone/email replies came from three different people and it happened that a given answer did not actually apply to our specific case. When filing a lawsuit brought by the bank for the return of capital and a fee for non-contractual use, we were wrongly informed that if we used set-off, our lawsuit would be dismissed, which was not true because our lawsuit only concerned the declaration of invalidity, we did not apply for payment of all amounts due. Only after analysis and reaction on our part, the Law Firm confirmed that this course of action did not apply to our case. There were numerous errors in the documents prepared by the Law Firm, specifically: the amount of the claim was incorrect in the reply, and information about the real estate loaned as an „apartment” appeared several times, even though the loan was taken out for a plot of land with construction underway. However, in the application for suspension of payments, the amounts paid were incorrectly calculated and a completely different name of the bank was provided, unrelated to our case. According to For the law firm, all these errors were of a marginal – insignificant nature, because they did not prevent it from winning the case. Indeed, the case was won in the First Instance, but it is difficult to predict how it would have turned out without us checking the documents prepared by the Law Firm. On the plus side, Mr. Paweł prepared us well before the trial and was interrogated – for that I add one star. Due to the mistakes made, I entrusted both the appeal and a separate case regarding the use of capital brought by the bank to another law firm, which in my opinion was a very good decision.
A law firm with professional people. Great communication, every aspect explained in detail, guiding us through every process, professionally representing us as clients. Bound by success at the very end. I recommend.
„The Swiss franc case with Deutsche Bank Polska S.A.”
Dear Law Firm, Attorney Paweł Borowski and all people involved in my case,
Please accept my words of appreciation and gratitude for winning my appeal case! I am very moved by the professionalism of your actions! I have always had a very good contact with you. You answered my questions, so I knew what stage the case was at and what I could expect. You handled my case very well at every stage, making it a SUCCESS! Thank you! You are TOP!
I highly recommend!
A lawsuit against ING ended with a final judgment invalidating a Swiss franc loan in the second instance; in the period from entrusting the case to the Law Firm until the final decision, I could count on professional support, I received answers to all my questions very quickly, and most importantly, in a form that was understandable to me, allowing me to make decisions in situations that required it. Very specific information on further proceedings after obtaining the verdict. THANK YOU VERY MUCH AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Choosing your law firm was a good decision on our part. Professionalism and reliability are the features that can describe your law firm.
Using the services of the Law Firm of Attorney Paweł Borowski from Wrocław turned out to be a breakthrough for me in the case of a loan in Swiss francs. Professionalism, individual approach to the client and deep specialization in Swiss franc matters made me feel safe and competently represented at every stage of the proceedings. Winning the case is due not only to the knowledge but also to the commitment of the entire team. I highly recommend this law firm to anyone struggling with Swiss franc problems.
Before I decided to choose the law firm, I did a lot of research. The choice fell on the Borowski Law Firm, which had the best opinions and did not charge a usurious percentage of the winnings. I will add that three years ago, the verdict won was not as certain as in 2024. I do not regret my choice. Of course, the 3-year battle with the bank ended happily with the cancellation of the loan (I and II installation won), for which I would like to thank all the lawyers involved in the case. Perfect contact, the law firm kept us informed about the progress of the case, provided advice and patiently answered questions. I am very pleased that I chose your company. You are the best professionals. In addition to law firms, there are many pseudo-companies hunting for Swiss franc borrowers, please watch out for compensation offices with limited liability or law firms charging 10-15% of the winnings, everyone talks and promises beautifully, but it is a big risk to take up a bush company. Therefore, to those who are undecided, I can confidently say that I recommend it and that it is one of my best life choices. Thanks to the Borowski Law Firm, I stopped being a modern slave and regained peace. I trusted them again and now they are dealing with formal issues, settlement with the bank and deleting the mortgage from the land and mortgage register. Thank you once again for your help and I wish you every success in your career
The Law Firm of Attorney Paweł Borowski – a lawsuit for the invalidation of a Swiss franc loan against BPH – was chosen by me after many searches. Several law firms had previously refused me, citing the reason for signing the contract with the bank in 2003 – before Poland’s accession to the European Union. After reviewing the contract and annexes, the Borowski Law Firm responded positively and took up the case, winning in the first and second instances. They are true professionals. I felt taken care of at every stage of the process. Every move of the bank was patiently explained to me, and when the bank tried to intimidate me, templates of responses to the bank were prepared for me. I am very impressed with the effectiveness of the Paweł Borowski Law Firm and grateful for leading the case to victory. The consequence is another order in which the Law Firm will deal with formal issues: settlement with the bank and deletion of the mortgage from the land and mortgage register.
With all my heart and great conviction, I recommend this law firm to conduct a lawsuit against unfair contract provisions used by banks in Swiss franc loans at the beginning of the 21st century. The battle lasted three years and was already won. Now I’m waiting for the money back from the bank.
I sincerely recommend the law firm of Mr. Paweł Borowski. The way the case was handled was professional and reliable. Their knowledge of the law and preparation led to the invalidation of the loan agreement in the first instance. The payment terms for representing us were also flexible and competitive. I recommend contacting this law firm to everyone with toxic Swiss franc loans.
I highly recommend this law firm. We entrusted the law firm with handling the case against Deutsche Bank and we have already won against the bank in two instances, so the judgment is now final. We also entrusted the law firm with the matter of settlement with the bank and extracting the mortgage from the land and mortgage register. A few days ago, we finally settled with the bank and we are finally free from the loan with abusive provisions. The whole case lasted 3 years. Once again, I highly recommend it.
I highly recommend the law firm. Paweł Borowski. Despite the long-term process, the office’s employees supervise the case at every stage. I rate the contact very well, they always inform me on time about important activities and I can count on clarification of issues I do not understand. They also help with settlement after the final winnings. I recommend leaving it in the hands of the law firm because we managed to recover everything plus interest in a very efficient way.
Once again, thank you very much for your cooperation!
I highly recommend this law firm which handled our case against the bank before two instances with the best possible result for us, i.e. a final ruling on the invalidity of the loan agreement. It was our very good choice even though we live on the other side of the country. Full professionalism and very good contact allowed for very good cooperation. The whole case lasted 3 years. I will also add that the Law Firm has a transparent, three-page contract and does not charge any other fees or remuneration that are not listed there, and it is possible to pay the remuneration in installments.
Now we have entrusted the Law Firm with further activities related to settling accounts with the bank and withdrawing the mortgage from the land and mortgage register.
We would like to thank the entire staff of the Law Firm and wish you further victories in disputes with banks. Once again, I highly recommend it to those who are undecided!!!
I highly recommend this law firm. Our case was conducted before two instances with a final ruling on the invalidity of the loan agreement. All fees included in the contract. Good contact during the case.
We have now ordered further activities related to settling accounts with the bank and withdrawing the mortgage from the land and mortgage register.
Keep it up.
Very professional and effective legal service in the field of invalidation of a Swiss franc loan against Raiffeisen Bank in both the first and second instance. Of course, the case with the bank was won! Contact with the office was smooth, all matters, doubts, explanations and letters from the bank were answered no later than the next day. The answers and explanations were always factual and clear and left no doubts. I was happy to commission the Law Firm to settle the loan with the bank and delete the mortgage.
The law firm did what it was supposed to do – it won the case with BPH bank, the contact with the law firm was very good, we made the right choice of the law firm. Currently, we use the professional services of the Law Firm to settle the loan and extract from the land and mortgage register.
The case was won in both the first and second instance. Good communication at every stage, I always knew what the next step was and what the possible scenario could be. I received clear answers to all my questions and doubts. I wholeheartedly recommend the law firm.
Very professional and effective legal service in the field of invalidation of a Swiss franc loan against Raiffeisen Bank. Final – of course, invalidation of the contract! Contact with the office was seamless, everything was handled remotely via e-mail. The answers and explanations were always factual and clear. I highly recommend 🙂
I recommend this law firm, I won the case in 11 months, the contract was completely invalidated. I had already repaid the loan many years ago, after repaying the loan in full you can also sue the bank. Banks are increasingly giving up on the second instance, probably due to the overwhelming number of lost cases, which was my case. European Union jurisprudence definitely influences the courts that follow this direction of jurisprudence, hence cases proceed more efficiently, often without the involvement of borrowers, because most of them are similar. The law firm offers transparent settlement conditions, the initial fee may not be the lowest, but it is worth it, because the final settlement does not affect the principal amount, and the final settlement is simple and clear, it only concerns the amount of interest, it is a very safe and comfortable format, as a result, law firms collect lower fee at the start, but ultimately they are not the cheapest. When it comes to contact with clients, the law firm prefers e-mail contact and responds to every inquiry sent this way. Lots of won cases all over Poland, I recommend.
Law Firm Attorney Paweł Borowski has a very professional approach to the case. The case was won in the first and second instance. Exemplary e-mail and telephone contact. Full information on individual stages of the case, along with explanations of any ambiguities related to the legal language in letters sent from the bank. Thank you very much and I wholeheartedly recommend it.
I am very pleased with the cooperation with the Paweł Borowski Law Firm.
Mr. Attorney handled a case involving a loan in Swiss francs.
A professional approach to the case, extensive knowledge, full commitment and availability are the advantages of this law firm. Mr. Attorney Borowski willingly answered all my questions and presented possible solutions.
I chose the law firm of Mr. Paweł Borowski due to its extensive experience in handling Swiss franc loan cases. I wasn’t disappointed. Everything went smoothly and as I expected. I was able to consult and advise at every stage of the case. All complex legal issues were explained to me in a simple way. The proceedings conducted by Mr. Attorney Borowski allowed me to obtain very favorable conditions and win the court case in the first instance.
A law firm is undoubtedly a great choice for anyone who needs professional assistance in legal matters. From my experience
I can say that using the services of such an office allows you to save time and nerves, and also increases the chances of a positive outcome of the case.
My opinion on cooperation with Attorney Paweł Borowski briefly
in 4 points:
– a clear, legible way of explaining legal issues, adapted
to the recipient’s knowledge
– very extensive and extensive knowledge of the case being handled
beyond basic legal issues
– current and quick constant contact
– very high level of commitment, meeting deadlines,
– enormous help and support during the process
Thank you very much and I recommend the Paweł Borowski Law Firm to anyone regarding a loan in Swiss francs.
I recommend the law firm regarding the invalidation of a Swiss franc contract. Full professionalism from the entire team. I put my trust in the office and it has not let me down. The whole thing took a very long time, and finally, after 5 years, we can enjoy the full victory. I recommend it again.
Very professional and effective legal service in the field of invalidation of a Swiss franc loan against Millenium Bank, contact with the law firm was very good. Despite the long-term process, the office’s employees supervise the case at every stage. Today, my settlement with the bank is zero and I am extremely satisfied. I sincerely recommend it!!!
Full professionalism in handling the case, precisely defined remuneration costs for conducting the case in court. High-level cooperation, quick communication of events in the case and providing explanations. Cooperation with the Law Firm is pure pleasure. I recommend it 1000% – a law firm worth recommending, it is worth entrusting your case to a professional.
Very professional and effective legal service in the field of invalidation of a Swiss franc loan against Raiffeisen Bank in both the first and second instance. Of course, the case with the bank was won! Contact with the office was smooth, all matters, doubts, explanations and letters from the bank were answered no later than the next day. The answers and explanations were always factual and clear and left no doubts. I was happy to commission the Law Firm to settle the loan with the bank and delete the mortgage.
In addition to the above opinion – the Law Firm has already settled the loan with the bank: quickly and efficiently. Thank you very much for your cooperation. I recommend the law firm of Mr. Paweł Borowski.
Unfortunately, most of the opinions are inconsistent with my experiences. I do not diminish the knowledge and the number of won cases, especially since in the end I reached a settlement, although the cooperation with the law firm was at a very poor level. Virtually never answered phone calls, 5-6 days of waiting for a response to each e-mail message. The icing on the cake was the fee for appearing in court, which in the case of one of the hearings was limited to turning on the computer remotely by the attorney and waiting three minutes for the case to be suspended. In general, definitely great knowledge and experience, but cooperation and respect for the client at a surprisingly low level
I would like to thank the entire team of Mr. Borowski’s law firm for their full commitment and professionalism in handling the credit case. Knowledge and approach to the client at the highest level. All my doubts and queries were resolved on an ongoing basis. The case was completed successfully in the first instance. With a clear conscience, I recommend the law firm of Mr. Paweł Borowski.
A unique law firm – worth recommending! Qualified support, experience, knowledge, empathy and honest advice allowed our family to be free from a Swiss franc loan. We are extremely grateful for your commitment to the case, multi-dimensional help and patience. We remain highly appreciative of the professionalism and attention to the interests of the represented clients.
I cannot express myself in any other way than in the most positive way towards your office, as everything was transparent and efficient throughout the entire process. I was impressed by your commitment, quick response to all letters from the bank and, of course, the outcome of the case! 🙂 I have already recommended your law firm to several people.
Once again, thank you very much for the positive course and outcome of the entire case!
I must admit that I had doubts whether it would work. But with your help I realized that everything is possible and so it happened 🙂
With respect,
Radosław Rudyk
A law firm worth recommending. Very good e-mail contact with the office employees, everything was well explained and presented. High professionalism and commitment. The case ended successfully for us, for which we would like to thank the entire team. I recommend it wholeheartedly.
Good morning. Ladies and Gentlemen, we are very pleased to thank the lawyer, Mr. Paweł Borowski, and the team of lawyers from the Law Firm who provided us with professional, reliable and effective assistance. It was a great experience for us when the judgment of the Court of Second Instance was read: „the court… rules that the plaintiffs won the case in its entirety…”.
The CHF agreement concluded with Bank Millennium is invalid. Thanks to your expert knowledge and extensive experience, we have 100% success, a final verdict, joy, healthy sleep, no false contracts and a more peaceful tomorrow…
What distinguishes the law firm from others is that it specializes strictly in the operating strategies of the banking sector.
We advise those who still hesitate and are afraid of courts: do not delay! We wholeheartedly recommend the honest, reliable assistance of the Law Firm, which we also received.
Thank you very much for representing us in courts.
We hope that your work as lawyers will always provide you with satisfaction, not only professionally, but also personally.
Milena and Maciej from Bydgoszcz
I decided to cooperate with the Law Firm of Attorney Paweł Borowski in April 2021, despite many – at that time – uncertainty as to the future decision as to whether the loan granted by the bank (for the purchase of a house) in Swiss franc was actually based on a defectively constructed contract. Thanks to the determination and professional support of the Law Firm, after 3.5 years we managed to end the dispute with the bank – with a result that fully satisfied us. From this point, I would like to thank the Law Firm VERY MUCH for its support and I sincerely recommend it to anyone who is hesitating about whether to start such cooperation. Best regards – Łukasz M.
Thanks to all the employees of the Law Firm for professional preparation and handling of the case regarding a loan in CHF. Loan canceled!! I definitely recommend cooperation with the Law Firm – competence and commitment at the highest level. Full professionalism and care at every stage of the case.