4.9 / 5.0
316 opini
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Osoby Polecające
Opinie Pozytywne
Opinie Negetywne
Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
K&L LEGAL Granat i Wspólnicy Sp.k. | Wrocław | sprawdź | |
Kancelaria Adwokacka Oskar Miłoń | Łódź | sprawdź | |
ADWOKAT JOANNA WĘDRYCHOWSKA | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Malanowski i Wspólnicy | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Zacznę od tego, że moja sprawa dotyczy unieważnienia umowy kredytu hipotecznego tzw. frankowego w mBanku, a decyzja o powierzeniu jej mecenasowi Oskarowi Miłoniowi okazała się jedną z najtrafniejszych, jaką podjąłem w swoim życiu. Początkowo, niestety w wyniku własnej naiwności skorzystałem z oferty innej kancelarii (w owym czasie Pana Oskara jeszcze nie znałem). Wrocławska kancelaria okazała się nieuczciwa i niekompetentna oraz dodatkowo na tyle pazerna, że zmuszony byłem wpłacić im pokaźną kwotę zaliczki i grzecznie czekać na kontakt. Do rangi kuriozum urasta fakt, że nie mogłem w swojej sprawie zwyczajnie porozmawiać z żadnym z ich prawników telefonicznie, gdyż pani sekretarka informowała, żeby wszelkie zastrzeżenia przesyłać w formie pisemnej. Jeszcze na samym początku nie mogłem domyślać się, że mam do czynienia z opieszałymi ignorantami, jednak koszmar zaczął się, kiedy zacząłem domagać się konkretnych działań z ich strony. Dość powiedzieć, że mimo moich licznych próśb, gróźb itp. prób wyegzekwowania czegokolwiek, przez ponad rok! nie byli w stanie przygotować pozwu, co o mały włos nie doprowadziło do przeterminowania. Szczęśliwie trafiłem na Pana Oskara, który „z marszu” wzbudził moje zaufanie swoją życzliwą, konkretną i fachową postawą. Rzeczowo poinformował mnie, mniej więcej, ile sprawa może się toczyć, jakie są koszta, i co równie istotne, jednym stanowczym pismem skierowanym do poprzednich reprezentantów odzyskał dla mnie pieniądze im wpłacone. Ulga jaką wtedy odczułem – bezcenna. Przygotowanie pozwu zajęło Panu Oskarowi zaledwie kilka tygodni. Na koniec dodam tylko, że zawsze pamięta też, że kontakt i zrozumienie dla klienta to sprawa priorytetowa. Jak dla mnie jest bezkonkurencyjny w swoim fachu. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i bardzo dziękuję za okazane zainteresowanie i pomoc.
Mecenas Oskar Miłoń to Najlepszy z Najlepszych. Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem profesjonalizmu, wiedzy i kultury Pana Mecenasa. Zawsze perfekcyjnie przygotowany do sprawy i w pełni zaangażowany. Klient ma poczucie, że jego sprawa jest najważniejsza i może liczyć na pełne zrozumienie i fachową pomoc. Efekt tej pomocy w mojej sprawie to wygrana z Getin bankiem. Polecam gorąco Pana Mecenasa i ogromnie dziękuję za wszystko.
Niezwykle merytoryczne doradztwo prawne. Nieliczny z prawników, który faktycznie otacza opieką klienta a nie zapomina o problemach po tym jak się zamykają za nim drzwi. Polecam, nie tylko w obszarach oddłużania, windykacji, bezprawnych praktyk bankowych.
Jako właściciel firmy budowlanej Jesion Inwestycje sp z o.o. sp. k. korzystaliśmy z usług Adwokata Oskara w zakresie windykacji, profesjonalnie szybko i konkretnie. Sprawa która trwała od dwóch lat, zakończyła się szybką ugodą.
Ponadto Pan Adwokat prowadzi również sprawy budowlane naszej spółki.
Polecam usługi Adwokata Oskara Miłonia.
Michał Jesionowski
Prezes Zarządu Jesion Inwestycje
Polecam bardzo mi pomogli w różnych sprawach . Fachowa obsluga
Zaufalem I to byla dobra decyzja. Znajomosc tematu, bardzo konkretny,
szczery do bolu ale to na dobre nam wychodzi. Wygrana nr1 a jest jeszcze kilka spraw przed nami ( niby franki). polecam.
Najlepszy adwokat z jakim miałam do tej pory do czynienia , a sporo spraw sądowych przeszłam i z wieloma prawnikami miałam kontakt.
Zanim trafiłam do Pana Oskara Miłonia posiłkowałam się różnymi adwokatami , głównie z Warszawy i całe szczęście, że im nie powierzyłam do końca swojej sprawy, bo każdy z nich chciał iść na niekorzystną dla mnie ugodę. Pan Oskar Miłoń wygrał prawomocnie moją sprawę, Sąd unieważnił w całości umowę – kredyt CHF i roszczenia Pragma Inkaso. Zawsze świetnie przygotowany do rozpraw, konkretny, a jednocześnie z dużą empatią i zrozumieniem w stosunku do klienta. Pełen profesjonalizm i ogromna charyzma. Zdecydowanie polecam usługi Kancelarii Adwokackiej Oskar Miłoń.
Najlepszy adwokat z jakim miałam do tej pory do czynienia , a sporo spraw sądowych przeszłam i z wieloma prawnikami miałam kontakt.
Zanim trafiłam do Pana Oskara Miłonia posiłkowałam się różnymi adwokatami , głównie z Warszawy i całe szczęście, że im nie powierzyłam do końca swojej sprawy, bo każdy z nich chciał iść na niekorzystną dla mnie ugodę. Pan Oskar Miłoń wygrał prawomocnie moją sprawę, Sąd unieważnił w całości umowę – kredyt CHF i roszczenia Pragma Inkaso. Zawsze świetnie przygotowany do rozpraw, konkretny, a jednocześnie z dużą empatią i zrozumieniem w stosunku do klienta. Pełen profesjonalizm i ogromna charyzma. Zdecydowanie polecam usługi Kancelarii Adwokackiej Oskar Miłoń.
Do Kancelarii Adwokackiej Oskar Miłoń trafiłem z polecenia znajomej. Choć wartość odzyskanej dla mnie wierzytelności jest niezbyt wielka to mecenas Miłoń nie odmówił współpracy ze mną i pomógł mi z problemem. Bardzo dobry kontakt ze wszystkimi pracownikami kancelarii. Jestem pełen podziwi profesjonalizmu. Na pewno wrócę !!! Kancelaria godna polecenia 🙂
Do Kancelarii Pana Oskara trafiłem zupełnie przez przypadek ale okazało się, że jest to Kancelaria na b.wysokim poziomie. Pan Oskar zajął się moją sprawą (chodzi o kredyt w CHF) bardzo rzeczowo- poświęcił mi też sporo czasu na wytłumaczenie całego tego procederu- przedstawił rzeczowe rozwiązania. Kontakt mailowy czy też telefoniczny również na b.wysokim poziomie. Póki co sprawa się toczy ale jestem przekonany, że wygrana z Bankiem- to tylko kwestia czasu- co nie ukrywam będzie ogromną zasługą Kancelarii jak i Pana Oskara.
Pozdrawiam Maciej Krysiński
Z pełnym przekonaniem mogę polecić usługi prawnicze kancelarii. Do nawiązania współpracy przekonało mnie w pełni profesjonalne, merytoryczne podejście do mojej sprawy przez Pana mec. Oskara Miłonia. Doceniam jasną i rzetelną ocenę problemu, z którym się zgłosiłem. Jestem pod wielkim wrażeniem szczegółowości wiedzy, zaangażowania Pana Mecenasa oraz opanowania tematyki związanej z rzekomymi kredytami CHF. Polecam wszystkim, którzy stracili nadzieje na rzetelną ocenę i uczciwe podejście do tego typu spraw.
Pan Mecenas pomógł w unieważnieniu dwóch umów frankowych w 1-szej instancji przeciwko Getin Noble Bank i przyczynił się do wstrzymania płatności rat. Bank się odwołał i czekamy na apelację.
Zadowolony klient z Warszawy Tomasz
Pan jest kompletnym ignorantem, prosiłem go o zaopiniowamie umowy kredytowej, po wysłaniu umowy na maila i kilku dniach oczekiwania na odpowiedź dzwonię i już po głosie słyszę, że facet zapomniał albo mu się nie chciało zerknąć ale zapewnia że sprawe zna i dziś oddzwoni. Oczywiście nie oddzwania, kolejnego dnia mówi że oddzwoni jak tylko córkę do przedszkola odprowadzi i znów brak kontaktu. Gościu jak ci się nie chciało to mogłeś powiedzieć a nie zwodzić mnie jak Heniek stolarz, że tak tak zrobię zrobię. Ja straciłem prawie tydzień a termin na decyzję krótki, ogólnie nie polecam.
Odnosząc się do poprzedniej niepochlebnej opinii o panu mecenasie, zupełnie nie mogę się z tym zgodzić , według mnie profesjonalna obsługa i czas reakcji również błyskawiczny , gdzie porównując inną kancelarię ,do której zwróciłam się wcześniej z prośba o analizę mojej sprawy odpowiedź była po prawie 3 miesiącach i byli mocno zdziwieni, że nie podejmę z nimi współpracy. Z Panem Oskarem zaczynamy współpracę i już na początku jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z tempa pracy i jakości obsługi klienta.
Referring to the previous unflattering opinion about the patron, I can not agree with that at all, in my opinion professional service and reaction time also lightning fast, where comparing another law firm to which I asked earlier for an analysis of my case, the answer was after almost 3 months and they were very surprised that I would not cooperate with them. We start cooperation with Mr. Oscar and at the beginning we are very pleased with the pace of work and the quality of customer service.
Dzień dobry, Pana Mecenasa znalazłam przez radio, kiedy usłyszałam, że wygrał sprawę kredytu frankowego. Zadzwoniłam, odwiedziłam, dogadaliśmy z łatwością i profesjonalizmem warunki współpracy. To było 2 lata temu. W zeszłym tygodniu świętowaliśmy wygraną! Unieważnienie umowy Polbank z 2008 roku. Pan Oskar zawsze przygotowany, pozytywny i konkretny. Widać że sale sądowe to jego żywioł, w przeciwieństwie do mnie. Polecam i myślę że za 2 lata może krócej, sąd apelacyjny sprawi że dopisze zakończenie sprawy z wyrokiem prawomocny i wreszcie wolna z pomocą Pana Mecenasa. Dziękuję i pozdrawiam serdecznie!
Dzień dobry, Pana Mecenasa znalazłam przez radio, kiedy usłyszałam, że wygrał sprawę kredytu frankowego. Zadzwoniłam, odwiedziłam, dogadaliśmy z łatwością i profesjonalizmem warunki współpracy. To było 2 lata temu. W zeszłym tygodniu świętowaliśmy wygraną! Unieważnienie umowy Polbank z 2008 roku. Pan Oskar zawsze przygotowany, pozytywny i konkretny. Widać że sale sądowe to jego żywioł, w przeciwieństwie do mnie. Polecam i myślę że za 2 lata może krócej, sąd apelacyjny sprawi że dopiszę zakończenie sprawy z wyrokiem prawomocnym i wreszcie wolna z pomocą Pana Mecenasa. Dziękuję i pozdrawiam serdecznie!
Hello, I found Mr. Patron on the radio when I heard that he had won the case of a Swiss franc loan. I called, visited, and we arranged the terms of cooperation with ease and professionalism. It was 2 years ago. We celebrated a win last week! Cancellation of the Polbank agreement of 2008. Mr. Oskar is always prepared, positive and concrete. You can see that the courtrooms are his element, unlike me. I recommend and think that in 2 years maybe less, the appellate court will make me complete the case with a final judgment and finally free with the help of Mr. Counselor. Thank you and best regards!
Polecam Kancelarię Adwokacką Oskar Miłoń. Profesjonalna i rzetelna Firma.
Z przekonaniem mogę polecić usługi prawnicze mec. Oskara Miłonia. Podczas pierwszego spotkania zostałam z dużą życzliwością wysłuchana i właściwie natychmiast podjęto odpowiednie działania. W trakcie trwania współpracy sprawa jest prowadzona niezwykle profesjonalnie. Mecenas Miłoń jest zawsze przygotowany merytorycznie, a dodatkowo potrafi wesprzeć dobrym słowem co dla mnie jest bardzo istotne. Polecam każdemu kto zdecyduje się podjąć walkę z nieuczciwymi praktykami banków.
I can confidently recommend the legal services of attorney Oskar Miłoń. During the first meeting, I was listened to with great kindness and appropriate action was taken immediately. During the cooperation, the case is handled extremely professionally. Attorney Miłoń is always substantively prepared, and additionally can support with a good word, which is very important to me. I recommend it to anyone who decides to take up the fight against unfair banking practices.
Dwa lata temu po analizach ofert wielu kancelarii adwokackich wybraliśmy kancelarię Pana mecenasa i dziś już wiemy, że to była świetna decyzja. Pan mecenas uzyskał dla nas unieważnienie umowy kredytowej – frankowej zawartej z mBankiem. Choć jesteśmy z Trójmiasta wybraliśmy kancelarię z Łodzi, kierując się kompetencjami, klasą oraz życzliwością, które cechują Pana mecenasa i ujęły nas od pierwszego kontaktu. Na sali sądowej w obecności Pana mecenasa czuliśmy się bezpieczni, ze względu na Jego profesjonalizm oraz dumni, że nas reprezentuje. Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni i polecamy każdemu, kto poszukuje dobrego adwokata. Lidka i Mirek M.
Two years ago, after analyzing the offers of many law firms, we chose the lawyer’s office and today we know that it was a great decision. The patron has obtained for us the cancellation of the Swiss franc loan agreement concluded with mBank. Although we are from the Tri-City, we chose a law firm from Lodz, guided by the competence, class and kindness that characterize your patron and captivated us from the first contact. We felt safe in the courtroom in the presence of the patron, because of his professionalism and proud that he represents us. We are very grateful and recommend it to anyone looking for a good lawyer. Lidka and Mirek M.
Niezwykle profesjonalna i skuteczna Kancelaria, polecam wszystkim taką obsługę prawną!
Extremely professional and effective Law Firm, I recommend such legal services to everyone!
Sprawę kredytu frankowego (stary portfel, mbank) mimo rozważania usług kilku kancelarii zdecydowaliśmy się powierzyć Mecenasowi Oskarowi Miłoniowi- profesjonaliście, osobie, która wzbudziła nasze zaufanie kompetencją, wiedzą merytoryczną i podejściem do klienta już na pierwszym spotkaniu.
Kilka dni temu zapadł wyrok – na pierwszej rozprawie- umowę unieważniono.
Panie Mecenasie bardzo dziękujemy za zajęcie się naszą sprawą.
Lepszego Pełnomocnika nie mogliśmy znaleźć. Polecamy wszystkim 🙂
Despite considering the services of several law firms, we decided to entrust the case of a Swiss franc loan (old wallet, mbank) to Attorney Oskar Miłoń – a professional, a person who won our trust with his competence, substantive knowledge and approach to the client at the first meeting.
A few days ago, the sentence was passed – at the first hearing – the contract was canceled.
Mr. Patron, thank you very much for taking up our case.
We couldn’t find a better Proxy. We recommend to everyone 🙂
Do sprawy związanej z kredytem we frankach wraz z mężem zdecydowaliśmy się na współpracę z panem mecenasem Miłoniem. I była to świetna decyzja! Profesjonalne podejście do pracy i klientów, zaangażowanie na najwyższym poziomie i co najważniejsze, wygrana rozprawa ?
Polecam współpracę z mecenasem Oskarem Miłoniem, lepiej trafić nie można.
For the matter related to the loan in Swiss francs, my husband and I decided to cooperate with Mr. Miłoń. And it was a great decision! Professional approach to work and clients, commitment at the highest level and most importantly, a dissertation won ?
I recommend cooperation with the attorney Oskar Miłoń, you can’t find a better place.
The choice of the law office of Mr. Oskar Miłoń for the Getin Bank case turned out to be right. Very good customer care, extensive knowledge of the subject, professionalism and most importantly, winning in the first instance. We are now waiting for the cont. If someone, like us, wondered whether it is worth going through half of Poland to entrust the case to this law firm, it is of course worth it, there is nothing to wait for.
We recommend and greet
Po wygranej w pierwszej instancji przeciwko Pko bp w związku z kredytem hipotecznym „własny kąt” , wczoraj Sąd Apelacyjny w Łodzi odrzucił apelacje banku . Mec. Miłoń kolejny raz potwierdził swój profesjonalizm i wiedzę w temacie kredytów „frankowych”. Zdecydowanie polecam usługi tej kancelarii każdemu, kto szuka pomocy w podobnych sprawach. Jeszcze raz bardzo dziękuje panie mecenasie i pozdrawiam serdecznie .
After winning the first instance against Pko bp in connection with the „own angle” mortgage loan, yesterday the Court of Appeal in Łódź rejected the bank’s appeals. Attorney Miłoń once again confirmed his professionalism and knowledge in the subject of Swiss franc loans. I definitely recommend the services of this law firm to anyone looking for help in similar matters. Once again, thank you very much patron and best regards.
Thank you for great cooperation, winning the case, I recommend it to everyone
MECENAS Oskar Miłoń prowadzi naszą sprawę o kredyt frankowy .
W marcu tego roku wygraliśmy sprawę przeciwko ING w I INSTACJI SĄDU OKRĘGOWEGO w Katowicach .
Polecam bardzo Mecenasa , jak i cały zespół Kancelarii .
Pełen profesjonalizm , pełne zaufanie , odpowiedzialne podejscie do kazdej sprawy , miła atmosfera .
Naprawdę warto .Polecam na 1000%
PATRON Oskar Miłoń conducts our case for a Swiss franc loan.
In March this year, we won the case against ING in the 1st INSTALLATION OF THE REGIONAL COURT in Katowice.
I highly recommend the Patron and the entire team of the Law Firm.
Full professionalism, full trust, responsible approach to each case, nice atmosphere.
It’s really worth it. I recommend it at 1000%
Jestem już po pierwszej instancji przeciwko umowie „ekstralokum”
1:0 dla nas!!!
Pan mecenas Oskar podczas rozprawy „poskładał” stronę pozwaną jak Pudzian Nejnama w 2009r.
A tak poważnie to z czystym sumieniem polecam usługi kancelarii dotyczących kredytów frankowych.
Od czasu pierwszego spotkania z Panem Oskarem do wygrania w pierwszej instancji minęło tylko 13 miesięcy!!!
Po kilku spotkaniach z różnymi kancelariami i pośrednikami ogólnokrajowymi zdecydowałem się polecić prowadzenie mojej sprawy kancelarii Kielar-Miłoń co na ta chwilę jest strzałem w 10!!!
I am already after the first instance against the „extralokum” agreement
1: 0 for us !!!
During the trial, attorney Oskar „folded” the defendant as Pudzian Nejnama in 2009.
And seriously, with a clear conscience I recommend the services of the office regarding loans in Swiss francs.
Only 13 months have passed since the first meeting with Mr. Oskar to win in the first instance !!!
After several meetings with various law firms and national intermediaries, I decided to recommend the Kielar-Miłoń law office to handle my case, which at the moment is a shot at 10 !!!
Kwiecien 2021, wygrana w I instancji z Dom Bank-Getin Noble Bank, kredyt hipoteczny we frankach zaciagniety w 2007r. Pelen profesjonalizm i ogromna wiedza na temat kredytow frankowych, polecam wszystkim ktorzy szukaja pomocy w podobnych sprawach. Mimo, ze mieszkam pod Warszawa a pracuje za granica, udalo sie wszystko przeprowadzic sprawnie mimo odleglosci. Zyczliwosc, zrozumienie, rzetelnosc w podejmowaniu dzialan oraz pelen profesjonalizm i skutecznosc to cechuje pana Mec.Milonia. Polecam! Dziekuje
April 2021, victory in the first instance against Dom Bank-Getin Noble Bank, mortgage loan in francs contracted in 2007. Full professionalism and great knowledge of Swiss franc loans, I recommend it to everyone who is looking for help in similar matters. Although I live near Warsaw and work abroad, I managed to do everything smoothly despite the distance. Kindness, understanding, reliability in taking actions as well as full professionalism and efficiency are the hallmarks of Mr. Miloń. I recommend! Thank you
Kancelaria godna polecenia. Jeden z najlepszych prawników w kraju. Działa szybko, profesjonalnie i przede wszystkim skutecznie.
Dziękuje Panie Oskarze.
Ewa Bielecka
A law firm worth recommending. One of the best lawyers in the country. It works quickly, professionally and, above all, effectively.
Thank you, Mr. Oskar.
Ewa Bielecka
In March 2021, a victory in the first instance against Getin Noble Bank.
I believe that he is one of the best lawyers in Poland in the financial sector category.
His commitment and professionalism are at the highest level.
If you have a loan in francs, this is the best choice you have ever made when choosing this law firm.
Winning in the 1st instance with Raiffeisen (Polbank contract) full professionalism, very good contact, I definitely RECOMMEND
Polecam Mecenasa Oskara Miłonia prowadził moja sprawę o kredyt frankow z Getin bank. Sprawa pierwszej instancji zakończyła się wygraną.
I recommend Mr. Oskar Miłoń, he was in charge of my case for a Swiss franc loan from Getin bank. The first instance case was won.
With all certainty and conviction, I recommend the Office of Oskar Miłoń. Professionalism, knowledge, commitment, personal culture and cordiality with which I met from the patron and his staff allowed me to survive difficult times. From the beginning of our cooperation, I had one hundred percent confidence in my patron Oskar. The result of my full confidence is the winning case with the PKO bp. I thank you with all my heart and best regards. You are the Best of the Best !!!
Wybrałem kancelarię jeszcze przed falą frankowych pozwów. Aktualnie jesteśmy po pierwszej instancji – wygrana i unieważnienie umowy. Mecenas Oskar Miłoń bardzo profesjonalny i pomocny. Naprawdę zna się na tym co robi. Obsługa klienta na najwyższym poziomie. Polecam z czystym sumieniem tym którzy się jeszcze wahają.
I chose the law firm before the wave of Swiss franc lawsuits. Currently, we are after the first instance – winning and cancellation of the contract. Attorney Oskar Miłoń very professional and helpful. He really knows what he does. Customer service at the highest level. I recommend it with a clear conscience to those who are still hesitating.
Z pomocą Adwokata Oskara Miłonia wygrałem sprawę o kredyt we frankach przeciwko ING w I instancji. Polecam usługi kancelarii Pana Oskara.
With the help of Attorney Oskar Miłoń, I won a case for a loan in francs against ING in the first instance. I recommend the services of Mr. Oskar’s law firm.
Adwokat Oskar Miłoń doprowadził do unieważnienia umowy o kredyt hipoteczny z bankiem Raiffeisen dnia 13.07.2021.
Polecam kancelarię.
Jestem wdzięczny za skuteczność.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń led to the annulment of the mortgage loan agreement with Raiffeisen bank on July 13, 2021.
I recommend the office.
I am grateful for the effectiveness.
Wygrana pierwszej instancji, unieważnienie umowy kredytu CHF, polecamy usługi Pana Mecenasa.
First instance win, cancellation of the CHF loan agreement, we recommend the services of Mr. Patron.
Wygrana z mBank w pierwszej instancji o unieważnienie umowy w SO w Piotrkowie Trybunalskim. Polecam!
Win against mBank in the first instance for the cancellation of the contract at the SO in Piotrków Trybunalski. I recommend!
Jak na razie jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni z obsługi prawnej kancelarii. Sąd pierwszej instancji wydał wyrok unieważnienia umowy. Czekamy na dalszy przebieg sprawy.
Wygrałem sprawę z bankiem PKO o kredyt w CHF , bardzo profesjonalne podejście ze strony Kancelarii Adwokackiej.
Zdecydowanie polecam
I won a case with the PKO bank for a loan in CHF, a very professional approach on the part of the Law Firm.
I definitely recommend it
Wygrana w I instancji. Jestem bardzo zadowolona z obsługi -pełen profesjonalizm. Doskonały kontakt z kancelarią.Polecam.
Win in the first instance. I am very pleased with the service – full professionalism. Excellent contact with the office.
Bardzo profesjonalna obsługa mecenasa. Właśnie wygraliśmy sprawę frankową w pierwszej instancji. Bardzo miłe panie z obsługi. Ponadto miejsce elegancko urządzone, co jest dodatkowym atutem
Very professional patron service. We have just won the Swiss franc case in the first instance. Very nice ladies from the service. In addition, the place is elegantly furnished, which is an additional advantage
Mega profesjonalnie, sprawnie i rzetelnie, błyskawiczny i stały kontakt z Klientem, słuszna sprawa (CHF) słusznie i bezproblemowo wygrana przez Kancelarie, polecam po tysiąckroć!
Mega professionally, efficiently and reliably, instant and constant contact with the client, a good cause (CHF) won by law firms, rightly and without any problems, I recommend it a thousand times!
Dziękujemy za sprawną , profesjonalną obsługę 10/10. Wygrana w pierwszej instancji z bankiem PKO BP (przejęta Nordea). Polecamy w 100%. Jedyna taka Kancelaria w Polsce.
Thank you for efficient and professional service 10/10. Win in the first instance against PKO BP (taken over Nordea). We recommend 100%. The only such law firm in Poland.
Właśnie wygraliśmy sprawę frankową w pierwszej instancji i z czystym sumieniem mogę polecić kancelarię. Pan Oskar wykazuje się pełnym profesjonalizmem, pewnością siebie oraz wiedzą. Uzyskaliśmy odpowiedzi na wszelki nurtujące nas pytania.
We have just won a Swiss franc case in the first instance and I can recommend the office with a clear conscience. Mr. Oskar shows full professionalism, self-confidence and knowledge. We have received answers to all our questions.
Pełen profesjonalizm , pełne zaangażowanie , bardzo dobry kontakt z kancelarą i przystępne ceny, sprawa w 1 instacji (Sąd Okręgowy) wygrana, kredyt od PKO BP Unieważniony. Pan Oskar zna się na rzeczy i merytorycznie bardzo dobrze przygotowany, zdcydowanie polecam
Full professionalism, full commitment, very good contact with the law firm and affordable prices, the case in the 1st instance (District Court) won, loan from PKO BP Canceled. Mr. Oskar knows his stuff and is very well prepared in terms of content, I would definitely recommend it
Tu najbardziej liczy się skuteczność, a w tej kancelarii mam na tym polu bardzo dobre doświadczenie 🙂 Podkreślam również duże zaangażowanie i fajną komunikację całego zespołu pracującego w kancelarii. Polecam zdecydowanie wszystkim.
Here, effectiveness is the most important, and in this law office I have very good experience in this field 🙂 I also emphasize the great commitment and nice communication of the entire team working in the law office. I definitely recommend it to everyone.
Wygraliśmy sprawę o całkowite unieważnienie umowy kredytu „frankowego” z Geting Bank pierwszej instancji. Świetna współpracy z kancelarią. Pan Oskar wykazał się pełną wiedzą w tej dziedzinie. Świetnie wspierał mnie od samego początku, mając na to zawsze czas. Jak by przeprowadzał małe dziecko za rękę przez niebezpieczną ulice. Dziękuję Panie Mecenasie.
We won the case for the complete annulment of the Swiss franc loan agreement with Geting Bank of the first instance. Great cooperation with the law firm. Mr. Oskar showed full knowledge in this field. He was a great support for me from the very beginning, always having time for it. As if he was carrying a small child by the hand through a dangerous street. Thank you, Mr. Counselor.
Merytoryczna, kompleksowa i szybka pomoc prawnicza. Pan Oskar wykazuje profesjonalizm, zaangażowanie oraz indywidualne podejście do klienta. Polecam!
Substantive, comprehensive and fast legal assistance. Mr. Oskar shows professionalism, commitment and individual approach to the client. I recommend!
Professional legal support is a prerequisite for obtaining a fair judgment.
That is why the individual approach of Attorney Oskar Miłoń
led to a positive conclusion to my case.
Thank you and I recommend it 100%
Jak najbardziej polecam mecenasa Oskara Miłonia oraz całą Kancelarię doskonała komunikacja, fachowa pomoc i obsługa dziś moja wygrana z Bankiem BPH. I Instancja Sąd Okręgowy Łódź
Moja Opinia = Same Superlatywy razy 100
I highly recommend the patron Oskar Miłoń and the entire Law Firm, excellent communication, professional help and service, today my victory with Bank BPH. First Instance District Court Łódź
My Opinion = Same Superlatives times 100
Won case with Deutsche Bank in the first instance for annulment of the CHF loan agreement. Professionalism and commitment of the law firm at a very high level – I recommend it.
Wygrana w I instancji o unieważnienie umowy kredytowej w CHF z ING Bank. Profesjonalnie, rzetelnie przygotowany do rozprawy. Polecam w 100%
Win in the first instance for the cancellation of the CHF loan agreement with ING Bank. Professionally, reliably prepared for the trial. 100% recommend
I recommend the office. Full professionalism. We won the District Court in the first instance. The contract with the former POLBANK has been canceled.
I came to the Law Firm with a million questions, Mr. Patron patiently answered all my questions, from the very beginning of our cooperation I received great support from Mr. Oskar Miłoń, and today the effectiveness and professionalism of Mr. Oskar Miłoń is the first instance victory with mBank for the cancellation of the loan agreement. I wholeheartedly recommend the Law Firm. Thank you!
Pełen profesjonalizm Pana Mecenasa Oskara Miłonia. Precyzyjnie nakreślony przez Niego scenariusz na pierwszym spotkaniu wypełnił się w stu procentach. Rzeczowo i cierpliwie odpowiada na pytania. Co najważniejsze, dotychczasowe działania są skuteczne i w pełni satysfakcjonujące dla mnie. (kredyt we frankach – Polbank; wygrana w pierwszej instancji)
Full professionalism of Mr. Oskar Miłoń. The scenario outlined by him was 100% fulfilled at the first meeting. He answers questions in a matter-of-fact and patient manner. Most importantly, the activities so far have been effective and fully satisfying for me. (loan in francs – Polbank; won in the first instance)
Professional service; inspires confidence; we will see what the effects of cooperation will be.
Do Kancelarii Adwokackiej Kieler-Miłoń trafiliśmy z polecenia znajomego. Pełen profesjonalizm Pana Mecenasa Oskara, stuprocentowe zaangażowanie w naszą sprawę i bardzo dobry kontakt przez cały okres współpracy przyczynił się do wygranej sprawy z Getin Noble Bank S.A. (wyrok luty 2022 r. ). Bardzo serdecznie dziękujemy całemu zespołowi Kancelarii. Polecamy Kancelarię to prawdziwi profesjonaliści w swojej dziedzinie.
We came to Kancelaria Adwokacka Kieler-Miłoń on the recommendation of a friend. The full professionalism of Mr. Oskar, 100% commitment in our case and very good contact throughout the entire period of cooperation contributed to the winning case with Getin Noble Bank S.A. (judgment February 2022). We would like to thank the entire team of the Law Firm. We recommend The office is real professionals in their field.
Excellent communication at every moment of the trial plus perfect preparation for the court hearing resulted in my victory against BPH in the case of a Swiss franc loan in the first instance. I recommend it with a clear conscience! Thank you, Mr. Counselor.
Z przekonaniem polecam współpracę z Kancelarią Adwokacką Kieler-Miłoń. Jestem pod wrażeniem profesjonalizmu całego zespołu na czele z p. Mecenasem. Dzięki jego zaangażowaniu w moją sprawę udało mi się wygrać w I instancji z Bankiem Millennium (dawniej EURO Bank). Jestem przekonany, że do pozytywnego zakończenia mojej batalii z bankiem wybrałem najlepszą kancelarię. Życzę wszystkim pracownikom Kancelarii dalszych sukcesów i cieszę się że jest mi dane mieć tak profesjonalnych obrońców moich interesów.
serdeczności wielkie -Krzysztof Liszewski
I strongly recommend cooperation with the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm. I am impressed by the professionalism of the entire team, headed by Mr. Patron. Thanks to his involvement in my case, I was able to win in the first instance against Bank Millennium (formerly EURO Bank). I am convinced that I chose the best law firm to successfully end my battle with the bank. I wish all employees of the Law Firm further successes and I am glad that I have the opportunity to have such professional defenders of my interests.
great cordiality -Krzysztof Liszewski
bardzo profesjonalne i nie absorbujące klienta działanie, rzetelne i szybkie reakcje na bieg sprawy, pewna wygrana z Bankiem PKO o unieważnienie umowy frankowej
very professional and not absorbing the customer’s action, reliable and quick reactions to the course of the case, a sure win with the PKO Bank for the cancellation of the Swiss franc agreement
Professionally and to the point. The law firm has been specializing in CHF cases since 2014, presents judgments and publishes signatures, which makes it easy to find out how many cases, with which banks and in which courts it has won. The law firm has made reliable judgments, i.e. annulment and de-franchising of loans. In addition, the terms of settlements with the law firm are known from the very beginning and do not raise any doubts.
After winning the court of first instance, I hope for the same result in the second instance.
I recommend
Pełen profesjonalizm , serdeczne podejście do Klienta, rzetelne przygotowanie do roprawy a przede wszystkim normalne ceny – mozliwość zapłaty w ratach .Dziś wygrana sprawa z BOS-iem w I instancji (CHF)! Z czystym sumieniem polecam !
Full professionalism, cordial approach to the client, reliable preparation for the installation and, above all, normal prices – the possibility of paying in installments. Today we won a case with BOS in the first instance (CHF)! I recommend it with a clear conscience!
I recommend the Law Firm. I came across attorney Oskar Miłoń on the recommendation of a friend. The patron is specific, professional and, what is also important, cultural and sympathetic. I was informed on an ongoing basis what was happening in my case of the cancellation of the Swiss franc agreement with the PKO BP bank. The case is won!
Bardzo długo wybieraliśmy kancelarię spośród wstępnie wybranych kilkunastu zamieszczonych na stronie SBB. Po kilku miesiącach zostały tylko trzy kancelarie, główne kryteria to skuteczność (wyniki), koszt (w tym elastyczne podejście), kontakt… i się nie pomyliliśmy. Pełen profesjonalizm ze strony mec. Oskara Miłonia na każdym etapie procesu, bardzo dobry kontakt, wsparcie, zostaliśmy wręcz przeprowadzeni “za rękę” przez I instancję – unieważnienie umowy w całości, Polbank/ Raiffeisen, Sąd Okręgowy w Warszawie. Polecamy najbliższym ten wybór, polecamy wszystkim uwikłanym przez banki w “umowy.” Dziękujemy
For a very long time, we chose the law firm from among a dozen pre-selected ones posted on the SBB website. After a few months, there are only three law firms left, the main criteria are effectiveness (results), cost (including a flexible approach), contact … and we were right. Full professionalism on the part of attorney Oskar Miłoń at every stage of the process, very good contact, support, we were even „hand-guided” by the first instance – cancellation of the contract in its entirety, Polbank / Raiffeisen, District Court in Warsaw. We recommend this choice to those closest to you, we recommend it to everyone involved in „contracts” by banks. Thank you
The law firm completely disrespectful to the other person and employee. Avoiding a wide gap, unless you want to support these cheeky smarts, offering 3,000 net for responsible work, collecting a multiple of this amount yourself. It is through such companies that young people leave our country.
100% skuteczność, kontakt na 6, profesjonalizm na 6… Zaczynaliśmy przygodę frankową z Kancelarią w czasach, kiedy frankowicze wcale nie wygrywali w sądach. A jednak jest wygrana💪. Polecam z czystym sumieniem. Z pozdrowieniami dla Mecenasa O.M. od K.M.
Gorąco polecam Kancelarię Adwokacką Oskar Miłoń. Jeżeli ktoś się jeszcze zastanawia czy iść do sądu z kredytem frankowym to mogę tylko podpowiedzieć, nie zastanawieć sie tylko odwiedzić Kancelarię i walczyć z banksterami . W moim przypadku kożystając z kancelarii Oskar Miłoń, sprawa wygrana „anulowanie umowy kredytowej w CHF”. Polecam kancelarię w 100%, pełny profesionalizm. 🙂
I highly recommend the Oskar Miłoń Law Firm. If someone is still wondering whether to go to court with a Swiss franc loan, I can only suggest, not hesitate, only visit the Law Firm and fight banksters. In my case, using the Oskar Miłoń law office, the case was won „cancellation of the loan agreement in CHF”. I recommend the office 100%, full professionalism. 🙂
Profesjonalizm wysokiej klasy; Pan mecenas Oskar Miłoń odpowiedział na wszystkie moje pytania poświęcając wiele uwagi i czasu, aby rozwiać wszelkie moje wątpliwości, a przy tym jest osobą wyjątkowo miłą i kontaktową. Wygrał sprawę frankową w I instancji. SERDECZNIE POLECAM USŁUGI TEJ KANCELARII.
Jestem bardzo zadowolona z usług kancelarii. Pan mecenas Oskar Miłoń wygrał naszą sprawę w I instancji (kredyt frankowy). Profesjonalizm i wysoka kultura. Pan mecenas poświęcił wiele uwagi i czasu, aby rozwiać wszelkie moje wątpliwości. Jest osobą bardzo kompetentną, wyjątkowo miłą i kontaktową. POLECAM USŁUGI TEJ KANCELARII.
I am very satisfied with the services of the law firm. Mr. Oskar Miłoń won our case in the first instance (loan in Swiss francs). Professionalism and high culture. The patron has devoted a lot of attention and time to dispel all my doubts. She is a very competent, extremely nice and contact person. I RECOMMEND THE SERVICES OF THIS LAW FIRM.
I am very satisfied with the services of the law firm. Attorney Oskar Miłoń won our case in the first instance (franc loan). Professionalism and high culture. The attorney devoted a lot of attention and time to dispel all my doubts. He is a very competent, extremely nice and communicative person. I RECOMMEND THE SERVICES OF THIS OFFICE.
Kancelaria Pana Mecenasa Oskara Miłonia zajmuje się naszą sprawą (kredyt CHF)
Tematy prowadzone profesjonalnie i rzeczowo. Dogłębna analiza umowy na początku, nakreślenie scenariusza działań oraz skuteczna ich realizacja.
Pan Mecenas obrazowo odpowiada na wszelkie pytania czy wątpliwości. W naszym przypadku jest już pierwszy sukces, wygrana sprawa w pierwszej instancji.
Szczerze polecam !
The law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń deals with our case (CHF loan)
Topics run professionally and to the point. In-depth analysis of the contract at the beginning, outlining a scenario of activities and their effective implementation.
Mr. Patron vividly answers all questions or doubts. In our case, there is already the first success, a won case in the first instance.
I sincerely recommend!
Serdecznie polecam usługi Pana Mecenasa. Dzisiaj unieważnienie kredytu CHF w BPH :-). Pan Mecenas jest absolutnym profesjonalistą, ma dużą wiedzę i duże doświadczenie, jest bardzo komunikatywny, odpowiada rzeczowo na pytania i wątpliwości. Very good contact. Jestem bardzo, bardzo zadowolona z usług kancelarii.
Dzięki profesjonalizmowi i determinacji mec. Oskara Miłonia mamy wygraną w I instancji wobec mBank S. A. I unieważnienie umowy kredytowej. Brawo. Pozostało czekanie na sukces na dalszym etapie 👍✌️
Polecam kancelarię. Dziś otrzymaliśmy wyrok unieważniający CHF/mBank. Z Mecenasem dobry kontakt i pełne wsparcie na każdym etapie.
I recommend the office. Today we received a judgment annulling CHF / mBank. Good contact with the Patron and full support at every stage.
WIN ! in the first instance, the contract was canceled, Polbank / Raiffeisen, District Court in Warsaw, P O L E C A M to all franchisees, it took a while, but I understand that it is related to improving the work of the courts by the current power;)
A very professional approach to the subject, in-depth analysis and full information about the opportunity, risk and course of the case.
Support and answer to all questions.
I highly recommend the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm. Within a year, Mr. Miłoń has led to the cancellation of the Swiss franc loan at the PKO BP bank. Cooperation with Mr. Patron was exemplary – he answered every e-mail and phone call, which for me, as a layman who asked many questions, was very important. I highly recommend.
Win in the first instance for the annulment of a „Swiss franc” loan at Raiffeisen Bank / formerly Polbank, at the District Court in Warsaw. Full effectiveness and professionalism.
I am waiting for success in the next stage. I heartily recommend 😀 👍
I thought for a long time about filing a lawsuit against Millennium Bank regarding a loan in francs. I didn’t really trust that I could win, and besides, the costs put me off a bit. Mr. Oskar Miłoń was the only one who proposed to take the case from A to Z and with the possibility of dividing the payment into installments. The second difficulty was that I live in Great Britain and the case was supposed to take place in the times of COVID so there were a lot of problems with getting around. It turned out that it was not a problem for Oskar’s office, Oskar conducted my whole case online, we never met, we only communicated by e-mail or by phone. We won the case in the court of first instance and the bank’s appeal in the court of second instance. Despite all these difficulties, Mr. Oskar handled the case quickly. It took him only 18 months from claim to payment. I highly recommend this law firm for professionalism, flexibility in adapting to the client’s needs!
I have been thinking for a long time about filing a lawsuit against Millennium Bank regarding a loan in francs. I didn’t really trust that I could win and besides, the cost put me off a bit. Mr. Oskar Miłoń was the only one who offered to handle the case from A to Z and also with the option of spreading the payment into installments. The second difficulty was that I live in the UK and the case was supposed to take place in the times of COVID so there were a lot of problems with moving around. It turned out that it was not a problem for Mr. Oskar’s office, Mr. Oskar conducted my entire case online, we never met, we only communicated via e-mail or phone. We won the case in the first instance court and the bank’s appeal in the second instance court. Despite all these difficulties, Mr. Oskar handled the case quickly. It took him only 18 months from the lawsuit to the payment of the compensation. I highly recommend this law firm for professionalism and flexibility in adapting to the client’s needs!
Cancellation of the CHF contract in the first instance. Thank you very much to the entire law firm for the effort put in this case. Their professional and matter-of-fact approach meant that we went through the entire process with no surprises. Mr. Oskar provided advice and substantive support all the time. I recommend the Law Firm for cooperation.
Bravo Mr. Patron Miłoń for full professionalism! I recommend this office to everyone without hesitation. Before choosing the office of Mr. Oskar Miłoń, we would almost have sent documents to another „supposedly Swiss franc office” in Wrocław. I realized that it was a fraud because the „president” who talked to me was not in the National Court Register, etc. .. At Mr. Oskar’s, you can find safe help .. I recommend
Good day. We are after the first instance court judgment has been announced – annulment of the Swiss franc contract. The Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm is an effective company that cares about its clients. From the very beginning, the case was handled very reliable, the information and communication with the office was perfect. We can highly recommend the Kieler-Miłoń law office. Thank you.
We came to the office of attorney Oskar Miłoń on the recommendation of friends. At every stage of the proceedings and representing us in court in a case for annulment of the Swiss franc loan agreement with mBank, we were convinced that choosing this law firm was a very good decision. Attorney Oskar Miłoń proved to be a very competent and factual person. He handles his case professionally and treats his clients very seriously. At each stage of the ongoing proceedings, he is able to provide exhaustive answers and explain everything.
He is a person of high personal culture, worth recommending to anyone looking for legal assistance. The team of associates from the office of attorney Oskar Miłoń is also very competent and helpful and deserves recognition. The case in which the patron represented us is obviously won.
We recommend the services of this law firm!
Legal services at the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm are at a very high level. Attorney Oskar Miłoń is recommendable, effective and experienced in matters relating to CHF loans. He prepares for the trial in such a way that giving evidence before the Court was not a scary and very stressful experience for us. He is fully involved in the case, communicative, inspires trust and is able to explain complex procedural issues in an understandable way. Mr. Attorney obtained for us the annulment of the credit agreement – CHF in the first instance, concluded with mBank.
We couldn’t have found a better Agent. We wish Mr. Oskar further success and recommend it to everyone 🙂
I am very satisfied with the services provided by Mr Oskar Miłoń’s law firm. Mr. Oskar Miłoń and the Law Firm’s team are characterized by high personal culture and, above all, professionalism. Thanks to their help, I obtained a favorable one, which invalidated my franc contract with Santander in the first instance, for which I am very happy and thank you. I chose the law firm on the basis of very good opinions in terms of contact and effectiveness in handling Swiss franc cases. Contact with the lawyer, mainly remote, always trouble-free and to the point. For me, a layman in legal matters and court procedures, this is very important. I heartily recommend the choice of this law firm to those who are still hesitating to file a lawsuit with the franking bank. Again thank you very much.
Thanks to the support and involvement of Mr. Miłoń, we received an annulment of the contract with Mbank in the first instance.
I highly recommend Mr. Attorney and the Kieler-Miłoń law firm as professionals in matters of CHF loans. Attorney Oskar Miłoń has extensive knowledge and experience in Swiss franc matters. Contact with Mr. Patron is quick and to the point.
In addition, Mr. Attorney is a very communicative, positive and nice person, with whom it is very nice to work.
I came to Mr. Oskar Miłoń from a recommendation. I can wholeheartedly recommend the law firm’s services. Professional and substantive approach to my case results in winning in the first instance against Santander Bank. I appreciate the clear and fair assessment of the problem I reported. I am very impressed with his commitment and professionalism at the highest level. Having a loan in francs, Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm is the best choice.
At the end of 2019, I came to the Law Office of Att. Oskar Miłoń with my wife after reading positive opinions on the Internet.
After a very matter-of-fact conversation, we came to the conclusion that we are taking the franc case against Santander to court.
At the end of 2022 we won the case in the first instance, of which we are extremely pleased, and we owe it to the professionalism and reliability of the patron.
The verdict would have been issued a year earlier, but two cases were canceled due to COVID.
If anyone is wondering whether to bring a case against the Bank in a Swiss franc case, we sincerely recommend attorney Oskar Miłoń
I came to the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń on a recommendation. The attorney proposed clear rules of cooperation and care from A to Z. Today I have won a case in the first instance (annulment) with mBank. The entire cooperation is based on full professionalism, is specific and does not generate additional stress in the process of fighting with the bank. I recommend it to anyone who is still wondering whether to file a lawsuit and who to go through this process with.
My franc case was handled by the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń in a highly professional manner, I never had the impression that something was going on that I did not see or that there were any understatements. At every stage of the case, I was factually informed about all aspects of the case, both about threats and possible wins. I am now after the first judgment in the first instance and it is positive, I am waiting for an appeal from the Bank, but I am sure that with this law firm the case will be brought to a happy conclusion and won overall. Overall, I will always recommend this law firm to friends and family because you can trust it without any problems.
My husband and I came to the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń at the recommendation of a friend who also entrusted her franc case to the law firm of Mr. Attorney. From the first meeting, we knew that it was the right choice, because the great personal culture, commitment, professionalism and stoic calmness of Mr. Patron allowed us to calm our frayed nerves and believe that the Frankish nightmare is manageable and will finally end. Mr. Attorney very specifically presented to us the terms of cooperation with the Law Firm.
During the contacts, we always received professional and substantive help and we received exhaustive answers to our questions (there were also problems that were not related to the loan issue and here we also received very helpful and extensive information from the Counselor. Thank you for your patience).
At every stage of the proceedings and representing us in court in the case of annulment of the Swiss franc loan agreement, we were convinced that choosing this law firm was a very good decision. First instance against Santander Consumer Bank won, contract invalidated! We hope it’s „downhill” now.
The team of associates from the Law Office of Mr. Patron deserves great recognition. We recommend with a clear conscience and encourage you to cooperate with the law firm of Mr. Attorney Miłoń. Thank you very much for your support and help, and we wish Mr. Oskar and the entire team of the Law Firm every success!
I am very grateful for the help and support I received from Mr. Oskar. I highly recommend the entire law firm to those in need of professional legal assistance. Attorney Oskar is not only an experienced and qualified lawyer, but also a man with a huge heart and commitment to his work. Thanks to his efforts, I managed to win the franc case after the first case, and with PKO bp. I did not believe that it could succeed, but Mr. Attorney turned out to be not only an excellent advisor, but also a listener, empathetic and always ready to answer my questions and dispel doubts. He’s a man with a capital „C”
I am very grateful to him for my release from captivity. I would definitely recommend to anyone who needs support.
I was thinking for a long time about filing a lawsuit against Getin Bank regarding a loan in Swiss francs. I didn’t really know how to go about it and who to entrust this case to. good opinions. I wasn’t sure if I had a chance of winning with Getin Bank. The attorney, after getting acquainted with my loan agreement, stated that it contained prohibited clauses and that the chance of winning was high.
I decided to entrust my case to his office. In retrospect, I know it was the best choice. Contact with the patron, mainly remote, is always trouble-free and to the point. As a legal layman, this is very important to me. Professionalism in Swiss franc matters resulted in a favorable verdict, i.e. the annulment of my franc contract with Getin Bank in the first instance. I am very happy and hope that further proceedings will also be successful. I would like to thank the entire team of the law firm, and in particular Mr. Oskar Miłoń and Mr. Paweł Dlugołęcki for their legal assistance.
I wholeheartedly recommend the choice of this law firm to those who are still hesitating about filing a lawsuit with the Court.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń conducts our case very professionally and at the same time is always a front to the client, always available, explains all doubts in detail. We have won the first instance (mBank) and we are patiently waiting for the result of the appeal. We highly recommend!
With full conviction, I can recommend cooperation with the Law Firm Kieler-Miłoń and Mr. Oskar Miłoń personally. We were looking for the best and proven legal representative for our franc case (mBank for cancellation of the loan) and we found the professionalism and help of Mr. Attorney. After analyzing our case from the very beginning, he gave us a good chance to settle the case positively. Currently, we are after winning the first instance and before its next stages. I recommend the professionalism of Mr. Attorney, the calmness and the ability to guide us laymen through the nuances of law and the translation of the heart of the matter. I can safely say that I chose the law firm to represent us in this very stressful case. I recommend it to everyone and look forward to further such positive cooperation with Mr. Patron.
Sincerely, Beata and Krzysztof Plich
Reliable, substantive and punctual handling of the case with explanation of all legal aspects to the client of the law firm. Very good information flow of the law firm, thanks to which the client is fully aware and kept informed about the next legal steps taken. With full conviction, I can recommend cooperation with the Law Firm Kieler-Miłoń with particular emphasis on the services and quality presented by Mr. Oskar Miłoń.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń and the Law Firm’s team are characterized by high personal culture and, above all, professionalism.
They were always available and provided factual and exhaustive information. Mr. Oskar Miłoń always explains all doubts in detail. When entering the law firm, I did not feel any professional barrier from the Team and Mr. Attorney.
I highly recommend the services of this law firm.
I definitely recommend the law firm of Mr. Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Comprehensive assistance, individual approach to the client, and above all great contact – the whole team is always at your disposal…
Thanks to the professionalism of the lawyers representing me, I won the case for annulment of the contract with mBank in the second instance !!!!
Once again, I would like to thank the entire team of the Law Firm, and in particular Mr. Oskar Miłoń, attorney-at-law, and Paweł Długołęcki, attorney-at-law, for their help and commitment.
I encourage all „Frankowiczs” who have not yet decided to file a case against their bank to contact the law firm of attorney Oskar Miłoń.
Zbigniew Zaborowski
I definitely recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Comprehensive assistance, individual approach to the client and, above all, great contact – the entire team is always at your disposal…
Thanks to the professionalism of the lawyers representing me, I won the case for invalidation of the contract with mBank in the second instance!!!
Once again, I would like to thank the entire team of the Law Firm, especially attorney Oskar Miłoń and attorney Paweł Długołęcki, for their help and commitment.
I encourage all „Frankowiczów” who have not yet decided to file a case against their bank to contact the office of Mr. Oskar Miłoń.
Zbigniew Zaborowski
Since March 2021, Attorney Oskar Miłoń has been handling our Swiss franc case. We are after winning in the first instance.
We would like to thank Mr. Patron for his professionalism, reliability and availability. Throughout the entire period of the case, we felt taken care of and informed. Mr. Attorney was able to dispel any doubts and explain all the intricacies of the trial procedure. With full responsibility, we recommend the Law Firm Kieler-Miłoń and the services of Mr. Oskar Miłoń.
We definitely recommend the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń, Attorney-at-law. Thanks to the professionalism of the lawyers representing us, we won the case for invalidation of the contract with Bank Millennium in the second instance. Individual approach to the client, and above all, great contact – the entire team was always available and comprehensive assistance allowed us to legally annul the contract.
Once again, we would like to thank the entire team of the Law Firm for their help and commitment.
We encourage all „Frankowiczs” who have not yet decided to file a case against their bank to contact the law firm of attorney Oskar Miłoń.
Dorothy I Mariusz Lukasik
I recommend the Law Firm Oskar Miłoń for their full professionalism in conducting my trial with Bank Millennium regarding the annulment of a mortgage loan in CHF.
In addition, it is worth noting that the law firm offers very convenient payment options with its service.
I can certainly recommend the office of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Professional advice, preparation of procedural documents, handling the case, winning a lawsuit with Santander Bank Polska S.A. in the „franc” case in the first instance. Throughout the entire period of the case, excellent contact and thorough explanation of incomprehensible formalities.
I recommend the law firm with a clear conscience and encourage undecided „Frankowiczów” to start cooperation.
I recommend with all my heart to every „frankowicz” who hesitates with making a decision, the Law Office of Mr. Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Full professionalism and commitment, which resulted in the annulment of the contract with Bank Millennium in the first instance. Thank you for your individual approach and understanding of the situation.
Zdecydowanie polecamy Pana Mecenasa Oskara Miłonia. Za pełny profesjonalizm, zaangażowanie w prowadzeniu naszej sprawy „frankowej” z bankiem PKO BP.
Doskonałe przygotowanie do rozprawy sądowej spowodowały
wygranie kredytu 1 instancji.
Polecamy z całego serca, wszystkim
„Frankowiczom”, którzy się jeszcze wahają na założenie sprawy przeciwko swojemu bankowi. Kancelaria Pana Mecenasa Oskara Miłonia to strzał w dziesiątkę.
Katarzyna i Krzysztof Stawowczyk.
We definitely recommend Mr. Oskar Miłoń, Attorney. For full professionalism, commitment in conducting our „franc” case with the PKO BP bank.
Excellent preparation for the court hearing resulted
win credit 1 instance.
We wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone
„Frankowiczom”, who are still hesitating to start a case against their bank. The law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń is a bull’s-eye.
Best regards
Katarzyna and Krzysztof Stawowczyk.
I highly recommend to all those still undecided to entrust the handling of the Swiss franc loan case to the Adw. Oscar Miłoń. Reliable, professional, perfectly organized and determined to fight on behalf of the client for the annulment of the Swiss franc loan agreement. At the moment, the case has been won in the second instance.
Thank you very much and again
I recommend!
I definitely recommend the Law Firm and Mr. Oskar Miłoń, Attorney. The case was won in the first instance, then in the second instance.
Thank you for your full professionalism, nice service, advice and involvement in my „franc” case with Bank Millennium.
Perfect preparation. I recommend it to everyone with all my heart. Don’t wait to file a case against your bank. Choose a professional Attorney Oskar Miłoń!
I heartily recommend the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń, Attorney-at-law. Thanks to my professionalism, I won the case for annulment of the contract with Raiffeisen Bank International. A very individual approach to the client, and above all, great contact with the law firm and attorney Oskar Miłoń
Once again, thank you very much for your help and commitment.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń and his law firm conducted a Swiss franc case against Santander Bank for me. The cooperation was perfect from the very beginning (from the analysis of the loan agreement). The chances of fully winning the case and invalidating the contract were assessed very high, which was achieved. The entire case was handled very professionally, including preparation for the witness hearing. I definitely recommend the law firm.
I was very skeptical about filing a lawsuit against the bank to invalidate the Swiss franc contract. Mr. Miłoń (and his law firm) prepared us very well for the trial and we won the first instance. Professionals in every detail. I recommend.
We chose the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm and we are 100% satisfied with the Swiss franc case against Raiffeisen conducted by the law firm, winning in the first instance (annulment of the contract). From the beginning, the cooperation was very good, professional approach to the client, extensive experience in this type of matters. We recommend it to everyone who still has doubts whether to go to court with the bank.
We recommend the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń, we did not have the opportunity to meet in person, but by phone and e-mail, the attorney explained every issue to me and, as a layman in this field, I had many questions. We have had two cases so far, we won the first instance, the court ruled to invalidate the Swiss franc loan concluded with GeMoney Bank, now BPH. We are still waiting for a second instance, probably also an appeal from the bank, but we hope that we will win with Mr. Miłoń’s office and we will be able to forget about this loan.
P.S. We would also like to thank Mr. Długołęcki, of course from the same law firm.
We recommend cooperation with Mr. Miłoń’s law firm.
Really professional service. I really appreciate handling my case in such a way that it was as time-consuming as possible for me. At the same time, the lawyers make sure that I am informed and well prepared for the hearing. It is difficult to effectively combine these two circumstances, but in Miłoń’s law firm it is possible 🙂
Thank you for your cooperation so far and we recommend the law firm of Attorney Miłoń to all those who are undecided.
Professionalism, reliable information and a cordial approach to the client are the hallmarks of the attorney and his colleagues.
We managed to win the case for invalidation of a CHF loan agreement in the first instance. We hope that with the help of this law firm, things will continue to be just as good.
I highly recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Comprehensive assistance, individual approach to the client and, above all, great contact – the entire team is always at your disposal…
Thanks to the professionalism of the lawyers representing me, I won the case for invalidation of the contract with PKO BP in the first and second instance.
Once again, I would like to thank the entire team of the Law Firm.
We 100% recommend Mr. Oskar Miłoń and his law firm. The Swiss franc case against BGŻ is currently BNP PARIBAS. The case ended with the invalidation of the contract and settlement with the bank in exactly 2 years. Mr. Attorney was always at our disposal during the case and always patiently explained our doubts. From the very beginning, he informed us what verdict we were aiming for, what rights and opportunities we had. He always responded quickly to our emails and phone calls. We received detailed and timely information, instructions and answers. We were well prepared for the hearings thanks to the entire team of our attorney’s office, for which we are grateful. In a word, Attorney Oskar Miłoń is extremely effective, specific and uncompromising in fighting for the good of his client. And the most important thing is that the costs of handling the case are reasonable and competitive in relation to the prices for this type of service on the current market. We were also impressed by a detailed, yet simple and clear calculation of all costs without any additional „surprises” at the end. Therefore, with a clear conscience, we fully recommend Mr. Oskar Miłoń and his law firm. Thank you.
I highly recommend the entire team of the OSKAR MIŁOŃ Law Firm. These are professionals who will help you if you have a problem with a bank loan in CHF, and not only in this field. My case was won in the first instance. We are waiting for further developments, because the bank is 100% sure that the bank will appeal, so unfortunately it will take a while. Nevertheless, we are all optimistic 🙂
I recommend the law firm and the services of Mr. Oskar Miłoń with absolute conviction. Professional, fast and effective. The attorney’s confidence in his actions, based on his knowledge and experience, makes the seemingly difficult case proceed quickly and painlessly. Really worth. Believe me. Give yourself a chance to cancel an unfair Swiss franc loan agreement. The law firm will handle everything from A to Z.
I highly recommend the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń. Mr. Patron is an effective professional, trustworthy and recommendable to all needy clients. Thanks to the help and involvement of Mr. Attorney, I recovered a significant part of the money in the Swiss franc case.
100% satisfied. Swiss franc case against Raiffeisen Bank – loan in CHF.
In 3 years, the first and second instance, the case ended with the invalidation of the contract. Well prepared for trials. Mr. Oskar is highly recommendable, full of professionalism, extremely effective, specific and uncompromising, we encourage you to cooperate with him and his office.
I highly recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń and, of course, his entire team.
The District Court in Łódź issued a judgment in my favor in the case against PKO BP S.A., in which it determined that the contract was invalid.
The attorney’s full professionalism and commitment meant that I was perfectly prepared for the hearing and I went through the trial without any problems or stress.
I know that this is not the end of the fight because my opponent will probably appeal against the verdict. However, I also know that I am in the hands of the best law firm in Łódź.
I recommend it to all undecided Swiss franc borrowers…..
Thank you, Mr. Advocate – 🙂
I definitely recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń and his legal team. After reading the loan agreement, the attorney stated that winning would be a formality and so it happened. Won against M Bank in the first instance, invalidation of the loan. The bank will probably appeal, but we are convinced that winning will also be a formality. To sum up, professionalism with a capital P, case costs at a very reasonable level, great contact, full trust. Once again, we recommend him with a clear conscience.
I fully recommend both the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń and the attorney himself.
We have just received information from the attorney that in the first instance the court ruled to invalidate our loan agreement (CHF) with the PKO BP bank. It is true that it is still halfway, but considering the professionalism of the attorney, I am optimistic about the future.
Contact with the attorney, speed of response to our questions, information related to the case – everything at the highest level.
Therefore – I will write again – I RECOMMEND 🙂
Our decision on which law firm to entrust our case to CHF was based on opinions.
Today, with a clear conscience and based on our own experiences, we know that it was the best choice we could have made. We recommend the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm, we are grateful, the Swiss franc case against Raiffeisen Bank was won in the first instance!
Attorney OSKAR MIŁOŃ is a dedicated attorney with extensive experience in CHF cases. Already during the first meeting, we received detailed answers to all our questions. We also appreciate the very good contact during the handling of our case, as well as the punctuality. We cannot fail to mention Attorney PAWEŁ DŁUGOŁĘCKI, who was present at our court hearing. A huge thank you to the attorney for all his support and HUGE COMMITMENT in the courtroom. Thank you for your individual approach to our case. We wish the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm continued success!
The case against BPH (CHF) won! I recommend the law firm and legal services of Mr. Miłoń. Everything went exactly as the attorney outlined at the first meeting. I was kept informed about the progress of the case on an ongoing basis, I did not have to worry about deadlines or documents – the law firm took care of it. If I ever need legal assistance in the scope of services provided by Oskar Miłoń’s law firm, I will choose it again. Thank you very much.
Adv. Oskar Miłoń and the entire Law Firm are true professionals. They handle the case very well from start to finish, provide information, advise and explain how to behave in court. I am truly fully satisfied with the course of our cooperation. Won against Millenium in the first instance, won in the court of appeal. The fight continues – Bank Millennium has not given up, but I believe that with such involvement of Mr. Attorney, everything will be fine. I recommend it wholeheartedly!
We chose the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm to handle the Swiss franc loan case and it was a bull’s-eye. Commitment and professionalism exceeded our expectations. Thank you very much for your patience, help and for handling our case, which contributed to winning in the first instance. We recommend this one to everyone who is considering choosing a law firm!
We recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Miłoń.
The District Court in Katowice issued a judgment in our favor in the Swiss franc case with ING Bank, in which it determined that the contract was invalid.
The case was effectively handled within three years by the above-mentioned Chancellery. I was prepared for the hearing and we went through the court process without any problems or stress.
I know that this is not the end of the fight because ING Bank will probably appeal against the verdict. However, being represented by the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń from Łódź, I have no worries that he will pursue the case and pay me compensation.
I recommend this office to all undecided Swiss franc borrowers
Thank you, Mr. Attorney. Kate and Arck Storm.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń and his legal team are true professionals. Thanks to their involvement, we won the case with mBank to invalidate the CHF loan; the case lasted less than two years.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń works quickly, effectively, has very good contact with the client, and is immediately trusted. He explains all the details about the case in a reliable and detailed manner, preparing very well for the trial.
We highly recommend the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń, especially to those who „work” in a similar case.
Mr. Attorney – thank you!
The law firm is very client-friendly. The attorney explained my situation regarding the Swiss franc loan in a simple and factual manner, and presented all the pros and cons based on the analysis of my documents prepared by an accounting expert commissioned by the law firm. I have just announced the verdict in the first instance, I have a reason to drink champagne today. I recommend.
I highly recommend the Law Firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń for its professionalism, empathy and very high effectiveness. Thanks to the attorney’s effectiveness, after the first hearing, the District Court issued a judgment in my favor, invalidating the CHF loan I applied for. I am very grateful and I will entrust each subsequent case to this law firm.
I recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Thanks to our professionalism, reliability and experience, my husband and I won the case for invalidation of the contract with mBank in the first and second instance. Individual approach to the client, friendly service, knowledge provided in a way that is accessible to a layman, and, above all, great contact with the Law Firm and Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Once again, thank you very much for your help and commitment.
Although I cannot compare it with other law firms, the facts are that my loan agreement with mBank was invalidated by the first and second instance courts, and the case in which I was sued by mBank (for remuneration on the use of capital) was won in 13 minutes! – for now in the first instance, but I hope that the bank will come to its senses. At the same time, the Law Firm also took care of cleaning the Land and Mortgage Register, which is probably not standard. Due to the above, I wholeheartedly recommend the Law Office of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. And to all those who decide to use its services, I suggest they show trust, because unfortunately court cases are ongoing (mine from 2019), and trying to understand some documents and banks’ behavior in hindsight makes no sense. However, for the team from this law firm, it is simply everyday work.
We are extremely satisfied with the services of lawyer Oskar Miłoń, who managed to obtain a final judgment invalidating our mortgage loan agreement indexed to the Swiss franc. Six years ago, when we first asked Mr. Miłoń for help, few law firms were willing to deal with so-called loan cases. Swiss francs. This was due to limited case law and uncertainty about future judgments and the uncertainty surrounding the judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Union on these issues. Attorney Miłoń demonstrated extraordinary expertise, determination and professionalism, which resulted in success in our case. We wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone struggling with problems with Swiss franc loans.
Isabella and Paweł
We heartily recommend the Law Office of attorney Oskar Miłoń. From the first contact with Mr. Attorney,
at the end of 2020, we had the impression that we were dealing with a professional who knew the subject very well and knew exactly what and how to do it. We quickly determined to which court the lawsuit should be filed and what documents we should collect. He also clearly and transparently defined his financial requirements, which pleasantly surprised us. Moreover, during the process, we were informed by e-mail about the progress of the case by the office’s employees.
Currently, from February 27 this year. we already have a validly canceled loan agreement with the bank (the SA in Łódź dismissed the bank’s appeal). So, as you can see, after more than three years we are free from paying further loan installments. The only thing left is the matter of settlement with the bank and deleting the bank’s mortgage from the land and mortgage register. The attorney also offered to represent us at this stage of the out-of-court proceedings.
To sum up, we are very satisfied with the cooperation with Mr. Oskar and we can easily recommend his services.
Magdalena and Paweł
Less than 3 years after the first contact with the law firm, the transfer for the winnings was transferred to my account. Along the way, there was one online hearing in the first instance, for which we were well prepared, then the bank appealed, but without our participation, and we won. Professional in every detail. I definitely recommend it.
Hello. I highly recommend the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm from Łódź. Mr. Oskar Miłoń is handling our case regarding the invalidation of the Swiss franc loan agreement. A favorable judgment in the first instance was issued less than 8 months after filing the lawsuit. We were prepared for the hearing in a reliable and factual manner. The excellent approach of the office’s employees to the client and comfortable service conditions are noteworthy. Information is provided on an ongoing basis and procedural documents are prepared very professionally. The law firm has extensive experience in the so-called Swiss franc cases, and attorney O. Miłoń is a person with extensive legal knowledge and an exceptionally friendly and professional approach to the client. If anyone is looking for a law firm to handle this type of case, I sincerely recommend it. Regards.
Hello. I highly recommend the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm from Łódź. Mr. Oskar Miłoń is handling our case regarding the invalidation of the Swiss franc loan agreement. A favorable judgment in the first instance was issued less than 8 months after filing the lawsuit. We were prepared for the hearing in a reliable and factual manner. The excellent approach of the office’s employees to the client and comfortable service conditions are noteworthy. Information is provided on an ongoing basis and procedural documents are prepared very professionally. The law firm has extensive experience in the so-called Swiss franc cases, and attorney O. Miłoń is a person with extensive legal knowledge and an exceptionally friendly and professional approach to the client. If anyone is looking for a law firm to handle this type of case, I sincerely recommend it. Regards.
Professional law firm. Attorney Oskar Miłoń provides full support and substantive assistance. It took us little time to file the lawsuit, the law firm took care of everything from the very beginning.
A very well handled Swiss franc case, thanks to which the toxic contract with the bank was invalidated during one hearing. I recommend it to everyone looking for support in Swiss franc loans.
From the moment I reported to the office, I was provided with substantive care. I was informed about the activities in my case from beginning to end. My case was not conducted in the Warsaw Court, but in Płock, and I obtained the invalidation of the contract after only 2 years. Therefore, I recommend the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm to people who are still undecided because it employs very highly qualified lawyers and the client is not left to his own devices but is surrounded by professional care from beginning to end. And even though the office is located in Łódź, it was worth traveling to them from Warsaw because from the first meeting I received information that was important to me regarding solving the problem with the bank.
Attorney Oskar Miłoń and his law firm are rare professionals of this class with incredible effectiveness.
In the District Court in Gdańsk, on April 9, 2024, Attorney Oskar Miłoń won the case against Bank BPH for the invalidation of the Swiss franc contract.
I definitely recommend this law firm!!
Hello. I recommend the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm from Łódź. Mr. Oskar Miłoń and his team dealt with my case for invalidation of a Swiss franc loan very efficiently and reliably. From the beginning, the cooperation was impeccable, I was kept informed about everything and the documents were prepared efficiently.
It shows great knowledge, experience and perfection. I sincerely recommend this law firm to people looking for legal assistance because it is reliable and trustworthy.
Our loan agreement was validly annulled by Mr. Miłoń in a year and a half, along with the bank’s writing off from the Land and Mortgage Register.
The bank sued us for non-contractual use of capital and capital indexation. Two days before the hearing, he withdrew the lawsuit in these parts, but left the claim for refund of interest from the moment of calling for payment of some imaginary amount that appeared after the bank questioned the repayment of capital on our part as a result of a deduction on our part. To sum up, before the case itself we didn’t really know what MBank was talking about. I recommend that others do not read all the legal letters sent by the bank and immediately send them to Mr. Miłoń. Today, the court of first instance issued a judgment in our case and dismissed MBank’s claim. He will probably appeal, but we are optimistic.
We recommend the Kieler-Miłoń law firm wholeheartedly. And according to our already quite extensive knowledge, this is definitely the TOP in the country when it comes to LEGALLY WON Swiss franc cases.
Agnieszka and Grzegorz
I would like to thank Mr. Oskar Miłoń and the entire team of the law firm for bringing my Swiss franc case to a conclusion. Currently, my wife and I are in the final stage of settlements with Santander BP.
We obtained a favorable judgment in the first and second instance. The cooperation, mainly remotely, was efficient, reliable, substantive and cultural. For people who have not yet decided to fight the bank, I highly recommend the Miłoń-Kieler Law Firm and the experience of attorney. Oskar Miłoń. Thank you once again.
My husband and I found the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm on the recommendation of friends. Mr. Oskar Miłoń and Mr. Natalia Leszczyna very professionally prepared and guided us through the first court instance. Effect – invalidation of the Swiss franc loan agreement with mBank in the first instance. Thank you very much. We recommend this law firm with a professional team to handle such cases.
We were recommended Mr. Oskar Miłoń as a trustworthy person with a guarantee of professional legal services. We were not disappointed. Mr. Patron is characterized by high competence, reliability, responsibility and excellent contact with the client. He was in constant contact with us at every stage of the case, perfectly prepared during the hearings and convincing in his arguments. We would like to thank the Attorney and the Law Firm Team for handling the case successfully.
I highly recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Swiss franc case won in the first instance within 4 months.
Full professionalism, experience, excellent preparation for the case, reliable and friendly service. Very good contact with the customer. I would like to thank Mr. Oskar Miłoń and Mr. Paweł Drzewiecki.
A professional team of lawyers, trustworthy in handling such cases.
I highly recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. Swiss franc case won in the first instance within 4 months.
Full professionalism, experience, excellent preparation for the case, reliable and friendly service. Very good contact with the client. I would like to thank Mr. Oskar Miłoń and Mr. Paweł Drzewiecki.
A professional team of lawyers, trustworthy in handling such cases.
We are very pleased with the results of the power of attorney of the Kieler–Miłoń Law Firm in our case against Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. The first success in the form of a judgment invalidating the loan agreement by the court of first instance in Kalisz and especially its provisions exceeded even our expectations. Less than 4 months passed from filing the lawsuit to announcing a satisfactory verdict. We would like to thank and greet Mr. Oskar Kieler-Miłoń and the entire team of his law firm. Of course, we recommend the services of the law firm to those who are still undecided.
We are very pleased with the results of the power of attorney of the Kieler–Miłoń Law Firm in our case against Deutsche Bank Polska S.A. The first success in the form of a judgment invalidating the loan agreement by the court of first instance in Kalisz and especially its provisions exceeded even our expectations. Less than 4 months passed from filing the lawsuit to announcing a satisfactory verdict. We would like to thank and greet Mr. Oskar Kieler-Miłoń and the entire team of his law firm. Of course, we recommend the services of the law firm to those who are still undecided.
What can I say… Mr. Oskar Miłoń and his law firm are in a class of their own… reliability, belief in success, full professionalism… Nothing but to gild Mr. Oskar and the law firm… We have been fighting Millenium Bank since 2019 year when attorney Oskar Miłoń undertook to represent us… Of course, at the very beginning he explained everything thoroughly and told us what it would look like… At this moment, we have already passed the first instance in Warsaw – of course with the verdict as Mr. Oskar predicted from the very beginning fully satisfies us, i.e.: invalidation of the loan agreement… We are convinced that now it’s all over the place… and the Bank will repay us with interest… We do not hide the fact that we are very satisfied with the services provided by Mr. Oskar… For every Our doubts are answered quickly and very factually…
Well done, Mr. Oskar… thank you very much once again…
Best regards, A.M. Krysińscy
What can I say… Mr. Oskar Miłoń and his law firm are in a class of their own… reliability, belief in success, full professionalism… Nothing but gold for Mr. Oskar and the law firm… We have been fighting Millenium Bank since 2019 year when attorney Oskar Miłoń undertook to represent us… Of course, at the very beginning he explained everything thoroughly and told us what it would look like… At this moment, we have already passed the first instance in Warsaw – of course with the verdict as Mr. Oskar predicted from the very beginning fully satisfies us, i.e.: invalidation of the loan agreement… We are convinced that now it’s all over the place… and the Bank will repay us with interest… We do not hide the fact that we are very satisfied with the services provided by Mr. Oskar… For every Our doubts are answered quickly and very factually…
Well done, Mr. Oskar… thank you very much once again…
Best regards, A.M. Krysińscy
If you have not yet decided on the choice of a law firm for your CHF case, there is no need to hesitate – choose the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm! and you will be able to sleep peacefully. I RECOMMEND! From the first contact, Mr. Oskar’s professionalism, determination, substantive knowledge and confidence in the final decision.
Mirosława Jabłońska-Klupp
I highly recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. It was a perfect choice. The case was won in the first and second instance. Thank you for your full professionalism, advice and involvement in my Swiss franc case with mBank. I wholeheartedly recommend this law firm to those who are still hesitant.
We are very grateful that the Kieler – Miłoń Law Firm, headed by attorney Oskar Miłoń, has represented us in recent years during our struggles with Raiffeisen Bank. Mr. Oskar Miłoń handled our case for invalidation of the Swiss franc loan agreement.
Contact, mainly by telephone and e-mail, was efficient and very reliable.
The law firm has demonstrated extensive experience and a responsible and professional approach to the case. An individual approach to the client and his needs made us feel very taken care of.
The court issued a favorable judgment and dismissed the appeal of the defendant Raiffeisen Bank. Currently, we only have to settle the accounts with the bank.
Thank you very much and we recommend the Kieler – Miłoń Law Firm from Łódź.
Jesteśmy bardzo wdzięczni, że Kancelaria Kieler – Miłoń, na czele z panem adwokatem Oskarem Miłoń reprezentowała nas przez ostatnie lata podczas naszych zmagań z Raiffeisen Bank. Pan mec. Oskar Miłoń prowadził naszą sprawę o unieważnienie umowy kredytu frankowego.
Kontakt głównie telefoniczny i mailowy przebiegał sprawnie i bardzo rzetelnie.
Kancelaria wykazała się dużym doświadczeniem, odpowiedzialnym i profesjonalnym podejściem do sprawy. Indywidualne podejście do klienta i jego potrzeb sprawiło, że czuliśmy się bardzo zaopiekowani.
Sąd wydał korzystny wyrok, w którym oddalił apelację pozwanego Raiffeisen Banku. Aktualnie pozostaje nam rozliczyć się z bankiem.
Bardzo dziękujemy i polecamy Kancelarię Adwokacką Kieler – Miłoń z Łodzi.
I highly recommend the law firm of Attorney Oskar Miłoń. I wasn’t convinced to bring the „Franc case” because, as I heard, Deutsche Bank is a difficult opponent. However, after reading the documents, Mr. Oskar concluded that it was worth it. His belief in winning, professionalism and great contact with the client convinced me. In an extremely clear way, he explained to a layman why the banking agreement was worded incorrectly. We were not left to our own devices at any stage of the proceedings, and we were kept informed about the progress of the case on an ongoing basis. Result: Swiss franc case won in the first instance within 4 months. I would like to thank Attorney Oskar Miłoń and Attorney Katarzyna Kotynia for handling the case. To sum up, the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm is a team of trustworthy lawyers, perfectly prepared to handle this type of cases.
Serdecznie polecam kancelarię Mecenasa Oskara Miłonia. Nie byłam przekonana do wytaczania „sprawy frankowej”, bo Deutsche Bank to, jak słyszałam, trudny przeciwnik. Jednak Pan Oskar, po zapoznaniu się z dokumentami, stwierdził, że warto. Jego wiara w wygraną, profesjonalizm i świetny kontakt z klientem przekonały mnie. W niezwykle jasny sposób, wytlumaczył laikowi, dlaczego umowa bankowa jest sformułowania wadliwie. Na żadnym etapie postępowania nie byliśmy pozostawieni sami sobie, a o przebiegu sprawy byliśmy informowani na bieżąco. Efekt: sprawa frankowa wygrana w I instancji w ciągu 4 m-cy. Bardzo dziękuję Mec.Oskarowi Miłoniowi i Mec. Katarzynie Kotyni za poprowadzenie sprawy. Podsumowując Kancelaria Kieler-Miłoń to zespół godnych zaufania prawników, doskonale przygotowanych do prowadzenia tego typu spraw.
We chose the Kieler-Miłoń Law Firm to handle the Swiss franc loan case and it was our best choice!!!! Winning against PKO BP bank in the first instance. Contact with the office was mainly by telephone and e-mail, however, it was always efficient and very reliable. At every stage of the proceedings, we were kept informed about the progress of our case. The law firm has demonstrated extensive experience, great responsibility and professionalism. We recommend the Kieler – Miłoń Law Firm from Łódź to all those who have any doubts with a clear conscience.
Best regards 🙂
On 30/10/24 we won in the 1st instance against Santander Bank (formerly KB). I wholeheartedly recommend the law firm of Mr. Oskar Miłoń. The waiting time for the case was 4.5 years, everything went smoothly and without any reservations, communication between the office and the client was reliable, clear and professional. Now. We are waiting to see what the bank will do, I’m sure there will be an appeal… we wholeheartedly thank you for your help with the CHF matter, my husband and I probably wouldn’t have been able to cope on our own. Thank you very much and I recommend it to everyone who has a problem… to fight for their money until the very end. Best regards, I&A
30/10/24 r wygraliśmy w I Instancji z Bankiem Santander ( Dawniej KB ) polecam z całego serca Kancelarię pana mec Oskara Miłonia . Czas oczekiwania na spr 4.5 roku wszytko przebiegało sprawnie i bez żadnych zastrzeżeń komunikacja między kancelarią a klientem rzetelną jasna i profesjonalna. Teraz. Czekamy co bank zrobi pewnie apelacja … z całego serca dziękujemy za pomoc w sprawie CHF sami z mężem byśmy sobie pewnie nie poradzili. Dziękuję bardzo i polecam wszystkim którzy mają problem… aby walczyć o swoje pieniądze do samego końca .pozdrawiam serdecznie I&A
We highly recommend cooperation with Mr. Attorney. Very nice, to the point, helpful at every stage of the process. Our participation in the process was limited to a minimum, which prevented unpleasant experiences during the process. The case ended, of course, with a positive result for us. We can definitely recommend it.
Before I decided to fight the bank, I sent an inquiry to 4 law firms throughout Poland whether it made sense and what the fight would look like.
Only the Oskar Miłoń Law Firm answered clearly and legibly what I could expect.
And now, after 4 years of fighting, we have a verdict of invalidity of the contract.
I wholeheartedly recommend Attorney Katarzyna Kotynia – thank you very much.
Interestingly, I met the attorney face to face only once and he turned out to be a really warm and patient person with me. He answered all my questions, listened to my complaints and calmed me down.
Thanks to you, I will start a new life without this ball and chain.
Best regards. EN
Zanim podjęłam decyzję o walce z bankiem wysłałam zapytanie do 4 kancelarii w całej Polsce czy jest sens i jak wyglądałaby walka.
Tylko Kacelaria Adwokacka Oskar Miłoń odpowiedziała jasno i czytelnie czego mogę się spodziewać.
A teraz po 4 latach walki mamy wyrok nieważności umowy.
Polecam z całego serca Mecenasa i Mecenas Katarzynę Kotynia-bardzo dziękuję.
Co ciekawe tylko raz spotkałam się Mecenasem twarzą w twarz i okazał się naprawdę ciepłym i cierpliwym dla mnie człowiekiem. Odpowiedział na wszystkie moje pytania, wysłuchał żale i uspokoił.
Dzięki Państwu zacznę nowe życie bez tej kuli u nogi.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam. EN
Chcielibyśmy serdecznie podziękować kancelarii mecenasa Oskara Miłonia za profesjonalizm, zaangażowanie i wsparcie podczas całego procesu dotyczącego naszej „sprawy frankowej”.
27.11.24 wygraliśmy w I Instancji z Getin Bankiem, cała dotychczasowa sprawa trwała 2 lata.
Adwokaci wykazali się ogromną wiedzą i dokładnością. Każdy etap postępowania był nam jasno wyjaśniany . Komunikacja z kancelarią była niezawodna i zawsze uzyskiwaliśmy odpowiedzi na nurtujące nas pytania. Zostaliśmy bardzo dobrze przygotowani do rozprawy.
Bardzo polecamy usługi kancelarii każdemu, kto potrzebuje pomocy prawnej w podobnych sprawach.
Irena i Krzysztof
We would like to thank the law firm of attorney Oskar Miłoń for their professionalism, commitment and support throughout the entire process regarding our „Franc case”.
On 27/11/24 we won in the first instance against Getin Bank, the entire case lasted 2 years.
The lawyers showed great knowledge and accuracy. Each stage of the procedure was clearly explained to us. Communication with the office was reliable and we always received answers to our questions. We were very well prepared for the trial.
We highly recommend the law firm’s services to anyone who needs legal assistance in similar matters.
Irena and Krzysztof
We recommend the Law Office of Oskar Miłoń!
– A charismatic patron. Together with Attorney Paweł Dłudołęcki, they effectively prepare the client for a confrontation with the bank. In substantive polemics, they leave no room for opponents (banks) to show off.