4.5 / 5.0
138 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
Osoby Polecające
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Opinie Negetywne
Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Kancelaria Barbara Garlacz | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
ADWOKAT PAWEŁ BOROWSKI | Wrocław | sprawdź | |
Na bank Orski Dąbrowska Radcy Prawni s.c. | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
The law firm has been handling my cases for a long time. Regardless of which lawyer is dealing with my case, it is always conducted professionally and very carefully. It is the first law firm where I always get full information on every phone call, lawyers are available on the phone and contact is generally very easy. In court, lawyers represent me very well, we have won cases and pending cases, which in my opinion forecast very well.
The law firm has been handling my cases for a long time. Regardless of which lawyer deals with my case, it is always handled professionally and thoroughly. This is the first law firm where I always get full information on every call, lawyers are available by phone and generally contact is very easy. In court, the lawyers represent me very well, we have won cases and pending cases which, in my opinion, are very good.
Mistrzowska kancelaria. Rozbili mojego oprawcę czyli Raiffeisen Bank Polska w drobny mak. Udowodnili, że w ich umowie są klauzule których stosować nie wolno przez co wygraliśmy sprawę. Sprawa dotyczyła kredytu w pseudofrankach. Polecam jeśli macie podobny problem ta kancelaria to bardzo słuszny wybór!
Master Chancellery. They smashed my tormentor, Raiffeisen Bank Polska, to pieces. They proved that in their contract there are clauses that are not allowed to be used, which is why we won the case. The case concerned a loan in pseudo-frances. If you have a similar problem, I recommend this office is the right choice!
Bardzo kompetentny prawnik. Ogromna wiedza o frankowych kredytach, reprezentacja w sprawie od początku do końca skuteczna i zakończona na naszą korzyść. Gorąco Polecam
Kancelaria zainteresowana szczegolnie portfelem klienta. Nie udziela nawet telefonicznej informacji (wstepnej, ogolnej) bez wczesniejszej wplaty 250 pln. Nie polecam!
Współpracowałem w życiu z kilkoma kancelariami ale ta jest zdecydowanie najlepsza. Obsluga na bardzo wysokim poziomie.
Jestem ogromnie wdzieczna prawnikom z kancelarii Sosnowski za pomoc w wygraniu mojej sprawy frankowej, profesjonalnizm i skutecznosc. Polecam kazdemu!
Pięknie dziękuję za całe okazane wsparcie i pomoc. Cudowna kancelaria, prawnicy z wielkim naprawdę wielkim doświadczeniem w sporach z bankami. Sprawa została rozstrzygnięta już na drugiej rozprawie. Bardzo dziękuję!
Super kancelaria! Raczej najlepsza jaka mozna wybrać do prowadzenia sprawy kredytu Chf. Z całą odpowiedzialnością rekomenduję
Super kancelaria! Raczej najlepsza jaka mozna wybrać do prowadzenia sprawy kredytu Chf. Z całą odpowiedzialnością rekomenduję
Jakość usług i skuteczność na najwyższym poziomie. Skuteczni i słowni i na początku i pod koniec prowadzenia sprawy.
Kancelaria reklamuje sie jako topowa kancelaria dla „Frankowiczow”. Tymczasem warunki wspolpracy przypominaja tylko sam kredyt w CHF pod wzgledem niekorzystnych dla Klienta warunkow umowy. Platnosc za 1 instancje z gory 11.5 tys brutto, plus 1700 na koszty dodtakowe. 2 instancja brutto ponad 6 tys platna z gory. Do tego pare tysiecy za obecnosc na rozprawach. Przy wygranej sprawie,uwaga, premia 3% +VAT od wyplaconego kredytu w PLN, platna w 14 dni od upwawomocnienia, nie bynajmniej wyplaty srodkow przez bank. Dla kredytu na 250.000 PLN to prawie 10.000 PLN. A na koniec bomba! Wszystkie zasadzone koszty adwokackie przypadaja komu? Oczywiscie kancelarii, mimo ze otrzymala ona z gory platnosc za uslugi. To juz prawdziwy skandal. Nie zdecydowalam sie na wspolprace, ktorej koszty to ponad 30.000 PLN (z tego ponad 20.000 platne z gory) przy kwocie, do wywalczenia, byc moze za 4 lata ok. 75.000, plus wszystkie ew. wygrane koszty adwokackie. Jedyna strona, ktora na tym interesie wyjdzie do przodu to sama Kancelaria. Nie polecam!
The law firm advertises itself as a top law firm for „Frankowicz”. Meanwhile, the terms of cooperation resemble only the loan in CHF in terms of unfavorable contract terms for the client. Payment for 1 instance in advance, gross 11.5 thousand, plus 1700 for additional costs. 2 gross instance over 6,000 payable in advance. In addition, several thousand for attending hearings. When winning the case, beware, a 3% bonus + VAT on the paid loan in PLN, payable within 14 days of validation, by no means a payment of funds by the bank. For a 250,000 PLN loan it is almost 10,000 PLN. And finally the bomb! Who all the attorney’s fees are attributable to? Of course, the law firm, even though it received advance payment for services. This is already a real scandal. I have not decided to cooperate, whose costs are over PLN 30,000 (of which over 20,000 payable in advance) with the amount to be won, maybe in 4 years about 75,000, plus all lawyer’s costs, if any. The only side that will come forward in this business is the Law Firm itself. I do not recommend!
Sprawę frankową mamy za sobą. Kancelaria skutecznie doprowadziła sprawę do korzystnego dla nas rozstrzygnięcia. Profesjonalizm obsługa wiedza i zaangażowane na europejskim poziomie, po niemal 3 latach znajomości i prowadzenia spraw przez ww kancelarię jesteśmy pewni, że bardzo zadowolony będzie każdy, kto skorzysta z ich usług.Polecamy w 100%
Bardzo rzeczowa rozmowa bez zwodzenia i obiecywania gruszek na wierzbie… Szczerze polecam zwłaszcza ze względu na uczciwe postawienie sprawy.
Namiar na kancelarię otrzymałem od zadowolonych znajomych. Obecnie moge powiedziec, ze wspolpraca układa się nawet lepiej niż myślałem. Jesli ktos sie zastanawia to podpowiadam, ze mozna im zaufac bez problemu
Obdarzam ich zaufaniem na podstawie dotychczasowej zebranej o nich wiedzy i opiniach.
Świeżo po wygranej sprawie. Kancelarie mogę polecić z czystym sumieniem. Nie tylko dlatego, że wygrałem sprawę, ale za profesjonalne i szybkie podejście do sprawy. Wyrok w I instancji udało się osiągnąć bardzo szybko jak na realia frankowiczów. Co do samej kancelarii to mogę napisać wszystkim zainteresowanym, że jest tam wiedza. Mają duży zespół wyspecjalizowany tylko w sprawach frankowych! Człowiek czuje się spokojny po powierzeniu sprawy
Świeżo po wygranej sprawie. Kancelarie mogę polecić z czystym sumieniem. Nie tylko dlatego, że wygrałem sprawę, ale za profesjonalne i szybkie podejście do sprawy. Wyrok w I instancji udało się osiągnąć bardzo szybko jak na realia frankowiczów. Co do samej kancelarii to mogę napisać wszystkim zainteresowanym, że jest tam wiedza. Mają duży zespół wyspecjalizowany tylko w sprawach frankowych! Człowiek czuje się spokojny po powierzeniu sprawy
Freshly won case. I can recommend law firms with a clear conscience. Not only because I won the case, but for a professional and quick approach. The verdict in the first instance was achieved very quickly for the realities of franchisees. As for the office itself, I can write to all interested parties that there is knowledge. They have a large team specializing only in franc matters! You feel calm after entrusting a case
Fresh off a case win. I can recommend the office with a clear conscience. Not only because I won the case, but for the professional and quick approach to the case. The verdict in the first instance was reached very quickly as for the realities of frankowiczów. As for the law firm itself, I can write to all interested parties that there is knowledge there. They have a large team specialized only in franc matters! A person feels calm after entrusting a case
Bardzo dobra współpraca, prawnicy zaangażowani z doświadczeniem. Sprawa frankowa!
Jestem po rozmowie z kancelarią i wstępnym ustaleniem kosztów. Gdybym miała te pieniądze na pewno spłaciłabym już kredyt i wtedy mogłabym się spokojnie zająć umową która jest nieprawidłowa.
Jest to kancelaria nie dla bogatych tylko dla bardzo bogatych i chyba naiwnych.
I am after a conversation with the office and a preliminary cost determination. If I had this money I would definitely pay back the loan and then I could calmly deal with the contract which is incorrect.
This is a law office not for the rich, only for the very rich and probably naive.
Fachowcy od spraw frankowych najwyższej klasy! Zaangażowanie i indywidualne podejście i do klienta i do sprawy. Zdjęto mi z głowy praktycznie wszystkie czynności, poprowadzono z sukcesem naprawdę ciężka i skomplikowaną sprawę. Dziękuję to za mało. Mogę jedynie bardzo szczerze polecić!
Top class frank professionals! Commitment and individual approach to the client and the case. Virtually all activities were taken off my mind, a really difficult and complicated case was successfully carried out. Thank you is not enough. I can only honestly recommend it!
Top class frank professionals! Commitment and individual approach to the client and the case. Virtually all activities were taken off my mind, a really difficult and complicated case was successfully carried out. Thank you is not enough. I can only honestly recommend it!
Professionals in franc matters of the highest class! Commitment and individual approach to both the client and the case. Virtually all activities were taken off my mind, a really difficult and complicated case was successfully handled. Thank you is not enough. I can only highly recommend it!
KANCELARIA I JAKOŚĆ USŁUG PREMIUM! To w skrócie! Z dobrych kancelarii frankowych oceniam, że ta jest najlepsza. Poczynając od obsługi całego zgłoszenia i przygotowania i skompletowania dokumentacji, sprawnego rozpoczęcia oraz przeprowadzenia sprawy, aż po przejęcie wszelkich kontaktów z bankiem i obrona przed bankowymi sztuczkami – wszystko przebiegło bdb i adwokaci zapewnili pełne wsparcie zgodnie z deklaracjami. Gorąco polecam
Sprawy jeszcze nie rozpoczęliśmy ale jeśli będziemy zlecać to z pewnością w tej kancelarii. Mamy 3 kredyty. Z kilku miejsc z którymi rozmawialiśmy tylko tu otwarcie powiedzieli, że w jednym z nich mogą wystąpić problemy w sądzie i dlaczego. Jak się okazało to były bardzo celne uwagi. Inni prawnicy zachęcali po prostu do zlecenia wszystkich trzech spraw. Uważam, że kancelaria bardzo uczciwie podchodzi do klienta na początku i zakładam, że tak jest też później. Konsultacje otworzyły nam oczy na bardzo wiele spraw związanych z całą naszą sytuacją finansową. Na obecnym etapie jesteśmy w stanie ocenić tylko ten etap współpracy ale niebawem myślę, że dopiszemy dalszą cześć naszej historii współpracy z tą kancelarią, bo decyzja już została podjęta 🙂 Za jakiś czas nawet pochwalimy się tutaj wygraną sprawą – mam takie dobre przeczucia. Narazie zasłużone 4 gwiazdki jeśli dalsza współpraca będzie przebiegała tak wzorowo z pewnością zmienimy na 5 albo nawet na 10 🙂
We have not started the case yet, but if we order it, it will certainly be done in this office. We have 3 credits. Of the few places we’ve spoken to here, they’ve openly said that one of them might have problems in court and why. As it turned out, these were very accurate comments. Other lawyers simply encouraged me to commission all three cases. I believe that the law firm approaches the client very honestly at the beginning and I assume that it is also the case later. The consultations have opened our eyes to many issues related to our entire financial situation. At the current stage, we are able to evaluate only this stage of cooperation, but soon I think that we will add a further part of our history of cooperation with this law firm, because the decision has already been made 🙂 In some time we will even boast about the winning case here – I have such good feelings. So far deserved 4 stars, if further cooperation will be so exemplary, we will certainly change to 5 or even 10 🙂
Bardzo polecam. Kancelaria w bardzo krótkim czasie zablokowała konieczność spłaty naszego kredytu frankowego. Obslugi klienta od nich moga uczyć sie firmy o zasiegu globalnym. Troche sie na tym znam i powiem szczerze, ze nie spodziewalem sie tak wysokiej jakosci obslugi klienta u prawnika. Co do wiedzy to trudno laikowi ocenić ale oceniając po wynikach pracy jest bardzo dobrze. Kancelaria w pelni zasluguje na najwyzsza ocene
Trudno określić w prosty sposób jakość pracy kancelarii. Każdy może napisać o pełnym zaangażowaniu, wygranej w sądzie czy dobrym kontakcie. Z uwagi na to, że miałam okazję w życiu współpracować z innymi prawnikami to mogę powiedzieć, że ta kancelaria reprezentuje poziom porównując do samochodów – Mercedes lub Audi. Tak się czuje klient gdy im zleci sprawę – komfortowo, bezpiecznie, wygodnie i czuje, że dojedzie do celu szczęśliwie. Takie uczucie jest już od pierwszego kontaktu współpracy.
Z takimi „przewodnikami” przygoda frankowa w sądzie nie jest taka straszna jak się wydaje. Maja wiedzę, pasje oraz chęć do walki i udowodnienia racji osób pokrzywdzonych przez banki.
Mocna ekipa od spraw frankowych. Z kancelarią znam się już chwilę i cała ich praca jest ukierunkowana tylko na walkę z bankami. Zespół jest bardzo duży i profesjonalny. Prawnicy są dostępni, spokojnie zawsze można zadzwonić i pogadać. Spotkania z adwokatem w komfortowych warunkach, można spokojnie pogadać bez pośpiechu. Dokładnie wiedzą co się dzieje w sprawie na danym etapie. Widać też, że sprawy mają przerobione bo dokładnie informują czego można spodziewać się po bankowcach i ich prawnikach w sądzie. Od zlecenia sprawy pilotują wszystko. Ostatnio też uzyskali wniosek o wstrzymaniu spłaty kredytu aż do końca procesu.
Strong team for franc matters. I have known the office for a while and all their work is focused only on fighting banks. The team is very big and professional. Lawyers are available, you can always call and talk. Meetings with a lawyer in comfortable conditions, you can easily chat without haste. They know exactly what is happening at the given stage. You can also see that the cases are rewritten because they tell you exactly what to expect from bankers and their lawyers in court. They’re piloting everything from ordering a case. Recently, they also received a request to suspend loan repayment until the end of the process.
Szybkie przeprowadzenie sprawy z bankiem z bardzo dobrym rezultatem, dobry kontakt z prawnikiem przygotowującym do sprawy. Zawsze otwarci na rozmowy, chętnie tłumaczyli na czym to wszystko polega. Mógłbym wyróżnić adwokata prowadzącego naszą sprawę, ale tak naprawdę cała obsługa zawsze była dla nas bardzo miła i pomocna. Jeśli chodzi o kancelarie frankowe to są chyba najlepsi na rynku a mam porównanie z relacji znajomych co też sądzą się z bankami.
Quick handling of the case with the bank with very good results, good contact with the lawyer preparing for the case. Always open to conversations, they willingly explained what it was all about. I could distinguish the lawyer handling our case, but in fact all the service has always been very nice and helpful to us. As far as frank law firms are concerned, they are probably the best on the market and I have a comparison from the accounts of friends what they think of the banks.
Korzystałem z usług tej kancelarii i podejście do mojej osoby, jak i sprawy z jaka się zgłosiłem bardzo mi się podobało. Zaangażowanie kancelarii też mnie pozytywnie zaskoczyło. Szybko, skutecznie i bardzo konkretnie.
I used the services of this law firm and I liked the approach to my person and the case with which I applied. The involvement of the law firm also positively surprised me. Fast, effective and very specific.
I used the services of this law firm and I liked the approach to my person and the case with which I applied. The involvement of the law firm also positively surprised me. Fast, effective and very specific.
Serdecznie polecam, całkowicie profesjonalna obsługa. Podchodzą do klienta indywidualnie i na poważnie. Prawnicy zdecydowanie znają się na sprawach frankowych i sprawa idzie szybko i sprawnie. Są przy tym mili, sympatyczni i pomocni!
I heartily recommend, completely professional service. They approach the client individually and seriously. Lawyers definitely know about Swiss francs and the case goes quickly and smoothly. They are nice, friendly and helpful!
Professional, friendly and helpful. The right people in the right place and irreplaceable help for franchisees! These are the words that best describe this law firm!
Nigdy nie myślałem ze przyjdzie mi się zmierzyć w sądzie z bankiem. Właściwie był to mój pierwszy jakikolwiek kontakt z wymiarem sprawiedliowosci. Kancelaria jednak objęła mnie wyjątkowo troskliwa opieka i zarówno przed jak i po zleceniu sprawy w pełni odciazyli zarówno jeśli chodzi o wszystkie czynności ale także psychicznie. Maja wyjątkowe podejście do klientów. Polecam każdemu kto musi skorzystać z tego typu usług. Pełen profesjonalizm, dobre ceny i miła, życzliwa obsługa
I recommend it to anyone who needs to use this type of service. Full professionalism, good prices and nice, friendly service
Zespół wyjątkowych specjalistów od spraw kredytów we frankach. Dobra współpraca, rzeczowe kompetentne a co najważniejsze bardzo ludzkie podejście do sprawy. Dzięki naprawdę dużemu zaangażowaniu sprawa zakończona już na 1 rozprawie – korzystnie!
A team of exceptional specialists in the field of loans in francs. Good cooperation, factual, competent and most importantly very human approach to the matter. Thanks to a really great commitment, the case was completed already at 1 hearing – profitable!
I trusted and it was a good decision. Full knowledge of the subject, a very professional Frank office. My patron was always perfectly prepared and fully committed to the case.
Z uwagi na wykonywana prace współpracuje z wieloma prawnikami. Do prowadzenia sprawy o kredyt we frankach wybrałem jednak ta kancelarie. Praca kancelarii jest na bardzo wysokim poziomie. Jestem przekonany, ze każdy frankowicz uzyska tu pomoc najwyzszej klasy!
Due to the work she performs, she cooperates with many lawyers. However, I chose this law firm to conduct a case for a loan in francs. The work of the office is at a very high level. I am convinced that each franchise holder will receive first-class help here!
Above-average service quality, fair approach to remuneration and fair prices for experienced Swiss law firms. Taking into account the quality / experience / price, it is the best law firm for franchisees in Warsaw
Professionally so far 👍
The best office for a loan in francs. Knowledge and service at the highest level. Very good cooperation on fair terms! I recommend
The best office for a loan in francs. Knowledge and service at the highest level. Very good cooperation on fair terms! I recommend
As a client still waiting for the not so distant first date of the hearing – I would like to congratulate both the Law Firm and its Clients on 500 won cases. Regards.
Our case concerned a more difficult model of a loan agreement concluded with
Santander Consumer Bank (formerly PTF Bank). We have luckily obtained
with the beginning of the year, a verdict establishing the invalidity of the contract! FROM
We would like to recommend Sosnowski Adwokaci i
Attorneys at law, which is characterized by a high level of knowledge
content, process experience and an individual approach to
Borrowers. Full professionalism and efficiency undertaken
Professional approach to the issue.
Objective presentation of possible solutions in a given situation without embellishing. Comprehensive management throughout the entire duration of the case. I recommend it 100%
I am very pleased with the cooperation and assistance I received from the law firm Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni in the field of a loan indexed to CHF. Full professionalism can be seen at every step and efficiency. We have an annulment judgment in the first instance, which we are very happy about. It didn’t take long but it was worth it. For those who have doubts, I advise you to abandon them and put matters in good hands.
I definitely recommend Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Jacek Sosnowski – Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni to conduct frank credit matters. Full professionalism, knowledge and experience as well as assistance at every stage of the case and understanding for laymen in the field of law. We are after the final judgment of the Court of Appeal invalidating our agreement with the Bank and the settlement of mutual claims.
Special appreciation to attorney Tomasz Pietrusiak, who conducted our case. Debeściaki.
We highly recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Sosnowski for full professionalism, efficiency and exemplary cooperation with us. Sylwia and Piotr Gwiazda
The law firm has been handling our „franc” case for over 2 years.
We are currently after the verdict of the first instance (very positive for us).
Our guardian is Mrs. Ewelina, great contact, we feel taken care of, we recommend this lawyer.
The law firm has been handling my Swiss franc case since 2019. Regardless of which lawyer deals with the case, it is always conducted professionally and very carefully. This is the first law firm where I always get full information on every call, lawyers are available by phone and generally contact is very good. In court, the law firm represents me very well, we have won a franc case in the first instance – Court of Gdańsk 2022
If you have a problem with a franc loan, Mrs. Ewelina Filipek and Mr. Jacek Sosnowski will definitely help.
I would like to thank the Law Firm for the final, legally binding, positive conclusion of my Swiss franc case. Very good contact with the attorney in charge of the case, all procedures patiently explained, preparation for the trial, etc. He always answers the phone or calls back quickly. I recommend the law firm – stress-free solve the problem.
Moją sprawę frankową prowadził mec D. Jonczyk. Sprawa została wygrana. Jestem bardzo zadowolona ze współpracy z mecenasem. Polecam kancelarię Sosnowski za profesjonalne podejście , za dobry kontakt z klientem oraz za cierpliwość w tłumaczeniu zawilych aspektów prawnych dla zwykłego człowieka.
My franc case was handled by attorney D. Jonczyk. The case was won. I am very pleased with the cooperation with the patron. I recommend the Sosnowski law firm for their professional approach, for good contact with the client and for their patience in translating intricate legal aspects for an ordinary person.
At the end of 2020, we asked the Law Office of attorney Jacek Sosnowski – Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni in Warsaw to analyze our PLN loan agreement indexed to the Swiss franc. We quickly received an answer that our contract contains clauses prohibited by Polish and EU law. Thanks to the cooperation with this professional and reliable Law Firm and the involvement in our case of the leading attorneys, legal advisers and other employees of the Law Firm, who have extensive knowledge and experience, in May 2023 we obtained a final judgment annulling our contract with Millenium Bank. The won case is a huge success for the Law Firm, attorney Jacek Sosnowski – Attorneys and Legal Advisors in Warsaw, and for us, freeing ourselves from the pseudo franc loan and the adjudicated return of a significant amount of overpaid PLN loan capital. We would like to thank the Law Firm for its involvement at every stage of the case. We wholeheartedly recommend this law firm to anyone who finds themselves in a situation similar to ours.
Highly recommended office.
Reliable and professional approach to the matter. Very good attorney-client relationship. We felt taken care of and informed at every stage of the process. Thanks to the experience of Attorney Jachimczyk after 2.5 years, we can enjoy the final judgment in the franc case.
In our opinion, the best Law Firm for this type of cases.
With a clear conscience, I recommend Kancelaria Adwokacka Adwokat Jacek Sosnowski – Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni to conduct Swiss franc loan cases. The law firm has been handling our case since July 2020, in April this year we received a final judgment of the Court of Appeal invalidating our contract with the Bank. Our case was handled by lawyers from the branch in Gliwice, we are very pleased with the cooperation both with them and with the office in Warsaw. Very good contact, reliability and full professionalism.
With Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni we won our franc case, conducted in Zamość against Raiffeisen Bank. Most importantly, the judgment is now final. We recommend cooperation with the Law Firm, which offers professional and effective assistance
Today we won the franc case in the first instance. We would like to thank the lawyers who handled our case, especially Ms Ewelina Filipek for her patient explanations and professional preparation for the trial.
We recommend the Law Firm Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcy Prawni to all fans.
Professionals in the full sense of the word. The attorneys handling the case (attorney Denis Jonczyk and attorney Martyna Krupa) showed great knowledge, experience and professional reliability. Thanks to the choice of the right strategy for conducting the case, the selection of arguments and the diligence of the Attorneys, a favorable, final judgment was obtained in just 18 months.
Once again, thank you very much and I recommend cooperation with the law firm.
I do not recommend it, and I justify it. It is embarrassing that your lawyers from the law firm did not inform me that the Bank’s appeal was effective against the „decision to grant security” and I should still repay the loan. I found out about it from the opposite party, i.e. the Bank, when they called me from debt collection. Now suddenly I was put „in front of the wall” of getting CHF 6001.75 in 3 days. If I had known about it from the law firm that supposedly represents me, and they had such knowledge about 10 days earlier, I would have easily collected this amount. So 1-0 to the Bank’s attorneys for much better service. But it’s not over. On June 16, 2023, when I asked to resubmit the application to secure the claim and it has not been submitted to this day (July 24, 23), i.e. 39 days of inactivity. So again on 26.07.23 I have to prepare CHF for the repayment of the installment, because for 39 days they did not deign to send the above mentioned application to the court. The key issue, i.e. the annulment of the loan, has not yet been reached, and at the outset such hopeless cooperation. I’m terrified of what will happen next.
I recommend attorney Jacek Sosnowski, good contact, understanding and professionalism, commitment to the client. Now I am happily married for the second time, with a happy family, and most importantly, with calmness and gentleness due to the child’s participation in the case of changing the form of childcare.
Won with Bank Millennium, invalidated the contract in its entirety regarding the standard contract from 2008, the case was pending before the District Court in Częstochowa and the Court of Appeal in Katowice. Professional service.
Thanks to the professionalism of Attorney Kasjaniuk, I won the Swiss franc loan case with the PKO BP bank in the first instance in the court in Warsaw, despite the fact that the High Court was very unfavorable to me for no apparent reason from the beginning of the trial. I recommend the Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm. Piotr Wlodarczyk
When my husband and I decided to file a lawsuit regarding a Swiss franc loan, we chose this law firm. We have no regrets, we won in the first instance. Attorney Kasjaniuk contacted us and prepared for the hearing. Thank you and we recommend.
Great and effective support in a difficult case!
I would like to thank the Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm for their professionalism, commitment and invaluable assistance in the cancellation of our unusual loan agreement in CHF francs.
We greatly appreciate that the team of lawyers from the Law Firm effectively presented our position, refuting the bank’s arguments and defending our rights. Help in analyzing a complicated contract and drawing out key arguments that influenced the verdict in our favor was also invaluable support.
The case was handled very efficiently – the first instance process was completed in just 6 months, which definitely exceeded our expectations and proves the professionalism and experience of the lawyers from the Law Firm.
Additionally, it is worth emphasizing the individual approach to the client and constant information about the stages of the case. What deserves special respect is the fact that the Law Firm was not afraid to accept an unusual case and fight for our rights with determination.
Thank you very much for your help and we wholeheartedly recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni to anyone who needs professional legal assistance. We hope that with your support, others will also get their money back and justice will be restored.
I highly recommend the services of this law firm. Professionalism, commitment and individual approach to the client ensure that even complex Swiss franc borrower matters are handled efficiently and with the utmost care. Their experience in this specialized field guarantees the highest quality of service
I would like to thank the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni for professionally handling my case regarding a loan in Swiss francs. The entire legal team demonstrated not only great knowledge and experience, but also commitment and an individual approach to my situation.
From the first consultation, I felt that I could trust this law firm. I received comprehensive support at every stage of the process – the lawyers not only organized all the necessary documents very well, but also effectively represented my interests in court.
I am extremely impressed with the precision with which the team analyzed all aspects of my case, identifying even the smallest irregularities in the loan agreement. It was thanks to this attention to detail that I managed to achieve a quick and profitable win.
Importantly, the lawyers at Sosnowski’s law firm are able to convey complicated legal issues in a simple and understandable way, which made it much easier for me to understand all the nuances of my case.
I highly recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni to anyone who is looking for professional legal assistance. This is a team that pursues its goal with full commitment and determination, and also cares about the well-being of its clients. I wholeheartedly thank you for your help and congratulate you on your professionalism.
I would like to thank the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni for professionally handling my case regarding a loan in Swiss francs. The entire legal team demonstrated not only great knowledge and experience, but also commitment and an individual approach to my situation.
From the first consultation, I felt that I could trust this law firm. I received comprehensive support at every stage of the process – the lawyers not only organized all the necessary documents very well, but also effectively represented my interests in court.
I am extremely impressed with the precision with which the team analyzed all aspects of my case, identifying even the smallest irregularities in the loan agreement. It was thanks to this attention to detail that I managed to achieve a quick and profitable win.
Importantly, the lawyers at Sosnowski’s law firm are able to convey complicated legal issues in a simple and understandable way, which made it much easier for me to understand all the nuances of my case.
I highly recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni to anyone who is looking for professional legal assistance. This is a team that pursues its goal with full commitment and determination, and also cares about the well-being of its clients. I wholeheartedly thank you for your help and congratulate you on your professionalism.
We are very pleased with the cooperation with the Law Firm. The case for invalidation of the CHF loan was a complete success. The last stage – the appeal, was conducted by attorney Dennis Jonczyk, who demonstrated professionalism, reliability and an individual approach to the client, for which we are very grateful. We highly recommend the law firm.
We would like to thank the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni for professionally handling our case regarding a loan in Swiss francs against KB (now Santander)
We greatly appreciate professionalism, commitment, extensive knowledge and individual approach to the client.
We appreciate the work of the Law Firm’s team of lawyers and achieving a favorable judgment in the Court of Appeal – invalidation of the contract. The case lasted almost 3 years. Our case was handled by attorney M. Jachimczyk, who always informed us about the next stages of the case.
Very good attorney-client contact. ,Thank you for your patience in explaining complicated legal aspects.
We recommend cooperation with the Law Firm, which offers professional and effective assistance to borrowers at the highest level.
„Our case ended quickly in August 2023. The trial
the case was pending before the Warsaw-Praga District Court in Warsaw, 3rd Department
Civil. The court invalidated our loan in its entirety – WŁASNY KĄT mortgage z
February 2006 We recommend and thank you for your professional support
In March this year, we sent a loan agreement concluded with the current Santander Bank and the former Kredyt Bank to the law firm, Adwokaci Jacek Sosnowski, to verify it. After a week, we received information that the agreement contained prohibited clauses, so we decided to cooperate with the Law Firm.
In June, the case was submitted to the Court in Krakow, and in August the first hearing took place, which we won, and we are waiting for the next one.
Our Swiss franc case is handled by attorney Małgorzata Wilczek. We would like to thank you very much for your commitment and professionalism and recommend the law firm to all those who have not yet decided to file a lawsuit. The law firm is worth recommending.
We would like to thank the Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm for its full commitment and individual approach to the client. The case was handled very reliably and the legal advisor, Ms. Małgorzata Wilczek, was in contact with us from the very beginning. Before the hearing, we were professionally prepared and received the necessary instructions. Thanks to the reliable approach of the entire team to the issue, the case for invalidation of the CHF loan was a complete success. If anyone has any doubts which law firm to choose, we recommend the Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm. Thank you very much for helping us with our case.
We would like to thank the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni for handling our case and leading to a final victory in the first instance. Before choosing the law firm that was to represent us, we made an extensive market analysis. We chose this law firm due to its extensive experience in the so-called Swiss franc cases and an upward trend in winning trials. We would like to point out that the line of case law a few years ago was not as clear as it is today. The case was handled professionally and the lawsuit was thoroughly prepared. The attorney handling our case was Dennis Jonczyk, who kept us updated on the progress and deadlines. The attorney is a communicative and competent person. He devoted an appropriate amount of time to us, explaining the intricacies of the process in an understandable way. His patience and attention to detail were invaluable. We recommend the Law Firm with a clear conscience.
A law firm is undoubtedly a great choice for anyone who needs professional help, e.g. in Swiss franc matters. From my experience, I can say that professionalism, reliability and effectiveness are their advantages. I recommend attorney Dennis Jonczyk (Jonczyk).
I recommend the law firm 100%, great professionalism and extensive experience allow you to legally win a Swiss franc case in a very short time considering such processes. The attorney handling my case was not only very competent, but she had a wonderful feature that helped me a lot in this difficult and stressful time, she was a total calmer, her short and concise explanations of every problem, every query on my part, allowed me not to stress so. This was very important to me. What is also important is full commitment to my case, I didn’t have to do anything, the office took care of all the matters, informing me about important things at the right moments. I could easily call the Law Firm a dream come true. I highly recommend it, with such an office there is no need to be afraid of large banks that wanted to cheat us and charge us additional costs and they failed.
After three years of working with this law firm, I can say one thing: They were very nice until they received the requested money from me for handling my two Swiss franc cases (5-digit amount, plus additional fees). Plus a high bonus for winning.
Since then, the attorney handling my case has changed two or three times, and I haven’t seen attorney Sosnowski in person. It turned out that due to an incorrect preliminary analysis, one of my cases would definitely be lost and the replies to my e-mails usually arrive with a delay of at least 2 weeks.
This level…
Hello, October 10, 2023 The hearing of my Swiss franc case took place, and on October 26, 2023 the verdict was announced in the first instance, obviously a victory and the complete invalidation of the loan agreement. It’s all thanks to the professional work of Mr. Denis Jończyk and the entire SOSNOWSKI ADVOCATES AND LEGAL ADVISORS law firm. A company worth recommending. THANK YOU!!
I concluded an agreement with the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni to conduct a case against GE Money Bank, later taken over by Bank BPH, in connection with a loan agreement in CHF. I chose the law firm based on a comparison of offers from several law firms.
Already after the first meeting at the office with Mr. Jacek Sosnowski, I was convinced that I had made the right choice, as evidenced by the further stages up to the successful completion of the court process in the Court of Appeal and the manner of the final settlement with the Bank.
My case was dealt with directly by Attorney Paweł Szymański, who instructed me thoroughly at every stage on how to proceed and what to expect. Mr. Attorney was extremely effective. Everything was done in accordance with what I heard from the attorney before each stage of the case.
I would like to thank Attorney Paweł Szymański and Attorney Jacek Sosnowski.
I would like to thank attorney Dennis Jończyk for representing me in court in the case against Raiffeisen Bank. Of course, with success – a final judgment, invalidation of the contract. Contact with Mr. Patron at the highest level. The work of the entire office, starting from accounting, is efficient and transparent, at a high level. Thank you very much and I recommend it with a clear conscience to anyone who is looking for a proven and reliable law firm.
A law firm worth recommending. She efficiently guided us through the first instance – invalidation of the loan agreement.
Special thanks to attorney Mateusz Chmiel, who always helps, explains and has the right approach to the client.
I contacted the Sosnowski law firm regarding a Swiss franc loan in July 2020. Thanks to professional work
law firm and very good cooperation, the case against PKO BP was a complete success. Thank you and I highly recommend the services of the Sosnowski law firm.
In July 2023, the District Court in Warsaw invalidated two of my applications
Fortis Bank agreements. I concluded contracts in 2006 and 2007. Reliable law firm and professional service. I recommend.
I found this office… quite by accident… but now I know that „providence” influenced my choice… From the very beginning… perfect communication… also related to payments (actually, when it comes to cost issues… in my opinion, price to quality according to 10-point ratings is 10 :)) Great reliability… , clarity and purity of information transfer… and of course effectiveness. Thank you very much for about 3 years of cooperation… and I recommend it… it really is a very reliable law firm.
I recommend the Sosnowski Adwokaci I Radcowie Prawni Law Firm. They handled my case, which was won in the first instance with a judgment invalidating the loan agreement, and in the second instance they helped achieve the rejection of the Bank’s appeal. I recommend the professional preparation of the Law Firm for court hearings.
First of all, the advantages: the case conducted by the law firm was won, I have a final judgment of the court of second instance.
That’s it.
Cons: really very, very poor contact.
My impression is that the attorney handling the case (Katarzyna W.) does not represent my interests. Every few weeks, in the face of lack of progress, I have to remind myself by e-mail, sometimes escalating the lack of response from the attorney to Mr. Sosnowski.
The result is that from June 2023 to March 2024, despite the final judgment, the case is still unsettled, and today I have no answers to simple questions asked to the person who I thought should be on my side 🙁
The highest marks for professionalism and case management, good telephone and e-mail contact with dedicated Guardians, support, efficient help and guidance in every aspect of the process, and, above all, effectiveness, this is our first contact with the Law Firm which we fully recommend. Thank you!
I would like to warmly recommend the Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni Law Firm as a dynamic and well-organized organization focused on the highest level of customer service. Many thanks to attorney Dominika Perzyńska, whose professionalism, substantive contact with clients and preparation for court hearings allowed us to achieve the set goals.
With a clear conscience, I recommend the law firm Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni. Despite the very long wait for the final judgment (from the moment of filing the lawsuit to the judgment of the 2nd instance about 4.5 years), I had the support of the assigned attorney the entire time. Commitment to the case, answering every question that bothered me and, most importantly, the final victory with the bank. I must admit, I had doubts (after losing the first case, judge Ligoń-Krawczyk), I doubted whether it was worth going ahead and continuing to fight. Fortunately, Mr. Michał Surwiłło convinced me to do so. Once again, I would like to thank the law firm for their extensive knowledge and experience. I know that this is crucial in Swiss franc matters. I recommend cooperation with the law firm to all those who are undecided. These are professionals and they know how to fight banks
The law firm and the lawyer professionally prepared the lawsuit. The hearing for the annulment of the CHF loan was successful in the first instance at the first hearing. I recommend highly
I highly recommend cooperation with the Law Firm in a matter regarding a loan in CHF.
My case against BPH (formerly GE Money) was a complete success, it lasted about 2.5 years, but I encountered a pandemic and, consequently, limited work of the courts.
My case was handled by attorney Dominika Perzyńska – full professionalism, detailed and comprehensive information at every stage of the case and excellent telephone and e-mail contact.
I would like to thank Mrs. Dominika for handling the matter, and I would once again recommend that all those who are undecided submit their CHF contract for analysis
With a clear conscience, I recommend this law firm to anyone who wants to free themselves from the speculative product of a loan in Swiss francs. I would like to express my special thanks personally to the gentlemen who handled my case, i.e. Paweł Szymański and Przemysław Chrapek.
I do not recommend. They demand (allegedly according to the contract) payment of remuneration for reaching an agreement with the bank, even though they did not participate in this process at all or even had any knowledge about it. They threaten you with demands to pay twelve thousand for nothing. I suggest avoiding it at all costs.
COOL! CHF BankMillenium won at the 1st hearing – the verdict was announced 50 minutes after the start of the witness hearings. Great lawyer D. Jończyk – specific and very professional, without his help the case would probably have been lost. He was incredibly prepared – a stack of documents, and He was familiar with them like a primer. The Bank responded wonderfully in real time. I RECOMMEND this law firm – very good value for money.
If you are looking for a law firm that will demand money from you for mediation in which they did not participate, you can sign a contract with them. However, I recommend giving the contract template to another lawyer, because you may learn interesting things. Lack of ethics and taking money for activities they did not perform is what I will associate with this law firm. I do not recommend.
Edit: dziękujemy za ostrzeżenie, może się Państwo pochwalą swoimi propozycjami, które nam przesłaliście po umieszczeniu komentarzy. Umowa nie została zrealizowana, bo została przez nas wypowiedziana. My mamy potwierdzenie przelewu na rzecz Państwa. To zwrot należnej nam kwoty jest niezrealizowany z Państwa strony. Ten wpis „stoi” koło prawdy. Widzę, że czas na zgłoszenie sprawy szczebel wyżej. Nie pozdrawiam.
Jeżeli szukacie kancelarii, która będzie żądać od Was pieniędzy za mediację, w której nie uczestniczyli to możecie podpisywać z nimi umowę. Polecam jednak dać wzór umowy innemu prawnikowi, bo możecie ciekawych rzeczy się dowiedzieć. Brak etyki i wyciąganie pieniędzy za czynności, których nie wykonali to jest to co będzie mi się z tą kancelarią kojarzyć. Nie polecam.
Edit: thank you for the warning, maybe you can share your suggestions that you sent to us after posting the comments. The contract was not implemented because it was terminated by us. We have confirmation of the transfer to you. This refund of the amount due to us is not realized on your part. This entry „stands” next to the truth. I see that it’s time to report the matter to a higher level. I don’t say hello.
If you are looking for a law firm that will demand money from you for mediation in which they did not participate, you can sign a contract with them. However, I recommend giving the contract template to another lawyer, because you may learn interesting things. Lack of ethics and taking money for activities they did not perform is what I will associate with this law firm. I do not recommend.
I recommend cooperation with the law firm. From the beginning I had no problems with contact and cooperation. They were very conscientious, which resulted in winning both in the first instance and in the appeal.
Good morning. I highly recommend the Law Firm of attorney Jacek Sosnowski – Advocates and Legal Advisors. Fully professional assistance at every stage. Preparation for the first hearing, contact with the lawyer handling the case each time, answers to all my questions. I felt that the lawyers handling the case cared about me and my case was important. Additionally, I received a positive result in the court, so I am overjoyed and THANK YOU to all the attorneys involved in my case. Anna K
I am satisfied with the choice of this law firm to handle the case regarding the invalidation of the Swiss franc loan agreement. Legal services and quality of services at a high level. Extensive experience in the above matter. Quick and nice contact. The case ended positively. I heartily recommend it.
The Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm are true professionals in Swiss franc matters. Their driving experience is invaluable. The case was successfully concluded with the annulment of the Swiss franc loan agreement. I highly recommend it!
We received the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni by recommendation and, to be honest, we were not disappointed with our choice. Both to the quality and costs of the process. And we also had offers from two other top 5 law firms on the market when we decided to pursue our rights in court.
All our doubts were explained to us at the very beginning. Literally step by step, what the process looks like and what we can expect. Most importantly, without pretending that only success awaits us. Patiently and „humanely”.
We obtained a final judgment in the second instance. Throughout the entire period during which our case was pending, we participated in a hearing only once (1st instance). Moreover, we never once had to worry about our process, all letters and responses were handled professionally. Our attorney was constantly watching over our case, for which we are extremely grateful to both our attorney and the entire law firm.
I really recommend it with a clear conscience 😊
Hello. I recommend the Law Firm of Jacek Sosnowski with a clear conscience. My case, although it took a long time (a large number of cases in courts), ended with achieving the intended goal. Special thanks to attorney Przemysław Chrapek for his professionalism.
Thank you and I recommend
Total lack of professionalism and disregard for the customer. The contract was sent for analysis two weeks ago and there has been no response. After a telephone reminder, it was supposed to be sent „already”. The next days and silence again. So I didn’t have the opportunity to use the services, but I certainly DO NOT RECOMMEND them
I am satisfied with the choice of the law firm Attorney Jacek Sosnowski i Radcy Prawni to handle the case regarding the invalidation of the Swiss franc loan agreement. Extensive experience and professionalism.
My case was handled by attorney Anna Jagielska – a competent, reliable, committed person, able to provide detailed information at every stage of the case, good telephone and e-mail contact, but above all, effective.
I highly recommend Ms. Ania and congratulate the office on such a specialist.
I recommend Attorney Anne Jagielska.
During our cooperation, Attorney Jagielska always demonstrated a high level of commitment, accuracy and attention to every detail. Her ability to find optimal solutions in difficult situations and effective management of legal matters prove her skills and experience in the field of law.
Attorney Jagielska has repeatedly proven her ability to save complicated legal situations that had not previously been resolved in a satisfactory manner. Her ability to quickly adapt to existing problems and effectively take over matters from others was crucial to achieving successful results.
I fully recommend Attorney Jagielska.
We are very pleased with the choice of the Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm, and also very grateful for obtaining a final and positive judgment regarding the invalidation of a Swiss franc loan. We would like to express our special thanks to the entire branch in Gliwice, and especially to Attorney Bartłomiej Górczyński for the wonderful final verdict. It was worth being patient and decisive, and don’t give up. We will definitely recommend you!
Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to thank the Law Firm – its entire team – for conducting the complicated procedure regarding the cancellation of the so-called loan agreement. franc. Special thanks go to Mr. Tomasz Pietrusiak. At every stage of the court proceedings, I had the opportunity to encounter his great professionalism. The experience, tips, advice and suggestions provided by Mr. Attorney meant that „going through” the civil process – for me personally – was devoid of unnecessary emotions and a sense of uncertainty. The level of legal „care” was very high not only during the entire proceedings, on the day the final judgment was announced, but also when I participated in the settlement procedure with the bank. Taking into account my experience in cooperation with the Law Firm, attorney Jacek Sosnowski – Adwokaci i Radcowie
Lawyers, I wholeheartedly recommend her to anyone who is thinking about entering a court dispute regarding freedom from a „franc loan”. Best regards and I wish further success to the entire team of the Law Firm.
Szanowni Państwo. Pragnę serdecznie podziękować Kancelarii – całemu Jej zespołowi, za przeprowadzenie przez skomplikowaną procedurę w kwestii unieważnienia umowy kredytu tzw. frankowego. Szczególne podziękowania kieruje do Pana Mecenasa Tomasza Pietrusiaka. Na każdym etapie postępowania sądowego miałem okazję spotkać się z Jego wielkim profesjonalizmem. Doświadczenie, udzielane wskazówki, rady, sugestie ze strony Pana Mecenasa powodowały, że „przejście” przez proces cywilny – dla mnie osobiście, pozbawiony był zbędnych emocji i poczucia niepewności. Poziom prawnego „zaopiekowania się” był bardzo duży nie tylko w trakcie całego postępowania, w dniu ogłoszenia prawomocnego orzeczenia ale również w momencie, kiedy uczestniczyłem w procedurze rozliczenia się z bankiem. Biorąc pod uwagę moje doświadczenia związane ze współpracą z Kancelarią Adwokacką adwokat Jacek Sosnowski – Adwokaci i Radcowie
Prawni, z całą odpowiedzialnością polecam Ją każdemu, kto myśli o wejściu w spór sądowy w kwestii uwolnienia się od „kredytu frankowego”. Pozdrawiam i życzę kolejnych sukcesów całemu zespołowi Kancelarii.
Thanks to Mr. Tomasz Pietrusiak from the J.Sosnowski Law Firm for professionally handling the case of invalidation of a Swiss franc loan.
I definitely recommend cooperation with the J.Sosnowski Law Firm for its competence and commitment at the highest level.
I recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni as professional and, above all, effective. The law firm achieved its goal of invalidating the loan agreement.
The consultation with attorney Sosnowski before concluding the contract was exhaustive and very reliable. The attorney patiently explained all the doubts and risks we asked about.
We were assisted by attorney Bartłomiej Górczyński, who prepared us very well for the entire process, especially for the stressful moment of giving testimony in court.
I wish everyone waiting for their case to be resolved the same feeling of great relief that was our experience.
At the same time, I encourage the Law Firm to make minor adjustments to the communication process with clients. We learned about the win from an accounting e-mail in which we were asked to pay for achieving the goal in accordance with the contract, without additional information or a scan of the judgment. It would be more elegant if the attorney handling the case contacted the clients, informed them about the win and presented a scan of the judgment (basis for payment). Please take this as constructive criticism.
Thank you very much for your cooperation and we wish you further success!
Polecam Kancelarię Adwokacką Adwokat Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni jako profesjonalną i przede wszystkim skuteczną. Kancelaria osiągnęła cel w postaci unieważnienia umowy kredytu.
Konsultacja z mec. Sosnowskim przed zawarciem umowy była wyczerpująca i bardzo rzetelna. Pan Mecenas cierpliwie wyjaśniał wszystkie wątpliwości i ryzyka, o które pytaliśmy.
Obsługiwał nas mec. Bartłomiej Górczyński, który bardzo dobrze przygotował nas do całego procesu, w szczególności do stresującego momentu, jakim jest składanie zeznań przed sądem.
Wszystkim oczekującym na rozwiązanie swojej sprawy życzę tego samego uczucia ogromnej ulgi, które było naszym doświadczeniem.
Równocześnie zachęcam Kancelarię do drobnej korekty procesu komunikacji z klientami. O wygranej dowiedzieliśmy się z maila księgowości, w którym poproszono nas o zapłatę za osiągnięcie celu zgodnie z zapisem umowy, bez dodatkowej informacji czy skanu wyroku. Bardziej elegancko byłoby, gdyby uprzednio mecenas prowadzący sprawę skontaktował się z klientami, poinformował o wygranej i przedstawił skan wyroku (podstawa zapłaty). Proszę to przyjąć jako konstruktywną krytykę.
Bardzo dziękujemy za współpracę i życzymy dalszych sukcesów!
I highly recommend the services of the Jacek Sosnowski Law Firm. The Swiss franc loan case was successfully completed. Special thanks to attorney Anna Jagielska for her professionalism, kindness and availability. Open to the client’s needs, she explains complex legal issues in a simple way.
Thank you again and we highly recommend it
M and J King
Despite several changes in the lawyers assigned to us for our Swiss franc case and the vision of a long-term dispute, we finally found Mr. P. Chrapek, who reached a favorable settlement for us at express speed. Great contact and reliable approach. Thank you for your cooperation 🙂
Thanks to Attorney Michalina Kasjaniuk for handling the case against DB. The case lasted quite a long time, but the suspension of loan repayments by the court at the request of Mr. Attorney allowed us to calmly wait for the end of the case and gave us some respite. Thanks also to Attorney Mateusz Chmiel for his work in the settlement process. I recommend the law firm.
I highly recommend the Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni law firm for its commitment and full professionalism. They efficiently brought about a positive resolution of the case against BPH bank in the court of first instance. I will definitely want this law firm to represent me in the appellate court in the event of an appeal by the bank. Special thanks to Attorney Dennis Jończyk for patient explanation of all procedures and very good contact. I highly recommend the law firm. Teresa Budzińska
Serdecznie polecam kancelarię Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni za zaangażowanie i pełen profesjonalizm. Sprawnie doprowadzili do pozytywnego rozstrzygnięcia sprawy przeciwko bankowi BPH w sądzie I instancji. Z całą stanowczością będę chciała, żeby ta kancelaria reprezentowała mnie w sądzie apelacyjnym w przypadku apelacji banku. Szczególne podziękowania dla Mecenasa Dennisa Jończyk za cierpliwe tłumaczenie wszystkich procedur i bardzo dobry kontakt. Gorąco polecam kancelarię. Teresa Budzińska
I sincerely recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni.
The law firm achieved its goal of invalidating the loan agreement without any problems – the entire process took 6 months.
We were assisted by attorney Anna Dubleska-Grzywaczewska, who prepared us very well for the trial and thus relieved us of the stress associated with testifying in court.
The attorney patiently explained all our doubts and answered every question honestly.
We would like to emphasize the great advantage of cooperation: great contact, both by phone and e-mail, depending on your needs.
Our questions and consultations were answered on an ongoing basis – this was our priority from the beginning.
Each stage of the case was characterized by professionalism and efficiency on the part of attorney Anna Dubleska-Grzywaczewska.
Ania, thank you very much for your cooperation and help in achieving our goal. We recommend the law firm – they are professionals!
Szczerze polecam Kancelarię Adwokacką Adwokat Jacek Sosnowski Adwokaci i Radcowie Prawni.
Kancelaria osiągnęła cel w postaci unieważnienia umowy kredytu bez żadnych problemów – cały proces potrwał 6 miesięcy.
Obsługiwała nas mec. Anna Dubleska-Grzywaczewska, która świetnie przygotowała nas do procesu i dzięki temu zdjęła z nas stres związany ze składaniem zeznań przed sądem.
Pani Mecenas cierpliwie wyjaśniała nam wszystkie wątpliwości i odpowiadała rzetelnie na każde pytanie.
Chcielibyśmy podkreślić wielki plus współpracy: świetny kontakt, zarówno telefoniczny, jak i mailowy w zależności od potrzeb.
Odpowiedzi na nasze pytania oraz konsultacje przebiegały na bieżąco – było to od początku dla nas priorytetem.
Każdy etap sprawy cechował się profesjonalizmem i skutecznością ze strony mec. Anny Dubleskiej-Grzywaczewskiej.
Pani Aniu bardzo dziękujemy za współpracę i pomoc w osiągnięciu naszego celu. Polecamy kancelarię – to profesjonaliści!
I recommend the SOSNOWSKI ADWOKACI I RADCOWIE Prawni law firm as professional and effective in the field of Swiss franc loans – the judgment invalidating the contract in the first instance. You can count on professional support at every stage of the case, from writing the lawsuit and necessary documents, through preparation for the hearing, answering all questions and doubts, up to settlement with the bank. Thank you.
Polecam Kancelarię SOSNOWSKI ADWOKACI I RADCOWIE PRAWNI jako profesjonalną i skuteczną w temacie kredytów frankowych – wyrok unieważniający umowę w I instancji. Można liczyć na profesjonalne wsparcie na każdym etapie prowadzonej sprawy, od napisania pozwu i niezbędnych dokumentów, przez przygotowanie do rozprawy, odpowiedzi na wszelkie pytania i wątpliwości, aż do rozliczenia z bankiem. Dziękuję.