4.7 / 5.0
66 opini

0.0 / 5.0
0 opini

0.0 / 5.0
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Osoby Polecające
Opinie Pozytywne
Opinie Negetywne
Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Kancelaria Barbara Garlacz | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
ADWOKAT PAWEŁ BOROWSKI | Wrocław | sprawdź | |
Na bank Orski Dąbrowska Radcy Prawni s.c. | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
I strongly advise against. I considered cooperation with this office and resignation from cooperation with another. I paid the Mazur & partners office for document analysis. Talks with them continued for several months when the law firm asked for new documents (a waste of my time and money). When they finally determined from the analysis of documents that they could take the case, I could not get clear information about the benefits and consequences of potential judgments in court. At the same time, they delayed providing a specific price for services. After several weeks of waiting for information, my phone calls and emails, I was informed that first I would „give up” the services of the previous office and only then they would say how much I would have to pay with them. I am outraged by this approach. In my opinion, I have wasted money and a lot of time.
I strongly advise against. I considered working with this law firm and not working with another. I paid Mazur and partners for the analysis of the documents. Conversations with them lasted for several months when the law firm asked for more and more new documents (waste of my time and money). When they finally concluded on the basis of the analysis of documents that they could take the case, I could not get clear information about the benefits and consequences of potential judgments in court. At the same time, they delayed giving a specific price for the services. After several weeks of waiting for information, my phone calls and e-mails, I was informed that first I had to „blind” resign from the services of the previous law firm and only then would they say how much I would have to pay with them. I am outraged by this approach. In my opinion, I have wasted money and a lot of time.
I have never used lawyers before in my life and I didn’t have any credentials or any need and desire to chase the courts. And I thought that I would live to old age without such games, but thanks to my beloved bank I have the first legal case behind me.
It is said that it is terrible in court, but it is not true because it is rather strange in court. When I went to court, my heart was pounding, I don’t know what, but I felt quite normal about the case. I was only once because there were only lawyers at other hearings. I recommend going to the trial to see how Mr. Mazur’s lawyers break down the bankers. One thing is frustrating that the bank can lie in court as much as it wants because everyone has the right to defend themselves.
The first instance dragged on mercilessly long, but it’s supposedly so and you can’t speed it up, it’s important that I had a good judge and won. The bank appealed and thus gave me almost a year to wonder what would happen but I also won the second instance. If you win with a bank, then there is disbelief and great euphoria, and then you get used to everything.
Dostałam namiar od mojej koleżanki, która pracuje w banku notorycznie przegrywającym z Mazurem. Byłam zaskoczona, ale widzę to tak: jeśli pracujesz w banku, to możesz lubić swojego pracodawcę, ale jeśli bank-pracodawca dostał ileś tam wyroków za wkręcanie, to przynajmniej Ty możesz zachować się uczciwie i poinformować o tym swoich znajomych o banku złodzieju. Jeśli chodzi o kancelarię to w 2017 roku wadą było to, że roku długo się czekało na rozpatrzenie sprawy. Teraz jest lepiej, bo podobno powiększyli swoją kadrę i coś tam przyspieszyli. W sądzie byłam raz i nawet się nie stresowałam, a przyznam, że tego bardzo się obawiałam, bo wystąpienia publiczne zawsze przyprawiały mnie o mdłości. Na rozprawie sądowej było kameralnie, a sędzia bardzo wyrozumiała i przyjazna. Jak tylko bank próbował mnie na rozprawie atakować, od razu broniła mnie pani mecenas z kancelarii Mazura i z przyjemnością patrzyłam na to, jak bank jest pogrążany. Najlepsze było pytanie prawnika banku o to, czy wiem jak były ustalane kursy franka, na co mecenas Mazura zgasiła bankowca słowami: “mamy zeznanie pracownika waszego banku, który zajmował się w waszym banku kursami i nawet on zeznał, że nikt nie wie jak te kursy były ustalane”. Sędzia prawie parsknęła śmiechem. W drugiej instancji sądowej już nie byłam, bo nie było potrzeby, wystarczyła dokumentacja z pierwszej instancji oraz parę pism pani mecenas od Mazura. Skompletowałam sobie kopie wszystkich pism i kiedyś na starość sobie je poczytam, bo jest tego sporo, a póki cieszę się z tego że wygrałam. Najlepsze jest to, że po wszystkim spotkałam mecenasa Mazura w markecie i mimo że nie prowadził osobiście mojej sprawy, to pamiętał w jakim banku miałam kredyt i w którym miesiącu podpisywałam umowę z bankiem! Człowiek z powołaniem.
Walka z bankami to długotrwały proces. Osoba fizyczna ma marne szanse na ugranie czegokolwiek i banki o tym wiedzą i jak na razie są przeważnie górą. Całe szczęście że są takie kancelarie jak właśnie Mazur i Wspólnicy, którzy ułatwiają i pomagają w rozwiązywaniu tak trudnych sytuacji. Sprawy nie są proste a banki nie oddają pola bez walki, więc tym większy szacunek dla nich za wiedzę i umiejętnbości. I nieustępliwość przed o wiele wiekszym przeciwnikiem. A na sali sądowej to była walka Dawida z Goliatem. Patrząc na to, że nie tylko mój spór z bankiem miał wynik dla mnie pozytywny ale i inne sprawy zostały wygrane, kancelaria bardzo się przykłada do swojej roli i pomaga na 105%.
To była moja pierwsza sprawa, gdy korzystałam z pomocy jakiejkolwiek kancelarii prawnej. Nie miałam doświadczenia i trochę się bałam, ale już po pierwszych spotkaniach z prawnikami byłam przekonana, że uzyskanie korzystnego werdyktu jest możliwe. I tak się stało. Kancelaria profesjonalna, prawnik prowadzący dobrze przygotowany i doświadczony. Dzięki temu sprawa potoczyła się w miarę prosto, a ja wcale nie musiałam jeździć do sądów.
Kancelaria OK. Nie mają u siebie niedoświadczonych prawników tak jak niektóre kancelarie, ale mają samych wyjadaczy w tej dziedzinie. To przekładało się na mój spokój psychiczny. Sprawa z Mbankiem została wygrana, uzyskana kwota zwrotu satysfakcjonująca. Pan Mazur nie obiecuje gruszek na wierzbie
Są profesjonalni. Gruntownie podeszli do mojej sprawy. Brak amatorszczyzny, indywidualne podejście prawnika do kontaktu z klientem, który umówmy się nie zostawia w Kancelarii tysiąca złotych …
Wygrali dla mnie sprawę i uzyskałem zwrot 75 tysięcy złotych. Podstawą jest przygotowanie i doświadczenie prawnika, który prowadzi sprawę. Mój akurat był bardzo obeznany w temacie dzięki czemu prawnik banku na sali rozpraw nie miał zbyt dużo do powiedzenia
Prowadzą naszą sprawę dot. Kredytu frankowego. Nie jest to najtańsza kancelaria, ale za jakość się płaci. Wierzę, że uda się wygrać naszą sprawę, wszystko jest na dobrej drodze.
Prowadzą naszą sprawę dot. Kredytu frankowego. Nie jest to najtańsza kancelaria, ale za jakość się płaci. Wierzę, że uda się wygrać naszą sprawę, wszystko jest na dobrej drodze.
Prowadzą naszą sprawę dot. Kredytu frankowego. Nie jest to najtańsza kancelaria, ale za jakość się płaci. Wierzę, że uda się wygrać naszą sprawę, wszystko jest na dobrej drodze.
Kancelaria ktora dopiera sobie klientow wg wlasnych upodoban. Po 3 latach wspolpracy kancelaria nie zrobila nic zeby uruchomic sprawe o kredyt we frankach. Dzisiaj dowiedzialem sie ze zminili strategie i ze moja sprawa juz im nie pasuje. Niepolecam. Mydlenie oczu nic wiecej.
Moja sprawa poszła do sądu przed boomem TSUE, ale dopiero dziś miałem czas na czytanie swojego pozwu, bo to gruba cegła jest.
No… Panie mecenasie, Szacun!
Absolutnie polecam – fachowość, solidność i walka aż do zwycięstwa to wizytówki tej Kancelarii !
Profesjonaliści z uczciwym podejściem do klienta. Dziękuję za pomoc i doradztwo w szczególności Pani Anicie Zawadzkiej, która zaopiekowała się moją sprawą frankową. Dziękuję za miły kontakt, zaangażowanie, wyjaśnienie pojęć prawniczych i dogłębną analizę mojej sytuacji finansowej z bankiem. Przenikliwy umysł, wiedza, silny charakter i serce dają MOC! … jest Pani polską Erin Brockovich naszych czasów.
Niestety,prawdopodobnie aby nie psuc sobie statystyki 100% skutecznosci,a moze i z powodu zbyt malej wartosci kredytu, kancelaria odmówiła zajecia sie moim tematem jeszcze przed odsłaniem pełnej dokumentacji. Polecili zakladke „skomplikowane”.
Pewnie maja teraz żniwa i wybiera sie wyuczone temaciki za grubsza kase.
Niestety poszli na ilosc i maksymalizacje zyskow.
A tak ladnie w TV pan mecenas opowiadal…
Polecam, bardzo profesjonalne podejście do sprawy 🙂
Uczciwie i profesjonalnie – tak mogę opisać sposób prowadzenia mojej sprawy przez kancelarię Mazur i Wspólnicy. Mam stały kontakt z adwokatem, który prowadzi moją sprawę i zawsze cierpliwie tłumaczy mi na jakim etapie postępowania jesteśmy. Cieszę się, bo kancelaria nie stosuje żadnych ukrytych kosztów ani nie próbuje podwyższać honorarium w czasie trwania procesu jak robią to niektórzy z konkurencji.
Wstrzymywałem się z napisaniem opinii do końca mojego procesu, gdyż chciałem mieć pewność co do poziomu tej kancelarii, no i teraz stwierdzam, że jak na prawników jest bardzo dobrze. Na początku sprawą zajmował się opiekun analiz kredytów, potem sprawę przejął mecenas z ekipy pana Mazura. Mój kredyt został unieważniony dwoma wyrokami. Sam na sali sądowej byłem w mojej sprawie tylko raz, ale wystarczyło by dostrzec że są dobrze przygotowani. Szkoda, że w moim korpo nie widać w prawnym takiego zaangażowania jak u Mazura.
Od czerwca 2020 zawarłem umowę z kancelarią Mazur i Wspólnicy a więc jestem na początku drogi by odzyskać nadpłatę przekazaną bankowi jak i pozbyć się wieloletniego problemu. Moja sprawa została przekierowana do pani Anity, która w bardzo przejrzysty, jasny i wyczerpujący sposób udziela informacji. Fajne jest to, że mimo urlopu, dnia wolnego można zadać pytanie i zaraz otrzymuje się odpowiedź. Od samego początku zauważyłem, że klientowi poświęca się wiele uwagi, rozpatruje się sprawę indywidualnie i z dużą precyzją. To co przykuło moją uwagę to, że Kancelaria jasno określa zobowiązania kosztowe nie ukrywając przykrych niespodzianek podczas trwającego procesu – wiem od samego początku jaki to będzie koszt.
Z mojego punktu widzenia, będąc na początku swojej batalii z bankiem mogę polecić kancelarię Mazur i Wspólnicy
Szczególne pozdrowienia dla Pani Anity, która podkreśla wielki poziom Kancelarii:)
Od czerwca 2020 zawarłem umowę z kancelarią Mazur i Wspólnicy a więc jestem na początku drogi by odzyskać nadpłatę przekazaną bankowi jak i pozbyć się wieloletniego problemu. Moja sprawa została przekierowana do pani Anity, która w bardzo przejrzysty, jasny i wyczerpujący sposób udziela informacji. Fajne jest to, że mimo urlopu, dnia wolnego można zadać pytanie i zaraz otrzymuje się odpowiedź. Od samego początku zauważyłem, że klientowi poświęca się wiele uwagi, rozpatruje się sprawę indywidualnie i z dużą precyzją. To co przykuło moją uwagę to, że Kancelaria jasno określa zobowiązania kosztowe nie ukrywając przykrych niespodzianek podczas trwającego procesu – wiem od samego początku jaki to będzie koszt.
Z mojego punktu widzenia, będąc na początku swojej batalii z bankiem mogę polecić kancelarię Mazur i Wspólnicy
Szczególne pozdrowienia dla Pani Anity, która podkreśla wielki poziom Kancelarii:)
From June 2020, I concluded an agreement with the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm, so I am at the beginning of the road to recover the overpayment transferred to the bank and get rid of a long-term problem. My case was transferred to Ms Anita, who provides information in a very transparent, clear and comprehensive way. The cool thing is that despite the vacation, you can ask a question and get the answer right away. From the very beginning, I noticed that the client receives a lot of attention, the matter is considered individually and with great precision. What caught my attention is that the Law Firm clearly defines the cost obligations without hiding any unpleasant surprises during the ongoing process – I know from the very beginning what the cost will be.
From my point of view, being at the beginning of my battle with the bank, I can recommend the Mazur i Wspólnicy law office
Special greetings to Mrs. Anita, who emphasizes the great quality of the Law Firm 🙂
From June 2020, I concluded an agreement with the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm, so I am at the beginning of the road to recover the overpayment transferred to the bank and get rid of a long-term problem. My case was transferred to Ms Anita, who provides information in a very transparent, clear and comprehensive way. The cool thing is that despite the vacation, you can ask a question and get the answer right away. From the very beginning, I noticed that the client receives a lot of attention, the matter is considered individually and with great precision. What caught my attention is that the Law Firm clearly defines the cost obligations without hiding any unpleasant surprises during the ongoing process – I know from the very beginning what the cost will be.
From my point of view, being at the beginning of my battle with the bank, I can recommend the Mazur i Wspólnicy law office
Special greetings to Mrs. Anita, who emphasizes the great quality of the Law Firm 🙂
Bałam się ruszyć swój kredyt, ale z perspektywy czasu obawy były niepotrzebne. A wybór tej kancelarii to był strzał w dziesiątkę. Bardzo się cieszę, że zdecydowałam się powierzyć sprawę kredytu mecenasowi Mazurowi i jego współpracownikom, to po prostu są specjaliści w swoim fachu. Trochę to trwało, gdyż procesy sądowe w naszym kraju ciągną się niestety bardzo długo, ale udało się odfrankowić mój kredyt. Ludzie z kancelarii zadbali o wszystko, dzięki czemu w dość szybkim czasie od prawomocnego wyroku otrzymałam z banku zmieniony harmonogram spłaty rat, w którym zadłużenie jest o połowę mniejsze niż miesiąc temu.
I was afraid to move my credit, but in retrospect, the fears were unnecessary. And choosing this law firm was a bull’s eye. I am very glad that I decided to entrust the loan case to the lawyer Mazur and his associates, they are simply specialists in their profession. It took a while, as the lawsuits in our country are dragging on for a very long time, but I managed to defer my loan. The people from the law firm took care of everything, thanks to which I received a changed installment repayment schedule from the bank in a relatively short time from the final judgment, in which the debt is less than half a month ago.
„Twarde prawo, ale prawo..” jest prawdziwe szczególnie wtedy, kiedy wyrok w sprawie może zmienić całe nasze życie.
Jednak to dzięki ludziom, to jakże „twarde” prawo nabiera ogłady i staje się jasne i zrozumiałe dla przeciętnego człowieka.
Tylko dzięki nieszablonowemu podejściu, ponadnormatywnemu zaangażowaniu i profesjonalizmie Prawników i Adwokatów z kancelarii Mazur i Wspólnicy na sali sądowej wszystko staje się możliwe 😉
Dziękuję za nieocenioną pomoc.
The „hard law, but the law …” is especially true when a judgment in a case can change our whole life.
However, it is thanks to people that this „hard” law takes shape and becomes clear and understandable for the average person.
Only thanks to the unconventional approach, extraordinary commitment and professionalism of the lawyers and advocates from the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm, everything becomes possible in the courtroom;)
Thank you for your invaluable help.
Zleciłem analizę umowy kredytowej, po kilku dniach otrzymałem rzetelne wyliczenia w kilku wariantach. Wszystko zostało omówione, nie tak jak w innych kancelariach za najprostsze pytanie trzeba było umówić się z mecenasem, co wiązało się automatycznie z kosztem. Istniała również możliwość konsultacji z prawnikiem zarówno przez telefon jak i osobiście.
Pan Mecenas Wojciech to człowiek na właściwym miejscu. Bardzo dobry fachowiec, skuteczny w działaniu z dużą wiedzą prawniczą, a do tego bardzo przyjazny i kulturalny. Oczywiście sprawa o UNWW została przeze mnie wygrana. Jest adwokatem, któremu zaufałam i tego nie żałuję, serdecznie polecam. Teraz mam środki, aby zainwestować w sprawę frankową.
Najlepsi prawnicy w mieście. Miałem problem kiedy Bank wysłał mi kolejny aneks do podpisu korzystając z okazji chciał, abym podpisał uznanie długu. Pomimo obecnej trudnej sytuacji gdy wirus zamyka wszystkie usługi także kancelarię to pracownicy kancelarii Mazur i Wspólnicy czuwali nad wszystkim i byli do dyspozycji. Ludzie z dużą wiedzą i zaangażowaniem potrafili doradzić i wybrnąć w ostatniej chwili z trudnej sytuacji. Polecam osobom szukającym dobrej i konkretnej kancelarii.
The best lawyers in town. I had a problem when the Bank sent me another signature annex taking the opportunity to want me to sign the acknowledgment of the debt. Despite the current difficult situation, when the virus shuts down all services, the law firm’s employees also watched over everything and were at their disposal. People with great knowledge and commitment were able to advise and get out of a difficult situation at the last minute. I recommend it to people looking for a good and specific law firm.
Właśnie zakończyłam 3-letnią batalie o z bankiem w I instancji, czekam na to czy bank dalej się odwoła. Przetrwałam tylko dzięki Pani Mecenas! Wszystkie osoby z kancelarii, z którymi miałam kontakt są w pełni profesjonalne a jednocześnie ciepłe, wyrozumiałe i przyjazne. Przez te 3 lata byłam zawsze informowana na bieżąco o postępach procesu. Czułam się zawsze bezpiecznie. Pani Mecenas lub jej aplikant zawsze znajdowali dla mnie czas, odpowiadając na wszystkie moje e-maile lub poprzez rozmowę telefoniczną. Jeśli kiedykolwiek jeszcze będę potrzebowała porady prawnej lub będę musiała skorzystać z usług prawnika, zawsze zwrócę się do Pani Mecenas Tomaszewskiej. Polecam wszystkim usługi tej kancelarii z pełnym przekonaniem.
Właśnie zakończyłam 3-letnią batalię o z bankiem w I instancji, czekam na to czy bank dalej się odwoła. Przetrwałam tylko dzięki Pani Mecenas! Wszystkie osoby z kancelarii, z którymi miałam kontakt są w pełni profesjonalne a jednocześnie ciepłe, wyrozumiałe i przyjazne. Przez te 3 lata byłam zawsze informowana na bieżąco o postępach procesu. Czułam się zawsze bezpiecznie. Pani Mecenas lub jej aplikant zawsze znajdowali dla mnie czas, odpowiadając na wszystkie moje e-maile lub poprzez rozmowę telefoniczną. Jeśli kiedykolwiek jeszcze będę potrzebowała porady prawnej lub będę musiała skorzystać z usług prawnika, zawsze zwrócę się do Pani Mecenas Tomaszewskiej. Polecam wszystkim usługi tej kancelarii z pełnym przekonaniem.
I have just finished a 3-year battle for the bank in the first instance, I am waiting for the bank to appeal further. I survived only thanks to Mrs. Patron! All people from the law firm with whom I had contact are fully professional and at the same time warm, understanding and friendly. During these 3 years, I was always kept informed about the progress of the process. I always felt safe. The attorney or her trainee always found time for me by answering all my e-mails or by phone. If I ever need legal advice again or need a lawyer, I will always turn to Ms Tomaszewska. I recommend the services of this law firm to everyone with full conviction.
Z usług kancelarii korzystam od 2017 roku, zaczynając od przerwania biegu przedawnienia. Po roku od posiedzenia ugodowego odpisaliśmy wraz z małżonką umowę na pełen proces. To co wyróżnia to zapewne doskonały kontakt telefoniczny oraz mailowy, ale gdy jest taka potrzeba można liczyć również na szybkie zorganizowanie spotkania i rozmowę w „cztery oczy”. Na szczególną uwagę zasługuje także fakt, że pracownicy nie zapominają w swojej pracy o etyce i działają zawsze zgodnie z zasadami etyczno-moralnymi, choć w dzisiejszym świecie to bardzo rzadkie i niepopularne, jednak ostatecznie zawsze się opłaca. Moja sprawa nadal się toczy, jestem dopiero po drugiej rozprawie.
I have been using the services of the law firm since 2017, starting with the interruption of the limitation period. One year after the settlement meeting, my spouse and my spouse wrote off a full trial contract. What distinguishes it is probably the perfect contact by phone and e-mail, but when necessary, you can also count on quick organization of a meeting and a face-to-face conversation. Particularly noteworthy is the fact that employees do not forget about ethics in their work and always act in accordance with ethical and moral principles, although in today’s world it is very rare and unpopular, but in the end it always pays off. My case is still pending, I’m only after the second hearing.
At an arranged meeting at the office of the law firm, I received specific information, explanations of legal issues, possible solutions and their consequences, as well as hints on what is the best solution in my situation. Mrs. patron took care of my interests perfectly. It was also important for me that there was no maneuvering when asked about costs, only a clear definition of what to expect in such cases. For me and each client, it is probably important to estimate the costs at the very beginning and decide if there is anything to fight for. In my case, it was one of the key points.
She behaved with great culture and professionalism, but also showed understanding, which made me very happy, because there is nothing worse than a lawyer who always has no time. You can see right away that every customer really matters.
Due to the fact that the case was to be pending before the Warsaw Court, I was looking for a lawyer from that city. Positive reviews on the internet I have handled in the office of the Lord Patron Mazur. So far, I am satisfied with the overall course of the cooperation – each case has been discussed with me and informed about the next steps. At the hearing, it was immediately possible to issue the differences between the lawyer who represented me and the bank’s side. Full preparation, counterargumentation, which resulted in my assessment huge advantage. I look forward to the end of the process.
I am fully convinced that the Law Firm is literally „top league”. The trial with Getin lasted for years. If not for the support of my patron, I would not have survived this process with my family. It was a hard time, but the investment in the process has paid off. After a hard fight, we got a favorable judgment. Unfortunately, this is not the end of the battle with the bank as the bank has appealed. We believe that the Court will also have a positive attitude here.
Pierwsze wrażenie nie należało do najlepszych. Dzwoniąc do kancelarii połączyłam się zamiast z żywym człowiekiem z automatem. Na analizę czekałam aż 5 dni! Co prawda długo, ale została ona rzetelnie przygotowana przez dział prawny oraz analityka, a następnie omówiona i to zdecydowało, że wybrałam tą kancelarię. Na tle innych analiz jakie zebrałam z konkurencyjnych firm wydała mi się bardziej szczegółowa odpowiadająca na pytania, których jeszcze nie zadałam. Na etapie procesowym spotkałam się z bardziej żywym kontaktem ze strony Mecenasa prowadzącego co jest zdecydowanie na plus.
The first impression was not the best. When calling the office, I connected to a payphone instead of a living man. I waited 5 days for the analysis! It is true that for a long time, but it was thoroughly prepared by the legal department and an analyst, and then discussed, which made me choose this law firm. Compared to other analyzes that I have collected from competing companies, it seemed to me more detailed answering questions that I have not asked yet. At the trial stage, I met with more lively contact from the attending attorney, which is definitely a plus.
Pani Mecenas pomogła mi przebrnąć przez proces z bankiem w pierwszej instancji. To co wydało mi się istotne to, że nie zakładała, że klient ma wiedzę prawną – krok po kroku omawia, co nas czeka, z czym to się wiąże i co jeszcze warto zrobić, żeby jak najlepiej zadbać o nasze interesy. Na początku współpracy osoba odpowiedzialna za naszą sprawę w jasny sposób określiła warunki finansowe – dzięki temu mieliśmy szansę oszacować czekające nas koszty i podjąć świadomą decyzję. Odstraszało tylko to, że nie wiadomo było ile będzie rozpraw, ale w kancelarii Mazura rozprawy są tanie. Zaangażowanie mecenasa prowadzącego nie znikło po opuszczeniu sali z sądowej. Byliśmy informowani na bieżąco o napływającej dokumentacji. Niestety pełnomocnik banku przeciągał postępowanie w nieskończoność, powołując pracowników banku, z którymi nie mieliśmy nawet styczności. Mimo wszystko przetrwaliśmy pierwszy etap walki z przeciwnikiem, który od roku 2007 kosztował nas wiele nerwów. Teraz musimy czekać na wyznaczenie terminu rozprawy apelacyjnej.
Mrs. Patron helped me get through the process with the bank in the first instance. What I found important was that she did not assume that the client had legal knowledge – she discusses step by step what awaits us, what it involves and what else is worth doing to take care of our interests in the best possible way. At the beginning of our cooperation, the person responsible for our case clearly defined the financial conditions – thanks to this, we had the opportunity to estimate the costs ahead and make an informed decision. Only the fact that it was not known how many hearings there will be was discouraged, but in Mazura’s office, the hearings are cheap. The attorney’s involvement did not disappear after he left the courtroom. We were informed on an ongoing basis about the incoming documentation. Unfortunately, the bank’s attorney dragged out the proceedings indefinitely, appointing bank employees with whom we had not even had contact. Nevertheless, we survived the first stage of the fight against the opponent, which since 2007 has cost us a lot of nerves. Now we have to wait for the appeal hearing to be scheduled.
I recommend the Law Firm Mazur i Wspólnicy. My case ended in a settlement. Very good contact. Professionalism. In my opinion, the best in Poland in pseudo-franc matters.
Kancelaria Mazur i Wspólnicy – podjęli się rozwiązania sprawy, która spędzała mi sen z powiek i straciłam jakąkolwiek nadzieję na jej rozwiązanie. Dzięki nadprzyrodzonym umiejętnościom Mecenasa udało się doprowadzić wszystko do szczęśliwego finału. Chciałam dodać, że zdecydował się pomóc pomimo , że pierwotnie moim problemem zajmowała się inna firma, która zamiast pomóc pogrążyła mnie za co kazała sobie zapłacić słone pieniądze, a za wycofanie pozwu musiałam zapłacić 11 tys. zł. Teraz mam prawnika z Mazur i Wspólnicy i raczej wszystko jest na dobrej drodze. Rzetelne podejście do sprawy oraz wysoka kultura osobista to wizytówka tej kancelarii.
Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm – they undertook to solve the case that kept me awake at night and I lost any hope of solving it. Thanks to the supernatural skills of the Patron, it was possible to bring everything to a happy end. I would like to add that he decided to help, despite the fact that my problem was originally dealt with by another company, which instead of helping, plunged me, for which I ordered to pay salt money, and I had to pay 11,000 for withdrawing the lawsuit. PLN. Now I have a lawyer from Masuria i Wspólnicy and everything is on the right track. A reliable approach to the case and high personal culture are the hallmarks of this law firm.
I fell victim to the need to have my own home, i.e. the necessity to take out a loan, which I did not understand in the past. Mr. attorney took care of everything, it’s good that I did not have to attend all the hearings, because mentally I would not be able to cope. Once it was too much. The case dragged on for a while, but it ended with our victory. I breathed a sigh of relief after traveling with mBank. I know it’s much slower in the courts now, but there’s no other way out.
I like to have everything under control, in the field of law I am not a specialist, so I had to hand it over to the right person. The law firm won my favor with the fact that they immediately presented a specific action plan. I approve of this approach.
I recommend. First of all, cooperation with Ms Anita. He shows great professionalism, patience and a reliable approach. My case is pending, but I believe that thanks to this law firm in the near future I will get rid of this pseudo-franc mortgage loan …
Mimo że z mecenasem Mazurem pokonaliśmy bank w zeszłym miesiącu to już przestałem się tym chwalić w firmie. Pracuję w dużej stacji telewizyjnej i obserwuję u nas nową korporacyjną etykietę, że jak pozbywasz się kredytu frankowego, to w firmie powinieneś zostawić to dla siebie, aby nie drażnić naszych ludzi od reklam. Rozumiem, że banki są trzecim naszym dostawcą przychodów z reklam, ale primo rzadko mamy kontakt z bankowcami, secundo pośrednikiem są domy mediowe. Ciekawe ile dziennie na fajku spotykam ludzi, którzy wywalili w kosmos swój kredyt frankowy, ale udają że nic się nie stało i tylko maskują się powtarzając staro polskie powiedzenie U mnie stara bieda? Jeszcze popracuję w tej korpo 2 lata i zawinę się z tej warszawki. Po sądowym wykasowaniu kredytu już dzisiaj mogę mniej pracować, a poza tym jak za kilka miesięcy mecenas wykreśli mi hipotekę to mieszkanie sprzedam bez problemu. Trzeba żyć a nie tylko tyrać dla jednej korpo a połowę zarobków oddawać bankowemu korpo.
Despite the fact that we defeated the bank with Mr. Mazur last month, I have stopped boasting about it in the company. I work for a large TV station and observe a new corporate etiquette that when you get rid of a Swiss franc loan, you should leave it to yourself in the company, so as not to irritate our people with advertising. I understand that banks are our third supplier of advertising revenues, but we rarely have contact with bankers, media houses are the intermediary. I wonder how many times a day I meet people on a pipe who threw their Swiss franc loan into space, but they pretend that nothing happened and only mask themselves by repeating an old Polish saying In my old poverty? I will work in this corpo for 2 years and I will call myself from this Warsaw. After the judicial cancellation of the loan, I can work less today, and besides, when my lawyer cancels my mortgage in a few months, I will sell this apartment without any problems. You have to live and not just pay for one corpo and give half of your earnings to a banking corporation.
Although we defeated the bank with Mr. Mazur last month, I have stopped boasting about it in the company. I work for a large TV station and I observe a new corporate etiquette that when you get rid of a Swiss franc loan, you should leave it to yourself in the company, so as not to irritate our people with advertising. I understand that banks are our third supplier of advertising revenues, but we rarely have contact with bankers, media houses are the intermediary. I wonder how many times a day I meet people on a pipe who have blown their Swiss franc loan into space, but they pretend that nothing happened and only mask themselves by repeating an old Polish saying In my old poverty? I will work in this corporation for 2 years and I will call myself from this Warsaw. After the judicial cancellation of the loan, I can work less today, and besides, when my lawyer cancels my mortgage in a few months, I will sell this apartment without any problems. You have to live and not just waste money for one corporation and give half of your earnings to a banking corporation.
Rzetelnie i fachowo. Kompleksowa obsługa i pomoc prawnicza.
Reliable and professional. Comprehensive service and legal assistance.
Everything OK recommend.
Thanks to Kancelaria Mazur i Wspólnicy, my CHF loan agreement was canceled. My drama of increasing credit and increasing debt is over. I still find it hard to believe that it worked.
09/30/2022 – my CHF loan has been closed. I regained my peace and safety.
I recommend the Law Firm Mazur i Wspólnicy – high efficiency and professionalism.
I would like to thank the Law Firm, and in particular, Ms Justyna Tomaszewska, for her success.
As a client, I highly recommend Kancelaria Mazur i Wspólnicy to all those who still have Swiss franc loans. Thanks to the professionalism and commitment of the Law Firm, our contract was canceled on 31-08-2022. We got rid of this toxic product that was poisoning the life of the entire family. At this point, we are settled with the bank, we have obtained the so-called the letter and the mortgage in the land and mortgage register will be deleted soon. Our special thanks go to Ms JUSTYNA TOMASZEWSKA, who led us very professionally through both instances. Always available, helpful. It is thanks to her commitment and dedication that we have achieved this success. I really wholeheartedly recommend the services of this Law Firm.
I decided to join the Law Firm after watching all the available materials on YouTube with the participation of Mr. Robert Mazur. From the very beginning, the cooperation was clear and stress-free. The first instance was played by Mr. Piotr Półbratek, who calmly and tactically brought the opponent to the ground floor and the court canceled the contract in its entirety. The bank appealed against the verdict, but did not know that in the second instance the reins was taken over by Justyna Tomaszewska, who masterfully closed the subject of the contract’s validity once and for all. The court issued a final judgment. The bank returned home with its tail curled up. He will probably send some scarecrows now, but with such a team of patrons I can sleep well. I recommend it to everyone who fell for a Swiss franc loan.
The case was successful. Great support, especially from attorney Tomaszewska. I recommend the office.
Reliable company, the case was brought to an end without problems with minimal my participation.
Thank you, Mrs. Beata Sienko-Kowalska for great cooperation and contact. Beautifully won over a bank.
My case was a complete success. The whole service is very professional, good contact with patrons. I recommend the office.
The case conducted by attorney Justyna Tomaszewska ended with the annulment of the loan agreement on 15-12-2022 is the best Christmas gift we could have dreamed of. Both instances handled exemplary, with full support and clarity of actions. I recommend it to everyone who plans to deal with the banksters. Thank you to the law firm and Mrs. Attorney!
If you’re still wondering if it’s worth fighting for a franc loan, don’t wait any longer and just do it.
I used the services of Kancelaria Mazur i Wspólnicy – it was a very good choice!!
Professional service, comprehensive information translated into understandable language, commitment, individual approach.
I really didn’t have to spend much time.
All this led at the end of the year, on December 16, 2022 to be precise, to a final judgment that completely annulled my contract. 🙂
Special thanks to attorney Justyna Tomaszewska
If you are still wondering whether it is worth taking out a Swiss franc loan, don’t delay any longer and just do it.
I used the services of Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm – it was a very good choice!!
Professional service, comprehensive information translated into an understandable language, commitment, individual approach.
Basically, I didn’t have to spend much time.
All this led to a final judgment at the end of the year, specifically on December 16, 2022, which completely invalidated my contract. 🙂
Special thanks to attorney Justyna Tomaszewska
I was looking for a law firm to „fight” with our bank for quite a long time, I accidentally came across Kancelaria Mazur i Wspólnicy. Before deciding to cooperate with the above-mentioned Law Firm, I read opinions, watched videos on YouTube with Mr. Mazur. that it was one of the best decisions in our lives.The lawyers from the Law Firm from the very beginning of cooperation were professional and reliable in their actions.
Yesterday, an appeal hearing was held, where the Court dismissed the bank’s appeal. This means that our franc loan agreement has been annulled (the judgment is final) We are so happy that we can’t believe it. My husband and I would like to express special thanks to Attorney Justyna Tomaszewska, who handled our case professionally. Mrs. Justyna, despite our many fears, was able to calm us down, talk to us, devoted as much time as we needed. To this day, I remember the words of Mrs. Attorney, quote: „everything will be fine, please trust us and let us act”. To all those who hesitate to make a decision with a clear conscience, I recommend Kancelaria Mazur i Wspólnicy to fight against banksters.
I was looking for a law firm to „fight” with our bank for quite a long time, and I accidentally came across the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm. Before deciding to cooperate with the above-mentioned law firm, I read opinions and watched videos on YouTube with Mr. Mazur. Looking back today, I can confidently say that that it was one of the best decisions of our lives. The lawyers from the Law Firm were professional and reliable from the very beginning of our cooperation.
An appeal hearing was held yesterday, where the court dismissed the bank’s appeal. This means that our Swiss franc loan agreement has been CANCELED (the judgment is final). We are so happy that we cannot believe it. My husband and I would like to express special thanks to Attorney Justyna Tomaszewska, who handled our case professionally. Mrs. Justyna, despite our many fears, was able to calm us down, talk to us, and devoted us as much time as we needed. I still remember the words of my attorney, quote: „everything will be fine, please trust us and let us act.” I recommend the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm to all those who hesitate to make a decision with a clear conscience to fight against banksters.
I recommend. The law firm won a case for me against PKO BP on my claim. The case in the Court since 2016, where no one had experience with denominated contracts yet, Mazur & Partners Law Firm already knew how to „bite” it. If someone is looking for a lawyer with knowledge and character, he will certainly find it in this law firm. Well done to Attorney Wojciech Sawicki 👍
I would like to thank the law firm and attorney Justyna Tomaszewska for handling our case in two instances, which ended with the annulment of the loan agreement.
Calmness, empathy and the highest professionalism of Mr. Justyna made it possible for us to go through all this stress-free and with the feeling that we are in good hands. I would like to thank the law firm and recommend it to everyone who wants to fight for justice.
I would like to thank the Law Firm and attorney Justyna Tomaszewska for handling our case in two instances, ending with the invalidation of the loan agreement.
Mr. Justyna’s calm, empathy and highest professionalism allowed us to go through it all stress-free and with the feeling that we were in good hands. I would like to thank the Law Firm and recommend it to everyone who wants to fight for justice.
In recent days, my husband and I learned about the court’s verdict in our franc case, which declared the contract invalid. On this occasion, we would like to congratulate the entire team of the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm and express our appreciation for the effectiveness and high professionalism throughout the entire period of our cooperation. Not only for the efficiency of proving in court, but also for the efficiency in contacting us, providing the necessary information, minimum formalities on our part and the transparency of the terms of cooperation, which have never been changed. This built our trust in the Law Firm and the feeling that we are in „good hands”. Despite the fact that we were one of the many clients of the Law Firm, as we can guess, we still felt that our case was properly „taken care of”. This situation allowed us to feel comfortable and in fact our role was to wait passively and obtain information about further progress in the case. Thank you very much and we wish you further success.
In recent days, my husband and I learned that the court judgment in our Swiss franc case, which declared the contract invalid, had become final. On this occasion, we would like to congratulate the entire team of the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm and express our appreciation for their effectiveness and high professionalism throughout the entire period of our cooperation. Not only for the effectiveness of proof in court, but also for the efficiency in contacting us, providing the necessary information, a minimum of formalities on our part and the transparency of the terms of cooperation, which have never been changed. This built our trust in the Law Firm and the feeling that we were in „good hands”. Despite the fact that we were one of the law firm’s many clients, as we guessed, we still felt that our case was properly „taken care of”. This situation allowed us to feel comfortable and in fact our role was to wait passively and obtain information about further progress in the case. Thank you very much and we wish you further success.
I would like to thank Kancelaria Mazur i wspólnicy, and in particular attorney Justyna Tomaszewska, for conducting the case against the bank, which ended with the annulment of the contract in a final judgment.
Professionalism, calmness and exhaustive answers of Mrs. Justyna allowed me to go through the whole process without stress. I can wholeheartedly recommend this office to anyone.
I would like to thank the Mazur i. partners law firm and, in particular, attorney Justyna Tomaszewska, for conducting the case against the bank, which ended with the invalidation of the contract in a final judgment.
Mrs. Justyna’s professionalism, calmness and comprehensive answers allowed me to go through the entire process without stress. I can wholeheartedly recommend this law firm to anyone.
I do not recommend the law firm. Yes, it was ok at the beginning, but then it was a slippery slope. They had too many cases, everything took a long time and unfortunately I had to ask about everything myself. Luckily, I won the case. In addition, he is a very, very arrogant attorney. I felt like I was their nuisance and not their customer. At the end he accused me of lying. The case was won in court in December 2022 and nothing has happened to date. I settled the bill with the law firm, and I have to ask for everything, even an answer to an e-mail… What’s more, I paid the money to the bank to close the issue as soon as possible. And now I have neither a refund from the contract nor the payments I made in February.
The Swiss franc loan case is over. Great relief. A fully professional law firm. It took several years, but the tenacity of the patrons brought success. I will also add that although I have professional contact with legal language, I was impressed when it came to the justification of the lawsuit and the letters – „top shelf”.
The Swiss franc loan case is over. Great relief. A fully professional law firm. It took several years, but the tenacity of the patrons brought success. I will also add that although I have professional contact with legal language, I was impressed when it came to the justification of the lawsuit and the letters – „top shelf”.
The Swiss franc loan case is over. Great relief. A fully professional law firm. It took several years, but the tenacity of the patrons brought success. I will also add that although I have professional contact with legal language, I was impressed with the justification for the lawsuit and the letters – „top shelf”.
A reliably and effectively operating law firm (the second instance ended with a final, successful judgment). It is also worth noting the good contact with attorney Justyna Tomaszewska, who replied to correspondence efficiently and never left my doubts without explanation. I recommend.
Even though I am shy, I decided to praise the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm for winning the case.
For almost 8 years, we have been together, from an attempted settlement, then through the Court of First Instance, to the final judgment of the Court of Appeal.
After reading the justification for the dismissal of the appeal, I bow to the Team.
Congratulations and thank you
Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm dealt very efficiently with my mortgage loan agreement indexed to the Swiss franc. On June 7, 2018, by a final judgment of the District Court in Katowice, the contract was declared invalid in its entirety from the date of its conclusion. I haven’t been to any hearing. The attorneys kept me informed about the results of the case and the actions taken.
What a joy it was when I didn’t pay any installments since June 2018.
The total installments I had paid by that time exceeded the capital collected.
I finally felt free. Life has completely changed. I got rid of a toxic product that was poisoning my life. I regained peace and security. The drama of growing debt, despite regular loan repayments, has ended.
Of course, ING sued me for the return of the capital and for remuneration for the use of the capital, but with such a team of patrons – one could sleep soundly.
I went to these hearings out of curiosity to see with my own eyes how attorney Robert Mazur and legal advisor Karol Ciupa outright knocked out bank lawyers. Of course, the bank failed, and the justification for the judgments of the District Court and the Court of Appeal in Białystok regarding remuneration for the use of capital was probably the most frequently cited by all Swiss franc law firms.
The bank returned the overpaid amounts over the principal and interest to my bank account and released the mortgage. The bank did not file a cassation appeal against the judgment of the Court of Appeal in Białystok to the Supreme Court.
The matter was brought to an end in a beautiful style without any problems. The patrons of the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm were unrivaled in this matter.
Today, with the benefit of hindsight, I can say with full responsibility that the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm, through hard work and great commitment, achieved a final judgment favorable to its clients.
I would like to thank the patrons for their excellent cooperation and wish them further success and development in their cases, and I wish those involved in toxic products the courage to make an informed decision to sue the bank.
Best regards: Krystyna Kulesza
in 2023, I completed the Swiss franc case with the help of the Mazur law firm and I am extremely satisfied with the result and the entire cooperation. From the very beginning I felt that I was in good hands. Throughout the entire process, I was kept informed about the progress of the case, and all my questions and doubts were quickly and factually explained by attorney Karol Ciupa. I recommend this law firm to everyone who is looking for reliable and effective legal assistance in Swiss franc matters.
I would like to thank the Mazur law firm for its support and professionalism. Thanks to you, I was freed from the toxic contract with the bank.
Monika Wojnar
Professional approach from beginning to end. Even after winning the trial and invalidating the franc contract, I still received instructions on how to proceed. Fortunately, I did not sign an agreement with the bank and trusted Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm. I am more than satisfied with the cooperation and the final result. I would highly recommend!
Professional approach from beginning to end. Even after winning the trial and invalidating the franc contract, I still received instructions on how to proceed. Fortunately, I did not sign an agreement with the bank and trusted Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm. I am more than satisfied with the cooperation and the final result. I highly recommend it!
Mazur i Wspolnicy Law Firm handled our Swiss franc case, which ultimately resulted in a settlement with the Bank. From the beginning of our cooperation, we were in constant contact and were constantly informed by the law firm. If we had any questions, they were answered immediately (usually within the same day) in an impartial and very professional manner. We also received help from the law firm when we were sued by the Bank, which theoretically went beyond the scope of the contract. A very reliable, honest and professional company. The quality of cooperation exceeded our expectations, I highly recommend it
We recommend this law firm to everyone who is looking for reliable and effective legal assistance in Swiss franc matters.
Thank you very much for your professional help in the dispute with the Bank over a Swiss franc mortgage loan and for WON THE PROCESS.
Words of thanks to the entire team of the MAZUR I WSPÓLNICY Law Firm, and in particular to Attorney Justyna Tomaszewska.
Thank you and we wish you further success in your work.
Best regards
Bogusław Kurowski
Beata Wolna
Sławomir Kamola
The Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm handled our Swiss franc case and, unfortunately, for almost 8 years the law firm was unable to successfully complete the case. After nearly 8 years, we decided to sign the settlement offered to us by the bank. The Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm advised us against concluding a settlement and therefore did not engage in negotiations with the bank. Finally, we signed the settlement with the bank on our own, without the participation of the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm. After we conclude the settlement with the bank, the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm demands that we pay a success bonus related to the settlement we concluded. I will only mention that for handling our Swiss franc case we paid the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm an amount (as it turned out) that was more than twice as high as the applicable average rates for handling this type of case. I strongly advise against cooperation with the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm, which is currently threatening us with a lawsuit for payment of a bonus for a settlement they did not contribute to. In our opinion, the law firm’s attitude is scandalous, embarrassing and focused only on its own profit. Unfortunately, the interests of Swiss franc borrowers are in the background. I strongly advise against cooperation. The law firm was supposed to help us solve the Swiss franc problem, which it did not do, and now it is threatening us with paragraphs and court.
A law firm that approaches each client individually to his case and problem, whether it is small or large. In our case, the case concerned a loan taken out in CHF, the so-called Swiss franc. The battle with the bank lasted several years, but thanks to the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm, it ended in full success, i.e. the contract was invalidated! Today we know that we made a very good decision by choosing this law firm. Contact at every stage of the proceedings. You receive explanations even for trivial questions and doubts. You are never left alone. Thanks to committed lawyers, professional customer service and, above all, knowledge of the subject in the field of pseudo franc loans, we have been able to reach a stage in life where we do not have to follow the CHF exchange rate every day and we are not afraid that someone will come and take our house away . Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm, only they are the best in this field. There are many law firms that offer to get rid of loans in Swiss francs, but in times when the trails in courts were already paved, and at the beginning, when there was still a lot of uncertainty in court cases, the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm was already taking this path. They were the ones who had to explain in courts the complexities of who was on the right side, the client or the bank. That is why we wholeheartedly recommend the services of these lawyers if you are struggling with a CHF loan and have not yet made a decision. Now we can say that the friend to whom we recommended the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm took a risk, used the services, and is now also happy that he won the case.
We sincerely recommend it!!!
J.J. F
The Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm handled our Swiss franc case and, unfortunately, for almost 8 years the law firm was unable to successfully complete the case. After almost 8 years, we decided to sign the settlement offered to us by the bank. The Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm advised us against concluding a settlement and therefore did not engage in negotiations with the bank. Finally, we signed the settlement with the bank on our own, without the participation of the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm. After we conclude the settlement with the bank, the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm demands that we pay a success bonus related to the settlement we concluded. Let me just mention that for handling our Swiss franc case, we paid the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm an amount (as it turned out) that was more than twice as high as the applicable average rates for handling this type of case. I strongly advise against cooperation with the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm, which is currently threatening us with a lawsuit for payment of a bonus for a settlement they did not contribute to. In our opinion, the law firm’s attitude is scandalous, embarrassing and focused only on its own profit. Unfortunately, the interests of Swiss franc borrowers are in the background. I strongly advise against cooperation. The law firm was supposed to help us solve the Swiss franc problem, which it did not do, and now it is threatening us with paragraphs and court.
Edit to the response of the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm of October 10, 2024:
1.Formally, I was not your client, but my wife was. The case concerned our shared property, so I know every detail of the case. It is not true that we have never talked or had any contact because I personally talked to Mr. Mazur in September 2016 in his office when signing the contract. Similarly with Mrs. Tomaszewska in court during one of the hearings. Therefore, someone who wrote a response to my opinion about cooperation with the law firm either did not prepare or is deliberately trying to question my assessment.
2. We paid fairly for what the law firm did for us. Even for the second instance, which never happened. I accuse the Law Firm of taking credit for a success it has not achieved and for which it is trying to obtain remuneration!
3. The comparison to the industry and company I work for is ridiculous. Eco Comfort settles accounts with customers only when the work is completed and performed as agreed. Otherwise, we would not dare to demand remuneration.
However, the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm demands payment for a success it did not achieve!
Full professionalism. Correcting the case from the beginning to the happy end of the case, completed with a bank transfer. 100% even more winning. Communication at the highest level. I recommend it to everyone
I am the happiest and free man because I no longer have a pseudo-franc loan, Mr. Mazur’s law firm freed me, full professionalism, commitment, very nice cooperation, only positives. I would like to thank all the employees of the law firm for their help, especially Mrs. Beata Sieńko-Kowalska. I recommend them to everyone. exceptional. Thank you again for everything.
I am very pleased with the cooperation with the „Mazur i Wspólnicy” law firm. They not only help you beat the banks, but also change your life for the better. Professionalism, commitment and effectiveness are the features that distinguish this law firm. I highly recommend it!
Polecam w 100%.
Od samego początku wyboru kancelarii do obsługi naszej sprawy przeciwko PKOBP wiedzieliśmy iż będzie to trudna rywalizacja dlatego zdecydowaliśmy się na wybór kancelarii mającej największe doświadczenie oraz sukcesy w prowadzonych sprawach frankowych (posługując się analogią piłkarską zdawaliśmy sobie sprawę iż są to rozgrywki na poziomie Ligi Mistrzów więc zatrudniliśmy do tej ,,batalii” w naszej ocenie absolutny TOP wśród kancelarii). Właściwość naszego wyboru potwierdzały kolejne etapy postępowań sądowych w I, czy II instancji zakończone sukcesem czyli unieważnieniem umowy w CHF. Podczas 5 lat procesowania się z bankiem były momenty gdzie banki szukały różnego rodzaju rozwiązań czy strategii na obronę swoich pseudo kredytów przed sądami powszechnymi i właśnie w tych momentach utwierdzało się w nas przekonanie cyt. ,,całe szczęście że my mamy kancelarię Mazur i Wspólnicy😊”. W tym miejscu należą się szczególne podziękowania dla Pani mecenas Justyny Tomaszewskiej, która poza tym iż była naszym pełnomocnikiem zawsze w ramach dostępnego czasu udzielała na bieżąco informacji czy też wyjaśniała aktualną sytuację ,,frankowiczów” w odniesieniu do strategii banków. Również podziękowania kierujemy do Pana mecenasa Piotra Półbratka, który w pierwszej instancji komunikował się z nami z ramienia kancelarii i na bieżąco wyjaśniał tematykę prawną (z Panem mecenasem jesteśmy w kontakcie gdyż oczekujemy na pozew ze strony banku a mając na uwadze wysoki poziom świadczonych usług przez kancelarię, sprawę przekażemy do obsługi Panu mecenasowi).
Podsumowując to co moim zdaniem wyróżnia kancelarię Mazur i Wspólnicy na tle pozostałych kancelarii to; skuteczność, profesjonalizm, wysoki poziom organizacyjny kancelarii, dostępność mecenasów, komunikacja i dbałość o klienta to w skali od 1-5 dajemy 6😊 absolutnie najwyższy standard świadczonych usług (prze te 5 lat nigdy nie zostaliśmy pozostawieni samym sobie…). Na uwagę zasługuje również fakt iż zespół mecenasów kancelarii na czele z Panem mecenasem Robertem Mazurem przyczyniał się do tworzenia i kształtowania korzystnej linii orzeczniczej w sprawach frankowych w Polsce to między innymi dzięki tej kancelarii sprawy konsumentów i obrona ich prawa nabrały właściwej ochrony na tle przepisów Unii Europejskiej .
Jeszcze raz dziękujemy Pani Justyno a także życzymy zdrowych i wesołych świąt Pani oraz wszystkim pracownikom kancelarii Mazur i Wspólnicy.
Pozdrawiamy; Beata i Wojciech K.
I recommend it 100%.
From the very beginning of choosing a law firm to handle our case against PKOBP, we knew that it would be a difficult competition, so we decided to choose a law firm with the greatest experience and success in handling Swiss franc cases (using the football analogy, we were aware that these were Champions League-level competitions, so we hired for this „battle”, in our opinion the absolute TOP among law firms). The correctness of our choice was confirmed by subsequent stages of court proceedings in the first or second instance, which ended with success, i.e. invalidation of the CHF contract. During the 5 years of legal proceedings with the bank, there were moments when banks were looking for various types of solutions or strategies to defend their pseudo-loans before common courts, and it was in these moments that our belief was confirmed, quote: „It’s lucky that we have the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm 😊” . At this point, special thanks are due to attorney Justyna Tomaszewska, who, apart from being our representative, always provided up-to-date information and explained the current situation of „franc holders” in relation to the banks’ strategies within the time available. We would also like to thank attorney Piotr Półbratek, who in the first instance communicated with us on behalf of the law firm and explained the legal issues on an ongoing basis (we are in contact with you as we are waiting for a lawsuit from the bank and taking into account the high level of services provided by the law firm , we will pass the case on to our attorney).
To sum up, what in my opinion distinguishes the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm from other law firms is; effectiveness, professionalism, high organizational level of the law firm, availability of patrons, communication and customer care – on a scale of 1-5 we give 6😊 the absolute highest standard of services provided (in these 5 years we have never been left to our own devices…). It is also worth noting that the team of the law firm’s patrons, headed by Mr. Robert Mazur, contributed to the creation and shaping of a favorable line of jurisprudence in Swiss franc cases in Poland. Thanks to this law firm, among other things, consumer affairs and the defense of their rights have gained proper protection under the provisions of the European Union. .
Thank you once again, Mrs. Justyna, and we wish you and all the employees of the Mazur i Wspólnicy law firm a healthy and happy holiday season.
Best regards; Beata and Wojciech K.
I regret not giving 6 stars. I highly recommend the Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm, and in particular cooperation with Attorney Justyna Tomaszewska. Thanks to her professionalism with which she conducted and advised us in our case, we won with the bank. The skills of Attorney Justyna Tomaszewska also led to a very favorable settlement in the case initiated by the bank, for which we are very grateful. The Mazur i Wspólnicy Law Firm stands for full professionalism, great commitment and, most importantly, effectiveness. Once again, I highly and wholeheartedly recommend it.