4.2 / 5.0
33 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
Osoby Polecające
Opinie Pozytywne
Opinie Negetywne
Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Na bank Orski Dąbrowska Radcy Prawni s.c. | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
K&L LEGAL Granat i Wspólnicy Sp.k. | Wrocław | sprawdź | |
Kancelaria Adwokacka Oskar Miłoń | Łódź | sprawdź | |
Nie polecam. Kontakt dobry tylko do podpisania umowy. Przez cały okres umowy żaden z radców z upoważnienia nie zamienił że mną słowa telefonicznie czy nawet przez e-mail. Po czasie 2,5 roku oczekiwania i odrzuceniu pozwu przez sąd (uważam że z winy kancelarii) i próbie zerwania umowy, straszenie dodatkowymi kosztami wyssanymi z palca. Proszę omijać szerokim łukiem. Skuteczni są tylko medialnie, by zdobyć klienta.
nie polecam
Nie polecam, szczęśliwie skończyło się tylko na mailach. Jakaś kobieta o nazwisku Hillburger będąca w składzie spółki Korpalski podała mi horrendalne stawki oddzielnie za przygotowanie pozwu, oddzielnie za analizę, oddzielnie za każde stawiennictwo w sądzie, wreszcie oddzielnie za każdą instancję, ponadto 10 procent od wygranej w sprawie frankowej, przypomina to działanie jakiejś firmy odszkodowawczej a nie adwokatów.
Wielu prawników uważa, że z dnia na dzień stanie się specjalistami od spraw kredytów frankowych, ale żeby robić to dobrze trzeba mieć wieloletnie doświadczenie. Mecenas Korpalski jest świetnym fachowcem, a dodatkowo człowiekiem przemiłym i kulturalnym. Ma umiarkowane stawki i świetny stosunek jakości do ceny. Szczerze polecam tą kancelarię.
Bardzo profesjonalna Kancelaria. Kompetentni pracownicy. Kancelaria zaprasza interesantów na spotkania z mecenasami na których można zasięgnąć rady, oraz wypytać mecenasów o wszelkie szczegóły. Cena również przyzwoita (z resztą nawet gdyby nie, to wysokie kompetencje są w cenie). Podoba mi się kultura korespondencji mailowej z klientem.
Kancelaria reprezentuje mnie w pozwie tzw. frankowym przeciwko bankowi. Wygraliśmy w I instancji odfrankowienie umowy bez problemów. Mecenas Mariusz Korpalski jest osobą kompetentną i z ogromną wiedzą w tym temacie. Odjęta jedna gwiazdka za brak na bieżąco od kancelarii informacji o przebiegu sprawy chociażby drogą e-mail. Żeby wiedzieć co się dzieje, jakie pisma składa bank do sądu lub jaką opinię wydała dodatkowo powołana biegła oraz jakie mogą być tego konsekwencje , trzeba zadzwonić do kancelarii.
We represent me in a lawsuit so. frankowym against the bank. We won in the first instance odfrankowienie contract without problems. Patron Mariusz Korpalski and is a competent person with vast knowledge in this topic. Deducted one star for the lack of firm-to-date information about the progress of the case even by e-mail. To know what is happening, which consists of the bank letter to the court or that the opinion issued additionally appointed ran and what the consequences may be, you need to call the office.
The law firm represents me in the so-called against the bank. We won the unfranking of the contract in the first instance without any problems. Attorney Mariusz Korpalski is a competent person with extensive knowledge in this subject. One star deducted for the lack of up-to-date information from the law firm about the course of the case, even by e-mail. To know what is going on, what letters the bank submits to the court or what opinion the additionally appointed expert issued and what the consequences may be, you need to call the law firm.
The law firm represents me in the so-called against the bank. We won the unfranking of the contract in the first instance without any problems. Attorney Mariusz Korpalski is a competent person with extensive knowledge on this topic. One star was deducted for the lack of up-to-date information from the law firm about the progress of the case, even by e-mail. To know what is happening, what documents the bank submits to the court or what opinion the additionally appointed expert issued and what the consequences may be, you need to call the law firm.
The law firm represents me in the so-called lawsuit. Swiss francs against the bank. We won the defrancification of the contract without any problems in the first instance. Attorney Mariusz Korpalski is a competent person with extensive knowledge on this topic. One star was deducted for the lack of up-to-date information from the law firm about the progress of the case, even by e-mail. To know what is happening, what documents the bank submits to the court or what opinion the additionally appointed expert issued and what the consequences may be, you need to call the law firm.
Współpracuję z kancelarią Komarnicka i Korpalski od kilku lat. Usługi tej kancelarii są na bardzo wysokim poziomie! Pełny profesjonalizm, spora wiedza, szybki i sprawny kontakt, a co najważniejsze – skuteczność! Dziś wygraliśmy w drugiej instancji!!! Dziękuję bardzo wszystkim, którzy się przyłożyli do tej wygranej! Polecam gorąco!
I have been cooperating with Komarnicka and Korpalski law firms for several years. The services of this office are at a very high level! Full professionalism, considerable knowledge, quick and efficient contact, and most importantly – effectiveness! Today we won in the second instance !!! Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to this win! I recommend highly!
Mec. M.Korpalski reprezentuje mnie w pozwie frankowym przeciwko bankowi. Jest osobą bardzo kompetentną, posiadającą dużą wiedzę i doświadczenie w procesach przeciwko instytucjom finansowym. Polecam tym, którzy decydują się na proces i walkę o swoje pieniądze i swój majątek.
Mec. M. Korpalski represents me in the franc lawsuit against the bank. He is a very competent person with extensive knowledge and experience in proceedings against financial institutions. I recommend to those who decide to trial and fight for their money and their property.
Kancelaria prowadzi od 2016 r naszą sprawę przeciwko mBank. Wygrana w pierwszej instancji oraz w sądzie apelacyjnym (Łódź) to niewątpliwie wynik profesjonalnej pracy kancelarii, wyboru właściwej strategii, argumentacji w pozwach i towarzyszącej korespondencji oraz wyważonej podstawy na rozprawach i podczas przesłuchań. Widać, że kancelaria ma duże doświadczenie w sprawach kredytów frankowych, sprawy prowadzi rzetelnie, na bieżąco śledzi zapadające wyroki i adaptuje je w swojej argumentacji przed sądem. Uczciwie trzyma się zapisów umowy z klientami, ale klienci nie mający dotąd doświadczenia z takimi procesami powinni dokładnie dopytać o wszystkie koszty np sądowe, rzeczoznawców i różnych innych opłat towarzyszących (administracyjnych, reprezentacji itp). Jedyne co uważam za mały minus współpracy to bardzo skąpe informowanie klienta o podejmowanych działaniach, pismach przychodzących i wychodzących, na co czekamy, na co liczymy, jaką podejmujemy strategię, kiedy upływa termin na to czy na tamto itp. Jednak to na co liczy każdy frankowicz walczący z prawniczą machiną bankową to skuteczność, a tego kancelarii duetu Komarnicka – Korpalski odmówić nie można.
The Law Firm has been running our case against mBank since 2016. Winning at first instance and in the court of appeal (Łódź) is undoubtedly the result of the professional work of the law firm, the selection of the right strategy, arguments in lawsuits and accompanying correspondence as well as a balanced basis at hearings and during hearings. It can be seen that the law firm has extensive experience in franc loans, it conducts cases reliably, keeps track of passing judgments and adapts them in its argumentation in court. He honestly adheres to the provisions of the contract with clients, but clients who have no previous experience with such processes should thoroughly inquire about all costs, e.g. court costs, appraisers and various other accompanying fees (administrative, representation, etc.). The only thing I consider a small minus of cooperation is very scanty informing the client about the actions taken, incoming and outgoing letters, what we are waiting for, what we are counting on, what strategy we are taking, when the deadline for this or that expires, etc. However, what counts is every franchise fighting the legal banking machine is efficiency, and this law firm of the Komarnicka – Korpalski duo cannot be denied.
The law firm has been handling our case against mBank since 2016. The win in the first instance and in the court of appeal (Łódź) is undoubtedly the result of the law firm’s professional work, the choice of the right strategy, argumentation in lawsuits and accompanying correspondence, as well as a balanced basis at hearings and during hearings. It can be seen that the law firm has extensive experience in matters of CHF loans, conducts cases diligently, monitors the judgments on an ongoing basis and adapts them in its argumentation before the court. He honestly sticks to the provisions of the contract with clients, but clients who have no experience with such processes so far should carefully ask about all costs, e.g. court costs, appraisers and various other accompanying fees (administrative, representation, etc.). The only thing I consider a small minus of cooperation is very limited information to the client about the actions taken, incoming and outgoing letters, what we are waiting for, what we are counting on, what strategy we are adopting, when the deadline for this or that expires, etc. However, what every franchise holder counts on fighting the legal banking machine is efficiency, and this law firm of the duo Komarnicka – Korpalski cannot be denied.
The law firm has been handling our case against mBank since 2016. The victory in the first instance and in the court of appeal (Łódź) is undoubtedly the result of the law firm’s professional work, the choice of the right strategy, argumentation in the lawsuits and accompanying correspondence, and a balanced basis at hearings and during hearings. It is clear that the law firm has extensive experience in Swiss franc loans, conducts cases reliably, constantly monitors the judgments issued and adapts them in its arguments before the court. The provisions of the contract with clients are honestly adhered to, but clients who have no experience with such processes should carefully ask about all costs, e.g. court costs, appraisers and various other accompanying fees (administrative, representation, etc.). The only thing that I consider a small disadvantage of cooperation is very little information to the client about the actions taken, incoming and outgoing letters, what we are waiting for, what we are counting on, what strategy we are undertaking, when the deadline for this or that expires, etc. However, this is what every Swiss franc borrower counts on fighting against the banking legal machine means effectiveness, and this cannot be denied to the law firm of the Komarnicka-Korpalski duo.
I recommend
Nice office
Pozew złożony w 2019 i nic…zmiany prawników zajmujących się sprawą. Zupełny brak bieżącej informacji od Kancelarii co i jak. Jeśli się nie dopominasz o wiadomości – to nic nie wiesz. Uważam ze mogłoby być rzetelniej.
Lawsuit filed in 2019 and nothing … change of lawyers dealing with the case. Complete lack of current information from the Law Firm what and how. If you don’t ask for a message, you don’t know anything. I believe that it could be more reliable.
W 2014 złożony pozew zbiorowy przeciwko Getinbank. Był ping-pong z Giertychem. W 2017 propozycja przejścia na hybrydowy. Złożony w grudniu 2017. Po 4 latach ciągle w I instancji. Brak informacji z kancelarii co się dzieje, co robić i co dalej.
In 2014, a class action was filed against Getinbank. There was ping-pong with Giertyk. In 2017, a proposal to switch to a hybrid. Filed in December 2017. After 4 years, still in the first instance. Lack of information from the office what is happening, what to do and what to do next.
Fantastic law firm. Thanks to them, I won the case of franc with PKO! Professional and very reliable. I recommend – we have been cooperating for 5 years without problems.
Fantastic law firm. Thanks to them, I won the case of franc with PKO! Professional and very reliable. I recommend – we have been cooperating for 5 years without problems.
Fantastic law firm. Thanks to them, I won Frank’s case with PKO! Professional and very reliable. I recommend – we worked together for 5 years without any problems.
Nice ladies assistants, they take care of the matter immediately. Of course how is that possible. Sweet treat for guests.
Nice ladies assistants, they take care of the matter immediately. Of course how is that possible. Sweet treat for guests.
Complete lack of contact with the client. Replies to emails left unrecognized for many months. Attempting to contact us by phone ends with the same „person who is dealing with the case is on vacation” – and has been for a year or so. In conclusion, a total disregard for the client. I do not recommend.
Complete lack of customer contact. Replies to emails left unrecognized for many months. Attempting to contact the phone each time ends with the same „the person who deals with the case is on vacation” – and more or less for a year. In short, total disregard for the customer. I do not recommend.
Complete lack of contact with the client. Replies to emails left unrecognized for many months. An attempt to contact us by phone always ends with „the person handling the matter is on vacation” – and has been like this for about a year. To sum up, total disregard for the customer. I do not recommend.
Very professional service.
The law firm is recommendable and well-known, but for the client it is equally important who is handling the case. Many thanks to Dorota Strzesak, attorney at law, for her professionalism and understanding approach. The result – today’s win in the first instance of SO in Poznań.
The law firm is recommendable and well-known, but for the client it is equally important who handles the case. A big thank you to legal advisor Dorota Strzesak for her professionalism and understanding approach. The result – today’s victory in the first instance of the District Court in Poznań.
Class action lawsuit against BPH 9 years ago – and still nothing. I lost hope. Yes, after several years of „freezing the case”, the law firm suggested switching to an individual lawsuit, of course on much more demanding financial terms, which I did not take advantage of. The failure of the class action is probably due to a combination of unfavorable circumstances and not only to the competence of the law firm’s employees, but it is still disappointing.
Class action lawsuit against BPH 9 years ago – and still nothing. I lost hope. Yes, after several years of „freezing the case”, the law firm suggested switching to an individual lawsuit, of course on much more demanding financial terms, which I did not take advantage of. The failure of the class action is probably due to a combination of unfavorable circumstances and not only to the competence of the law firm’s employees, but it is still disappointing.
The Komarnicka Korpalski law firm handled my Swiss franc case against BPH. I started with a collective lawsuit and later I took advantage of the Law Firm’s offer and switched to an individual lawsuit. It took a while, but it was not the fault of the Law Firm (pandemic, and in the meantime waiting for the judgments and judgments of the CJEU and the Supreme Court). The attorney who handled my case demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of the law as well as courtesy and professionalism. I had information about what had been done and what stage of the case we were at. Each time I received additional information by e-mail if I wished it. I think that the law firm is the best of all the ones I looked at before I made up my mind and chose this one over another and I don’t regret it. Attorney Korpalski, with whom I spoke at the beginning, promised that the case could be won and he was not wrong. Currently, I have completed the appeal case which took place on April 10, 2024 and I have already received money from BPH Bank. I am grateful to the Komarnicka Korpalski Law Firm for taking on this case and for the time of cooperation, and I would like to thank everyone for their effort and professionalism. I wish all the Law Firm’s employees every success in their professional and personal lives. I recommend the best law firm under the sun to all undecided Swiss franc borrowers and you will not regret it.