4.6 / 5.0
57 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
Osoby Polecające
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Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Na bank Orski Dąbrowska Radcy Prawni s.c. | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
K&L LEGAL Granat i Wspólnicy Sp.k. | Wrocław | sprawdź | |
Kancelaria Adwokacka Oskar Miłoń | Łódź | sprawdź | |
Nie miła, arogancka (brak znajomości słów: proszę, dziękuję, przepraszam). Czuć tą wyższość pełnionej funkcji, a to fatalnie. I te papierosy i związany z tym zapach. Słabo.
Wspaniale wykształcona ,kulturalna i skromna .Cierpliwa i uważna.Profesjonalna.Miła,chociaż adwokat miły być nie musi.
Kompetentna, kulturalna i profesjonalna. Polecam.
Pierwsza opinia w Google i od razu negatywna .
Pani mecenas nie poznałem bo utknęła w szpitalu (zdarza się to nie miało wpływu na negatyw).
Po czym zaproponowano Nam drugą panią mecenas, żebyśmy nie czekali .
Czekamy 15 min po czym wstajemy i dziękujemy i rezygnujemy. A tu nagle wychodzi druga pani mecenas i mówi , że nas przyjmie( cały czas siedząc obok w pokoju przy otwartych drzwiach!)
Gdy podziękowaliśmy zaproponowano Nam czekanie na Panią mecenas która utknęła w szpitalu i nie informując nas kiedy przyjedzie.
Wykonane trzy telefony i w każdym jednym zostałem poinformowany o zabraniu ze sobą gotówki Po telefonie przypominającym o spotkaniu w przeddzień czy wysyłałem dokumenty do analizy…zostawiam bez komentarza.
Słabo bardzo słabo .
First opinion on Google and immediately negative.
I did not recognize the patron because she was stuck in the hospital (sometimes it did not affect the negative).
After which we were offered a second patron lady not to wait.
We wait 15 minutes, then get up and thank you and give up. And here suddenly a second patron lady comes out and says that she will receive us (all the time sitting next to him in the room with the door open!)
When we thanked, we were offered to wait for Ms. Patron who was stuck in the hospital without telling us when he would come.
Three calls were made and in each one I was informed about taking cash with me After a reminder of a meeting the day before or sending documents for analysis … I leave without comment.
Poorly very weakly.
Nie wiem co ten frustrat niżej pisze ale to chyba jakiś troll bankowy musi być. Pani Mecenas prowadzi moją sprawę od kilku lat. Jest jedną z nielicznych, która ma na koncie tyle sukcesów w walce z bankami i jak słyszałem nie tylko.
Moge ze swiojej strony powiedzieć tylko tyle, że zawsze profesjonalnie i zawsze na czas.Dla mnie wzór profesjonajizmu! Daje sześć gwiazdek!
I don’t know what this frustration writes below, but it must be a banking troll. Ms. Patron has been running my case for several years. Is one of the few that has made so many successes in the fight against banks and, as I’ve heard, not only.
I can only say that it is always professional and always on time. For me, a model of professionalism! Gives six stars!
SKUTECZNA-tak zacznę.
Poznałam panią adwokat kilka lat temu , rozpoczynając walkę z bankami. Od tego czasu śpię spokojnie. Czuję się bezpiecznie, zaopiekowana.
Kompetentna, empatyczna, pewna siebie i co najważniejsze- WYGRYWA.
SKUTECZNA-tak zacznę.
Poznałam panią adwokat kilka lat temu , rozpoczynając walkę z bankami. Od tego czasu śpię spokojnie. Czuję się bezpiecznie, zaopiekowana.
Kompetentna, empatyczna, pewna siebie i co najważniejsze- WYGRYWA.
SKUTECZNA-tak zacznę.
Poznałam panią adwokat kilka lat temu , rozpoczynając walkę z bankami. Od tego czasu śpię spokojnie. Czuję się bezpiecznie, zaopiekowana.
Kompetentna, empatyczna, pewna siebie i co najważniejsze- WYGRYWA.
EFFECTIVE – I will start this way.
I met a lawyer a few years ago, starting a fight with banks. I have been sleeping peacefully since then. I feel safe, cared for.
Competent, empathic, confident and most importantly – WINS.
Pani Mecenas prowadzi mi dwie sprawy dotyczące kredytów frankowych i sprawę przeciwko pracodawcy. Jestem bardzo zadowolony z jakości oferowanej usługi i profesjonalizmu pełnomocnika. Absolutnie 5/5
Kancelaria bardzo profesjonalna. Pani mecenas prowadzi moją sprawę przeciwko bankowi. Jest jedynym prawnikiem, który wygrał prawomocnie z Ge Money BPH, wygrana z bardzo trudną umową Fortis Bank i wiele innych wygranych z bankami. Podsumowując , Pani mecenas jest bardzo skutecznym prawnikiem, co w mojej opinii jest dla nas najważniejsze.
The office is very professional. The lawyer is running my case against the bank. He is the only lawyer who won legally against Ge Money BPH, winning with a very difficult Fortis Bank contract and many other wins with banks. In conclusion, your patron is a very effective lawyer, which in my opinion is the most important for us.
Kancelaria bardzo profesjonalna. Pani mecenas prowadzi moją sprawę przeciwko bankowi. Jest jedynym prawnikiem, który wygrał prawomocnie z Ge Money BPH, wygrana z bardzo trudną umową Fortis Bank i wiele innych wygranych z bankami. Podsumowując , Pani mecenas jest bardzo skutecznym prawnikiem, co w mojej opinii jest dla nas najważniejsze.
Witam wszystkich. Panią Mecenas znam od wielu lat. Prowadziła mi dwie dość skomplikowane sprawy i jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług Jej Kancelarii. Panią Mecenas wyróżniają profesjonalizm, empatia oraz indywidualne podejście do sprawy i do klienta. W Kancelarii zawsze panuje bardzo miła atmosfera. Gorąco polecam!!!
Hello all. I have known Ms. Patron for many years. She handled two rather complicated cases for me and I am very satisfied with the services of her office. Ms. Patron is distinguished by professionalism, empathy and an individual approach to the case and the client. The Chancellery always has a very nice atmosphere. I would highly recommend!!!
Unfortunately, I do not recommend it. Lack of professionalism, in my opinion acting to the detriment of the client.
Attorney Broniewicz took up the case as she claimed she won, did not appear at any, sent applicants or proxies. Asking for any information or arranging a meeting with this patron is almost a miracle. Referral to applicants who cannot answer or submit documents for another matter instead of the one being asked about. Perhaps she is good about the francs, I advise against the rest and suggest avoiding it!
Unfortunately, I do not recommend it. Lack of professionalism, in my opinion acting to the detriment of the client.
Attorney Broniewicz took up the case as she claimed she won, did not appear at any, sent applicants or proxies. Asking for any information or arranging a meeting with this patron is almost a miracle. Referral to applicants who cannot answer or submit documents for another matter instead of the one being asked about. Perhaps she is good about the francs, I advise against the rest and suggest avoiding it!
As a week has passed since my last trial, conducted by the Broniewicz-Pasieki law office, out of curiosity, I entered the opinions on Google. I do not know what the law firm Annie Maj has been up to, but so far I have had no problems contacting Kanc. BBP. I always get an answer to e-mails despite asking tiresome questions about my case, there is no problem with getting in touch either. No problem arranging an appointment either. But there are eggs to make a call to the clinic or hospital clinic 🙂 I recommend it. The battery in a new phone is empty after 4h: D
OPINION: the law firm must first of all be effective in a difficult case. And to have final judgments and an idea to deal with the complicated in the most annoying court in Wawa – I and II SO. The attorney spent a lot of time before the hearings, on average up to 2 hours for each meeting, explaining how the case would go. I recommend.
Very professional service. I applied for a real estate case and I can certainly recommend it. Mrs. Patron is a nice and specific person with extensive experience and knowledge.
ONi Mecenas law firm deals with, inter alia, Swiss franc matters, including Fortis bank.
A lawyer with an impeccable opinion.
Brawo trzeba bronić ludzi przed okrucieństwem covidowy. Lecz Pani mecenas … w nowelizacji ustawy – druk 1449 i funduszu kompensacyjnego – NIKT nie odpowiada za skutki szczepienia dobrowolnego, jakim jest szczepienie przeciw covid19.
Proszę się z tym projektem zapoznać. Szczepienia dobrowolne są wyciągnięte z odpowiedzialności i wypłat jakichkolwiek odszkodowań.
Są Państwo na przegranej pozycji od startu.
Bravo you have to defend people from covid cruelty. But Mrs. patron … in the amendment to the act – print 1449 and the compensation fund – NOBODY is responsible for the effects of voluntary vaccination, which is vaccination against covid19.
Please see this project. Voluntary vaccinations are made out of liability and any compensation payments.
You are in a losing position from the start.
Walczyli przez lata, przecierali nieznane ścieżki , ale wybawili mnie od franka. Super ludzie i atmosfera, polecam !!!!
They fought for years, they paved unknown paths, but they saved me from a franc. Great people and atmosphere, I recommend !!!!
Bardzo polecam usługi kancelarii pani Mecenas Beaty Broniewicz-Pasieka. Profesjonalnie, miło i fachowo.
I highly recommend the services of the law firm of Mrs. Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka. Professionally, nice and expertly.
Five years of fighting mBank. The contract is invalid, the judgment is final of December 16, 2021, reference number V ACa 373/19. Full professionalism. Today I applied for a certificate to be removed from the mortgage. Great joy, thanks to my Patron and the rest of the team for a medal. I recommend it with all my heart.
We have been looking for a lawyer for a long time to represent us and after three years of trials (in the first and second instance), I can honestly say that it was worth going from Poznań to Kraków, because the law firm of Mrs. Broniewicz-Pasieka met our expectations.
In 2017/18 we had interviews with several lawyers and even the lawyers who advertised themselves as specialists in pseudo-Swiss franc loans showed very poor knowledge of the problem, and their only motivation to pursue the case was not to seek justice, but only money. The lawyer, as the only lawyer I have encountered, conducted a thorough analysis of this trap intricately set by the bankers (because I have no doubt that the only purpose of the index-linked agreement is speculative earnings on the increase in the franc exchange rate, and not a proposal for a cheaper loan).
Bank Ge Money BPH, after the negative verdict of the Court of Appeal (28-12-2021), does not give up and we will probably be suing it for a few more years.
We are mentally and financially exhausted from this situation, but we have no doubts that the Law Office of Mrs. Broniewicz-Pasieka will do everything right to the end of this case.
Dzisiaj zakończyła się sprawa w pierwszej instancji wyrokiem unieważniającym umowę z Bankiem PKOBP. Dziękuję kancelarii oraz Pani mecenas Magdalenie Barta.
Today the case in the first instance ended with a verdict invalidating the contract with Bank PKOBP. I would like to thank the law firm and Mrs. Magdalena Barta.
Law Firm lawyer Ms. Beata Broniewicz-Apiary deserves the highest score on that particular deserves professionalism, reliability and friendly service. Today tj.02.02.2022r. by the District Court in Bielsko-Biala ref. IC 1436 to 1420, fell a beneficial effect on our credit „francs” in Bank BPH. Our contract has been canceled !!!!
Additional words of praise for Mrs. Magdalena Bart lawyer representing us before the Court 🙂
Mam tylko dobre doświadczenia związane z Kancelarią i Panią Mecenas Beatą Broniewicz. Prowadzi naszą sprawę (kredyt frankowy) od kilku lat, parę dni temu zapadł w sądzie drugiej instancji werdykt na naszą korzyść. Pani Mecenas podjęła się naszej sprawy w czasie, kiedy nawet wśród prawników nie było powszechnej wiedzy na temat czym naprawdę są kredyty frankowe. Od początku mam poczucie staranności i dbałości ze strony Kancelarii. Nie ma problemu z kontaktem, również osobistym jeśli potrzebuję. Profesjonalizm Kancelarii i Pani Mecenas nie budzi wątpliwości, ale to co Państwa moim zdaniem szczególnie wyróżnia to podejście do klienta – sympatyczne i bezpośrednie. Dla znękanego ,,Frankowicza” poczucie, że jest podmiotem dla którego chce się uzyskać sprawiedliwość jest bezcenne.
I only have good experiences with the Law Firm and Mrs. Beata Broniewicz. He has been conducting our case (loan in Swiss francs) for several years, a few days ago a verdict was passed in a court of second instance in our favor. Mrs. Patron took up our case at a time when even among lawyers there was no common knowledge about what Swiss franc loans really are. From the beginning, I have a sense of diligence and care on the part of the Law Firm. There is no problem with contact, also personal, if I need to. The professionalism of the Law Firm and Mrs. Patron is beyond doubt, but what, in your opinion, is particularly distinguished by the approach to the client – nice and direct. For the tormented „Frankowicz”, the feeling that he is the subject for whom one wants to obtain justice is priceless.
I only have good experiences with the Law Firm and Mrs. Beata Broniewicz. He has been conducting our case (loan in Swiss francs) for several years, a few days ago a verdict was passed in a court of second instance in our favor. Mrs. Patron took up our case at a time when even among lawyers there was no common knowledge about what Swiss franc loans really are. From the beginning, I have a sense of diligence and care on the part of the Law Firm. There is no problem with contact, also personal if I need to. The professionalism of the law firm and the attorney is beyond doubt, but what, in your opinion, is particularly distinguished by the approach to the client – nice and direct. For the tormented „Frankowicz”, the feeling that he is the subject for whom one wants to obtain justice is priceless.
I have only good experiences with the Law Firm and Mrs. Beata Broniewicz, Attorney-at-law. He has been handling our case (franc loan) for several years, a few days ago a verdict was issued in our favor in the court of second instance. Mrs. Attorney took up our case at a time when, even among lawyers, there was no common knowledge about what Swiss franc loans really are. From the very beginning, I have had a sense of diligence and care on the part of the Law Firm. There is no problem with contact, also in person if needed. The professionalism of the Law Firm and Mrs. Attorney is beyond doubt, but what in your opinion is particularly distinctive is the approach to the client – friendly and direct. For the harassed „Frankowicz”, the feeling that he is the subject for whom justice is sought is priceless.
I have only good experiences with the Law Firm and Mrs. Beata Broniewicz, Attorney-at-law. He has been handling our case (franc loan) for several years, a few days ago a verdict was issued in our favor in the court of second instance. Mrs. Attorney took up our case at a time when, even among lawyers, there was no common knowledge about what Swiss franc loans really are. From the very beginning, I have had a sense of diligence and care on the part of the Law Firm. There is no problem with contact, also in person if needed. The professionalism of the Law Firm and Mrs. Attorney is beyond doubt, but what in your opinion is particularly distinctive is the approach to the client – friendly and direct. For the harassed „Frankowicz”, the feeling that he is the subject for whom justice is sought is priceless.
Mogę polecić z czystym sumieniem. Z Panią Mecenas wygraliśmy z mBankiem proces o unieważnienie kredytu frankowego. W dwóch instancjach. Mam prawomocny wyrok. Ale jeszcze się nie rozstajemy bo teraz bank pozwał mnie. Kancelaria będzie mnie reprezentowała. Ściągnąłem do kancelarii Pani Mecenas kilka osób i wszyscy są zadowoleni. Tak, jak ja. Bez wahania daję 5 gwiazdek
I can recommend it with a clear conscience. With Mrs. In two instances. I have a final judgment. But we are not parting yet because now the bank has sued me. The law firm will represent me. I invited a few people to the Law Firm, and everyone is satisfied. Just like me. I have no hesitation in giving it 5 stars
A very professional approach to the client, professional service of Mrs. Beata and the entire team. I recommend the office to all my friends and family thanks to people such as the entire attorney’s team at P. Beaty Broniewicz Pasieka, faith in people returns, faith that law is for people returns. that you can fight the sluggish practices of banks and you can beat them. Thank you to the whole team and I wish you further success. Regards. Special greetings to Mrs. Beata.
I recommend the Law Firm. A case of francs won. Very professional preparation and representation. To my knowledge, the law firm specializes in, inter alia, in financial matters – they won polysolocates and franc cases before it was even fashionable. I recommend it for franc matters – the law firm has extensive experience and it is worth choosing its services.
With full conviction, I can recommend the office of Mrs. Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka. In the course of cooperation with the law firm, we have always met with understanding and full professionalism, but also with great kindness. Mrs. Patron always found time for us when we had doubts that we wanted to discuss personally. The documents were prepared on time, and the attorney herself and the lawyers representing us from the office were always very well prepared. I can only recommend. I am glad that we found our way to this law firm.
With full conviction, I can recommend the law office of Mrs. Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka. In the course of cooperation with the law firm, we have always met with understanding and full professionalism, but also with great kindness. Mrs. Patron always found time for us when we had doubts that we wanted to discuss personally. The documents were prepared on time, and the lawyer herself as well as the lawyers representing us from the office were always very well prepared. I can only recommend. I am glad that we found our way to this law firm.
Jak dla mnie to jest kancelaria na medal! Pani mecenas wzięła się za moją sprawę jeszcze w czasach, gdy nie wiadomo było co i jak robić. I zrobiła to perfect! Miałem dwie sprawy o unieważnienie umowy frankowej, jedną już wygrałem całkowicie w II instancji i bank zwrócił kasę, a w drugiej sprawie jestem po I instancji i umowa unieważniona. Została jeszcze apelacja. Wykonują oni masę wspaniałej pracy i walczą do końca! Polecam nie tylko Panią Mecenas, ale także jej współpracowników, w szczególności miałem głównie kontakt z mec. Patryk Kopka, wspaniale przygotowany do każdej rozprawy, i który mnie też przygotowywał na rozprawy. Zawsze miałem wszystko na czas. Polecam! Pozdrawiam! Dziękuję!
As for me, this is a prestigious law firm! The attorney-at-law took up my case at a time when it was not known what and how to do it. And she made it perfect! I had two cases for the annulment of the Swiss franc contract, I won one completely in the second instance and the bank returned the money, and in the second case I am in the first instance and the contract is canceled. There is still an appeal. They do a great job and fight to the end! I recommend not only Ms Patryk, but also her associates, in particular I had contact mainly with Patryk Kopka, who was excellently prepared for each hearing and who also prepared me for the hearings. I always had everything on time. I recommend! Regards! Thank you!
As for me, this is a medal office! The attorney-at-law took up my case at a time when it was not known what and how to do it. And she made it perfect! I had two cases for annulment of the Swiss franc contract, I won one completely in the second instance and the bank returned the money, and in the second case I am in the first instance and the contract has been annulled. There is still an appeal. They do a great job and fight to the end! I recommend not only Ms Patryk, but also her associates, in particular I had contact mainly with Patryk Kopka, who was excellently prepared for each hearing and who also prepared me for the hearings. I always had everything on time. I recommend! Regards! Thank you!
As for me, this is a law firm for a medal! Your attorney took up my case even at a time when it was not known what to do and how to do it. And she made it perfect! I had two cases for cancellation of a franc contract, one I already won completely in the second instance and the bank returned the money, and in the second case I am after the first instance and the contract is invalidated. There is still an appeal. They do a lot of great work and fight to the end! I recommend not only Mrs. Attorney-at-law, but also her co-workers, in particular I had contact mainly with Patryk Kopka, attorney, who was perfectly prepared for each trial and who also prepared me for trials. I always had everything on time. I recommend! Regards! Thank you!
Zarówno sprawy prywatne, jak i związane z moja firmą powierzyłam Pani Mecenas. Pierwszy sukces za nami, wyrok na moja korzyść właśnie się uprawomocnił. W mojej ocenie otrzymałam profesjonalna i rzetelną obsługę prawną. Na samym początku uzyskałam informacje o możliwościach i ryzyku każdej ze spraw. Polecam Państwu Kancelarie, z która ja współpracuje już od 3 lat.
I entrusted both private matters and matters related to my company to Ms Patron. The first success is behind us, the sentence in my favor has just become final. In my opinion, I received professional and reliable legal services. At the very beginning, I learned about the possibilities and risks of each case. I recommend you the Law Firm with which I have been cooperating for 3 years.
Bardzo profesjonalna i zaangażowana kancelaria. Dobry kontakt, ludzkie podejście do człowieka. Zawsze pomogą, doradzą, odpowiedzą na czas. Jak dla mnie na medal! Polecam serdecznie!
A very professional and committed law firm. Good contact, a human approach to people. They will always help, advise, answer on time. For me, a medal! I heartily recommend!
I had a consultation with Ms Gębarska, consultation 250 PLN Net, and not enough that Ms Patron was unable to answer most of my questions, she also provided me with untrue information, which I later verified in court. In addition, the rooms lack any air conditioning or fans, which is simply unprofessional in over 30-degree heat. In my opinion, I recommend looking for another office.
I had a consultation with Ms Gębarska, consultation 250 PLN Net, and not enough that Ms Counsel could not answer most of my questions, she also provided me with untrue information, which I later verified in court. In addition, the rooms lack any air conditioning or fans, which is simply unprofessional in over 30-degree heat. In my opinion, I recommend looking for another office.
Referring to the answer below:
– all allegations are untrue, maybe I have been mistaken for another person or the law firm is trying to whiten its image
– in fact, I was not finally charged with the costs, but when I left the office, I was informed that I should wait for the bill. I only find out about the lack of this fee from here.
5 stars is definitely not enough – if I could, I would give twice as much. Pure professionalism, excellent contact with the Law Firm and customer support all the time – these are just a few of the many advantages. We recently won the bank in the First Instance and we have been fighting for several years. Attorney Broniewicz is a person full of energy and kindness, and a great lawyer who assesses the situation very accurately – I could not find a better place! Thank you, Mrs. Patron and the whole team for the effort and help so far – you are simply excellent !!!!!!! Best of the best …. !!!!
5 stars is definitely not enough – if it were possible I would give it twice as much. Professionalism in its purest form, excellent contact with the Law Firm and customer support all the time – these are just a few of many advantages. We recently won with the bank in the First Instance and we have been fighting for several years. Attorney Broniewicz is a person full of energy and kindness, and a great lawyer who accurately assesses the situation – I couldn’t have found a better place! Thank you Mrs. Patron and the whole team for the effort and help so far – you are simply excellent!!!!!!! Best of the best….!!!!
A trustworthy law firm. A case in francs won – cancellation of the contract. Professionalism, knowledge, commitment, and above all, very good contact with the office and assistance at every stage. Formalities are carried out efficiently and to the point. Mr. Mec. Kopka – expert, professional, always super prepared for the case – I recommend it.
Since 2017, Ms Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka has been my lawyer in a psuedofranowa case with a bank. Master in her role !!! Agreement is invalid, the bank’s appeal is rejected, the Supreme Court has not accepted the cassation appeal for examination – 08-2022. What more could you want? I heartily recommend Mrs. Patron
From 2017, Attorney Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka was my attorney in a pseudo-franc case with a bank. Master in her role!!! The contract is invalid, the bank’s appeal is rejected, the Supreme Court did not accept the cassation appeal for consideration – 08-2022. What more could you want? I heartily recommend Ms
A 5-company law firm with a plus. I recommend it with a clear conscience. He always receives answers to the questions that bother me, and as I am an inquisitive client, I admire the patience of people working there. Ms Beatka and Ms Maciej always help and often helped me solve really difficult matters.
Many thanks to Mrs. Patron and the entire Law Firm for the professionally conducted and won case of the Swiss franc agreement. Professional and friendly service and reliable knowledge, I heartily recommend! Regards
Fantastic law firm completely new standards of customer service. The highest level and satisfaction guaranteed. Full professionalism and a sure win.
We recommend the services of the law firm.
Thanks to your lawyer, we won the „franc” case. Full professionalism. RECOMMENDED!
I wholeheartedly recommend the legal services offered by the Law Office and Mrs. Attorney. Since 2017, Attorney Broniewicz-Pasieka has been handling our case for a Swiss franc loan. A few days ago we obtained a positive verdict from the Court of First Instance – this is a huge success for us. We would like to thank you very much and we recommend cooperation with Mrs. Broniewicz-Pasieka and Mrs. Magdalena Antos, as well as with the entire team of the law firm, full of professionalism and a human approach.
I wholeheartedly recommend the legal services offered by the Law Firm and the attorney. Since 2017, Attorney Broniewicz-Pasieka has been handling our Swiss franc loan case. A few days ago, we received a positive judgment from the Court of First Instance – this is a huge success for us. We would like to thank everyone and recommend cooperation full of professionalism and human approach with Mrs. Broniewicz-Pasieka and Mrs. Magdalena Antos and with the entire team of the law firm.
I wholeheartedly recommend the legal services offered by the Law Firm and the attorney. Since 2017, Attorney Broniewicz-Pasieka has been handling our Swiss franc loan case. A few days ago, we received a positive judgment from the Court of First Instance – this is a huge success for us. We would like to thank everyone and recommend cooperation full of professionalism and a human approach with Mrs. Broniewicz-Pasieka and Mrs. Magdalena Antos and with the entire team of the law firm.
Professional legal assistance. Good and quick contact with lawyers. Specialists in loans in Swiss francs. I highly recommend it. Anita Sokołowska
For as long as I remember, the words: lawyer, law firm, patron have been associated with a cold, incomprehensible entity that speaks a foreign language. The law firm of Attorney Broniewicz Pasieki changed everything. Each conversation conveys a clear message, warm and cordial treatment and professional service. I highly recommend it to everyone. A few days ago we received a positive verdict. I am delighted with the work, approach and commitment. 10 out of 10 – literally!
Attorney Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka is a person worth recommending to anyone who wants professional and reliable help in cases that others thought were unwinnable. Professional approach, high personal culture, conscientiousness. He refers to topics discussed in such a delicate area as divorce professionally and very calmly, empathically, and with high culture, treating all people involved. He always has time to provide advice, whether by e-mail, telephone or in person. I wholeheartedly recommend the services of the attorney and her office – full professionalism, great knowledge and self-confidence. I wish there were more people like this with passion, commitment and willingness to help. Thank you very much.
Professionalism and personal culture, in every detail! The attorney is able to find solutions to difficult cases. Conscientiousness and diligence. He never gives up. I highly, highly recommend it!
Professional approach to a family matter. Attorney Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka approaches the client individually and supports them in difficult situations. Thank you very much.
We highly recommend the legal services provided to the company by the law firm of Attorney Beata Broniewicz Pasieki. Professional preparation of contracts and legal documentation of the facility. Great contact with both the attorney and the entire team working in the office.
A trustworthy law firm. Won the franc case – invalidation of the contract. Professionalism, knowledge, commitment.
We have it ! We won in the 1st and 2nd Instance! I recommend the law firm of Attorney Broniewicz, on whom we could always count. Professional assistance, legal care, professional approach and preparation are just a few of the advantages of the Law Firm and its entire Team. Very good contact, quick reactions, analyzes and recommendations allowed us to go through the entire process stress-free. On behalf of our family, Thank you!
We got it! We won in the 1st and 2nd Instance! I recommend the law firm of Attorney Broniewicz, on whom we could always count. Professional assistance, legal care, professional approach and preparation are just a few of the advantages of the Law Firm and its entire Team. Very good contact, quick reactions, analyzes and recommendations allowed us to go through the entire process stress-free. On behalf of our family, Thank you!
I highly and sincerely recommend the Law Office of Attorney Beata Broniewicz Pasieki! Professionalism and expertise, as well as a reliable and responsible approach to the client, always immediate contact, kindness and readiness to explain complex legal issues in an understandable way. The result is efficiency and a happy win in the CHF case. It is worth adding the commitment and support of the entire Team and great determination, which makes you feel important and really taken care of :-). Thank you very much and I recommend it!
Chcielibysmy wyrazic gleboka radosc i podziekowanie wszystkim pracownikom z Kancelarii Beata Broniewicz Pasieka
w Krakowie za fachowa pomoc i szczesliwe zakonczenie naszej sprawy z Bankiem PKO BP w szczegolnosci Pania aplikant adwokacka Monice Bochenczak , ktora finalizowala nasze rozliczenie z Bankiem
Wygrana sprawa wywarla ogromny wplyw na nasze zycie i zmienilo je na lepsze.
Chetnie polecamy uslugi tej Kancelarii innym osobom ktore moga potrzebowac pomocy prawnej zwiazanej z Bankiem o rozliczenie frankowe
Z podziekowaniem i powazaniem Ludwik Grochola
We would like to express our deep joy and thanks to all employees of the Beata Broniewicz Pasieka Law Firm
in Krakow for professional help and successful conclusion of our case with PKO BP Bank, in particular lawyer trainee Monika Bochenczak, who finalized our settlement with the Bank
Winning the case had a huge impact on our lives and changed them for the better.
We are happy to recommend the services of this law firm to other people who may need legal assistance related to a bank settlement in Swiss francs.
YOU ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!
With thanks and regards, Ludwik Grochola
I recommend it wholeheartedly!
Thanks to the Law Firm’s team, we won a case involving a loan in Swiss francs with the bank. The case was exceptionally complicated due to certain conditions. Professionalism throughout. I am extremely grateful to the entire team of the Law Firm for obtaining a positive result in my case. The attorney handling my case was always available, ready to look for solutions, and willing to dispel my doubts. Thank you very much for bringing the matter to a happy ending!
My adventure with the Law Firm of Mrs. Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka began in 2019 and ended today, with a happy solution for me in the form of a signed settlement with the bank after negotiating favorable terms. Of course, the above-mentioned success would not have been possible without previously winning a court hearing during which I was represented by an employee of this law firm. I am very pleased with the cooperation, contact and approach of all the office’s employees and grateful for the hard and consistent work that Mrs. Beata and her team put into preparing the lawsuits and then conducting the entire case. Professionalism, reliability, conscientiousness, full commitment and patience in translating legal phrases are the distinguishing features that I could use to describe our cooperation over the last 5 years. I am very grateful to the law firm for restoring faith in the basic sense of justice and hope that it can be successful, which resulted in the fact that today I can breathe a sigh of relief by freeing myself from this credit obligation. I recommend everyone to use the services of the law firm of Mrs. Beata Broniewicz-Pasieka because they guarantee that the case will reach a successful and happy ending for the borrower. Thank you very much again for your help.