4.9 / 5.0
78 opini

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Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Kancelaria Adwokacka Oskar Miłoń | Łódź | sprawdź | |
ADWOKAT JOANNA WĘDRYCHOWSKA | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Malanowski i Wspólnicy | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Porady Pani Beaty bardzo pomogły nam rozwiązać pewien problem. Z całą pewnością ,gdy zaistnieje potrzeba znów zwrócimy się z prośbą o pomoc. Polecam z…
Porady Pani Beaty bardzo pomogły nam rozwiązać pewien problem. Z całą pewnością ,gdy zaistnieje potrzeba znów zwrócimy się z prośbą o pomoc. Polecam z…
Merytorycznie i tylko na temat w temacie pomocy prawnej zwiazanej z kredytem frankowym. Polecam.
Merytorycznie i tylko na temat w temacie pomocy prawnej zwiazanej z kredytem frankowym. Polecam.
Jak tylko druga strona dostaje od pani mecenas pozew to płaci! Polecam.
Jak tylko druga strona dostaje od pani mecenas pozew to płaci! Polecam.
Miła i profesjonalna pomoc prawna. Ludzkie podejście do klienta, pełna informacja w przystępny sposób. Warto skorzystać w przypadku sporów z instytucjami finansowymi.
Pani Beata szybko, profesjonalnie i przede wszystkim skutecznie pomogła z dokumentacją w sprawie reklamacji nowego, wadliwego pojazdu. Dziękuję i polecam!
Pani Beata szybko, profesjonalnie i przede wszystkim skutecznie pomogła z dokumentacją w sprawie reklamacji nowego, wadliwego pojazdu. Dziękuję i polecam!
Do zakończenia sprawy jeszcze daleko, ale jestem przekonany o nadchodzącym sukcesie.
Pani Beata wywarła bardzo dobre wrażenie od pierwszego kontaktu. Cechuje ją niezwykly profesjonalizm, wnikliwość oraz ogromna wiedza związana z prawem bankowym. Serdecznie polecam usługi tej kancelarii.
Ogromny profesjonalizm, doskonały kontakt i doradztwo. Polecam !
Ogromny profesjonalizm, doskonały kontakt i doradztwo. Polecam !
Doświadczenie, zaangażowanie i pewność w działaniach. Polecam.
Pani Mecenas rzetelnie prowadzi powierzoną sprawę Na bieżącą informuje nas o przebiegu. Polecam współprace.
Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Beaty Strzyżowskiej to synonim najwyżej jakości usług. Uważam, że sprawy obsługi prawnej należy powierzać najlepszym z najlepszych i tak jest w moim przypadku – każda sprawa, którą powierzałam Kancelarii jest wzorowo obsługiwana. Poza tym Pani Mecenas należy do osób, z którymi niezwykle miło się współpracuje. POLECAM
The Beata Strzyżowska Law Firm is synonymous with the highest quality of services. I believe that legal services should be entrusted to the best of the best and this is the case in my case – each case that I entrusted to the Law Firm is perfectly handled. In addition, Mrs. Patron is one of the people with whom it is very nice to cooperate. RECOMMEND
The Law Office of Beata Strzyżowska is synonymous with the highest quality of services. I believe that legal matters should be entrusted to the best of the best, and this is the case in my case – each case that I entrusted to the Law Firm is handled in an exemplary manner. In addition, Mrs. Attorney is one of the people with whom it is very nice to work. I RECOMMEND
The Law Firm of Beata Strzyżowska is synonymous with the highest quality of services. I believe that legal services should be entrusted to the best of the best, and this is the case in my case – every case I have entrusted to the Law Firm has been handled exemplarily. Moreover, the attorney is a very pleasant person to work with. I RECOMMEND
Pełne zaangażowanie, super kontakt. Polecam z czystym sumieniem. Wcześniej próbowałem z inna kancelarią(znaną) w Warszawie ale okazało się, że bardziej zależy im na kasie niż na kliencie. U Pani Mecenas wszystko jest jasne i przejrzyste. Czekamy na rozprawę z bankiem ale jestem jakoś zupełnie spokojny 🙂
Full commitment, great contact. I recommend it with a clear conscience. Previously, I tried with another law firm (well-known) in Warsaw, but it turned out that they care more about the money than the client. At Mrs. Patron, everything is clear and transparent. We are waiting for the hearing with the bank but I am somehow completely calm 🙂
Full commitment, great contact. I recommend it with a clear conscience. Earlier, I tried with another law firm (known) in Warsaw, but it turned out that they care more about the money than the client. At Mrs. Attorney, everything is clear and transparent. We are waiting for a trial with the bank but I am somehow completely calm 🙂
Full commitment, great contact. I recommend it with a clear conscience. I previously tried with another (well-known) law firm in Warsaw, but it turned out that they cared more about the money than the client. Everything is clear and transparent with you. We are waiting for the hearing with the bank, but I am completely calm 🙂
Współpracujemy z panią mecenas i jej kancelarią dwa lata. Mamy tylko same dobre doświadczenia tak z bardzo profesjonalną reprezentacją naszych interesów, jak i – co dla nas niezmiernie ważne – szybką reakcją i nieskrępowaną możliwością kontaktu z panią mecenas. Szczerze polecamy.
We have been cooperating with the attorney and her law firm for two years. We only have good experiences with a very professional representation of our interests and – which is extremely important to us – a quick response and unhindered contact with the patron. We sincerely recommend it.
Kancelaria prawna mecenas Beaty Strzyżowskiej charakteryzuje się wyjątkowym profesjonalizmem, szczególnie w sporach z bankami o czym przekonałem się w mojej sprawie GetBack. Postrzegam ją jako człowieka o duzej empatii i wiedzy prawniczej, która zrozumiała moją sytuację jako człowieka pokrzywdzonego przez bank. Polecam tę kanclarię z pełnym zaufaniem w zakresie obsługi prawnej w podobnych sprawach.
Wojciech Wasiewicz
Kancelaria prawna mecenas Beaty Strzyżowskiej charakteryzuje się wyjątkowym profesjonalizmem, szczególnie w sporach z bankami o czym przekonałem się w mojej sprawie GetBack. Postrzegam ją jako człowieka o duzej empatii i wiedzy prawniczej, która zrozumiała moją sytuację jako człowieka pokrzywdzonego przez bank. Polecam tę kanclarię z pełnym zaufaniem w zakresie obsługi prawnej w podobnych sprawach.
Wojciech Wasiewicz
The law firm of Attorney Beata Strzyżowska is characterized by exceptional professionalism, especially in disputes with banks, which I found out in my case GetBack. I see her as a man with great empathy and legal knowledge who understood my situation as a bank aggrieved person. I recommend this chancellery with full confidence in the field of legal services in similar cases.
Wojciech Wasiewicz
Jestem bardzo zadowolony z jakości obsługi prawnej oferowanej przez Kancelarię Pani Mecenas Strzyżowskiej.
Pani Mecenas bardzo klarownie przedstawiła analizę naszej sprawy i proponowaną strategię przeprowadzenia procesu.
Nie było problemu z zawarciem umowy, pewne drobne wątpliwości zostały szybko i starannie wyjaśnione.
Na pozytywną ocenę zasługują również pracownicy Kancelarii, którzy zapewniają sprawną i rzeczową komunikację, dzięki czemu wiem, co i kiedy się wydarzy.
Oby tak dalej 🙂
I am very pleased with the quality of the legal services offered by the Law Firm of Mrs. Strzyżowska.
The attorney presented the analysis of our case and the proposed strategy for conducting the trial very clearly.
There was no problem with the conclusion of the contract, some minor doubts were quickly and carefully resolved.
The employees of the Law Firm also deserve a positive assessment, as they ensure efficient and factual communication, thanks to which I know what and when will happen.
Keep it up 🙂
Dobrze zarządzająca firma jest skazana na sukces i tak tez jest w tej kancelarii, gdzie profesjonalizm,doświadczenie oraz podejście do klienta sprawia,ze możemy czuć się spokojnie o własne interesy.
A well-managed company is doomed to success and so it is in this law office, where professionalism, experience and approach to the client make us feel confident about our own interests.
Full professionalism, I recommend it. ? Mrs. Kinga is great!
For several years I was looking for the right competences for the contract, the so-called Swiss franc, i.e. its annulment. I trusted the Beata Strzyżowska Law Firm. I recommend Mrs. Patron and her team !!!
Ms. Beata’s law firm is full of professionalism in action, she represents me in a dispute with BOŚ BANK, she receives all information regarding my case on a regular basis and in a language that I understand, and the legal language is quite complicated for the average bread eater :). I recommend it to anyone who wants to sleep well knowing that their affairs are in the right hands
Mrs. Beata’s law firm is fully professional in action, she represents me in a dispute with BOŚ BANK, she receives all information regarding my case on an ongoing basis and in a language I understand, and the legal language is quite complicated for the average bread eater :). I recommend it to anyone who wants to sleep peacefully knowing that their affairs are in the right hands
Law firms can be recommended with full responsibility. Services at the highest level, everything as agreed. Ms Patron very competent and knowledgeable about her issues. So far, everything has been carried out solidly and reliably. The same can be said about employees – you can see that they are a well-coordinated team. He’s always there to help.
The law offices can be recommended with full responsibility. Services at the highest level, everything as agreed. Mrs. Attorney is very competent and knowledgeable about her issues. So far everything has been done reliably and reliably. The same can be said about the employees – you can see that they are a well-coordinated team. Always helpful.
The law firm can be recommended with full responsibility. Services at the highest level, everything as agreed. The attorney is very competent and knowledgeable in her field. So far, everything has been carried out solidly and reliably. The same can be said about the employees – they are clearly a good team. Always available to help.
a reliable team, they speak understandable not only in legal language, they will explain every complexity, clear rules of cooperation, the way of communication with the client for a medal, I recommend
I recommend it with all my heart. Exceptional service, full professionalism of all employees of the office and Mrs. Beata Strzyżowska herself.
Our case is pending, and we sincerely hope for a positive conclusion. Nevertheless, we keep our fingers crossed for current and future hearings or settlements!
I recommend it with all my heart. Exceptional service, full professionalism of all employees of the law firm and Mrs. Beata Strzyżowska herself.
Our case is indeed ongoing, and we sincerely hope for a positive outcome. Nevertheless, we keep our fingers crossed for current and future trials or settlements!
I recommend it wholeheartedly. Exceptional service, full professionalism of all the office’s employees and Attorney Beata Strzyżowska herself.
Our case is still ongoing and we sincerely hope for a positive outcome. Nevertheless, we keep our fingers crossed for current and future trials or settlements!
We have no objections to the legal services provided to us. We recommend the office to everyone
I am very pleased with the quality of the legal services offered by the Law Firm of Mecenas Strzyżowska.
I appreciate factual communication, which allows me to understand the stage of the case in an understandable way.
Keep it up 🙂
Ms Beata’s law firm represents me in the dispute with Millennium and I am kept informed of the progress of the case. Very good contact with the client and a well-coordinated team of employees is a recipe for success. I highly recommend it to everyone.
Ms Beata’s law firm represents me in the dispute with Millennium and I am kept informed of the progress of the case. Very good contact with the client and a well-coordinated team of employees is a recipe for success. I highly recommend it to everyone.
Z usług Kancelarii jestem bardzo zadowolony. Jestem na bieżąco informowany o postępach mojej sprawy, która prowadzona jest sprawnie i przede wszystkim fachowo.
I am very satisfied with the services of the Law Firm. I am kept informed about the progress of my case, which is conducted efficiently and, above all, professionally.
I am very satisfied with the services of the Law Firm. I am kept informed about the progress of my case, which is conducted efficiently and, above all, professionally.
Szukałam Kancelarii do poprowadzenia “sprawy frankowej”. Kontaktowałam się z wieloma prawnikami, porównywałam oferty, zadawałam dużo pytań. Po rozmowie z Panią Mecenas Beatą Strzyżowską nie miałam wątpliwości, na kogo postawić. Najwyższy poziom kompetencji i profesjonalizmu oraz świetny, budzący pełne zaufanie, klimat rozmowy. Oto Pani Mecenas właśnie.
A dodatkowo super Zespół w tym nieoceniony kontakt z Panią Kingą Romanowską. Imponujący pozew. Potwierdzało się, że jestem w najlepszych rękach. Polecam!!!
I was looking for a law firm to handle the „Swiss franc case”. I contacted many lawyers, compared offers, asked a lot of questions. After talking to Ms Beata Strzyżowska, I had no doubts about who to bet on. The highest level of competence and professionalism as well as a great atmosphere of conversation, inspiring full confidence. Here is Mrs. Patron.
And additionally, a great team, including invaluable contact with Mrs. Kinga Romanowska. An impressive lawsuit. It was confirmed that I was in the best hands. I recommend!!!
I was looking for a law firm to conduct the „franc case”. I contacted many lawyers, compared offers, asked a lot of questions. After talking to Mrs. Beata Strzyżowska, I had no doubts who to bet on. The highest level of competence and professionalism as well as a great, trustworthy atmosphere of conversation. Here is Mrs. Attorney.
In addition, a great team, including invaluable contact with Mrs. Kinga Romanowska. An impressive lawsuit. It was confirmed that I was in the best hands. I recommend!!!
I was looking for a law firm to handle the „Franc case”. I contacted many lawyers, compared offers, and asked a lot of questions. After talking to attorney Beata Strzyżowska, I had no doubts who to choose. The highest level of competence and professionalism as well as a great, trustworthy conversation atmosphere. Here is your attorney.
Additionally, a great team, including invaluable contact with Mrs. Kinga Romanowska. Impressive lawsuit. It confirmed that I was in the best hands. I recommend!!!
Znakomita kancelaria, bardzo profesjonalny i responsywny zespół, a pani Kinga jest najsympatyczniejszą, a zarazem najbardziej kompetentną osobą pod słońcem, współczuje sektorowi bankowemu takiego przeciwnika….
An excellent law firm, a very professional and responsive team, and Mrs. Kinga is the nicest and at the same time the most competent person in the world, she sympathizes with the banking sector of such an opponent …
The most important law firm dealing with the subject of Swiss franc loans and more
Attorney Beata Strzyżowska has the heart of an angel and fights like a lion. If someone is looking for a law firm to fight the „franc” loan, you can’t find a better one. The entire staff of the office is always well prepared and effective.
Attorney Beata Strzyżowska has the heart of an angel and fights like a lion. If someone is looking for a law firm to deal with a Swiss franc loan, you can’t find a better place. The entire office staff is always well-prepared and effective.
The first contact was great. A very nice lady, specific and knowledgeable about her job.
Great law firm! Mrs. Beata is a wonderful person who knows what she is doing, you can entrust her with your affairs and feel that they are in good hands. I recommend
The law firm is dealing with our case in court – a pseudo-franc loan from PKO BP Własny Kąt from 2018. We won the first instance, now we are in the second instance, our installments have been suspended. The attorney and her employees helped us go through all these stages by providing support and professional help. We could count on them at any time and any anxiety was dispelled. They are high-class specialists in what they do. Thank you because thanks to you we can sleep soundly
Choosing the law firm was a very good decision.
The commitment and extensive knowledge of Mrs. Beata Strzyżowska not only provides great substantive support but also builds a sense of security at every stage of the case.
Thank you and I recommend the services of this law firm.
I highly recommend the law firm of attorney Beata Strzyżowska. Your patron is a haven of peace, decisive and specific. I felt taken care of throughout the case. Competent team. I recommend it with all my heart ❤️
I recommend to all those who are still undecided to entrust the handling of their Swiss franc loan case to the Beata Strzyżowska Law Firm.
Consistency, substantive preparation and effectiveness are the hallmarks of the Law Firm. Super professional approach to the client and the case. Good contact with the office.
Attorney Beata is exceptionally competent, very specific, and at the same time patiently explaining all legal complexities to a layman in the field of law. The entire office team is helpful and punctual. The attorney’s office is effective in its activities and certainly worth recommending!
260 km was not an obstacle to cooperation with the Law Firm of Attorney Strzyżowska. Thanks to the knowledge, professionalism and commitment of the entire team of Attorney Strzyżowska, the Własny Kąt contract from 2008 was invalidated, even when the bank filed a case against me regarding „use of capital”, I applied to the law firm for help and received it without a word (eventually the bank capitulated 😀). Wherever I can, I recommend the legal services of Attorney Strzyżowska because I know that no one will be disappointed or disappointed.
Thank you again. You are a Mega Strong Team ❤️❤️❤️
I recommend the Office of Legal Advisor Beata Strzyżowska. Full professionalism, commitment, extensive knowledge. Great contact with the office, I was kept informed about the progress of the case. Choosing this law firm is a very good decision and I recommend it to anyone who is still undecided. Thank you and best regards.
I highly recommend cooperation with the law firm. Services are provided at the highest level. Prices and forms of payment acceptable to the average citizen. A very big plus for contact, all information is provided on an ongoing basis. Contact via e-mail or telephone is completely sufficient. You can also make an appointment for personal contact at any time.
Taking everything into account, I think that the choice of this law firm was the right one.
I recommend cooperation with everyone and you will not be disappointed.
Legal Advisor Beta Strzyżowska and her fully committed and competent team are handling our case against PKO BP. All actions taken so far have been effective on the part of Mrs. Strzyżowska’s Law Firm and we expect a positive decision in court.
It was October 2019 when we first met Attorney Beata Strzyżowska. She performed a preliminary analysis of our 2008 agreement with Bank Millennium. Since then, we have been professionally, clearly and transparently represented before the District and Appellate Courts with the full commitment of the entire Law Firm Team. We could always count on full information about the progress of the case and the possibility of taking further steps. Today we obtained a final, favorable judgment for us🥂. Bravo, Attorney, bravo, Team👏👏👏. If anyone has any doubts about which law firm to choose, I wholeheartedly recommend the Law Firm of Beata Strzyżowska. We wish you further success.
After 1.5 years, the case was closed, with benefits. I recommend cooperation with the law firm, always up to date information, contact also impeccable, special greetings to the assistant Mrs. Jesssika, she was always helpful and replied :).
260 km was not an obstacle to cooperation with the Law Firm of Attorney Strzyżowska from Poznań. Thanks to the knowledge, professionalism and commitment of the entire team of Attorney Strzyżowska, the Własny Kąt contract from 2008 was invalidated. The bank filed a case against me regarding the use of capital, so I applied to the law firm again for help and I received it without a word. Ultimately, the bank withdrew the lawsuit and I did not pay a penny for additional help.
I recommend the legal services of Attorney Strzyżowska because I know that no one will be disappointed or disappointed and will always be able to count on quick help.
Thank you again.
You are a Mega Strong Team ❤️
I recommend the Law Firm of Beata Strzyżowska as a team of professionals involved in the client’s case. Actions are taken efficiently. And matters are explained in detail and in accessible language. The nice and very good contact deserves special attention. Thank you for your cooperation so far.
On behalf of my parents, I am posting this opinion:
Hello. We received the information about the Law Office of Beata Strzyżowska from a recommendation and we were not disappointed with our choice. The Swiss franc loan case was successfully completed.
At the very beginning, all our doubts were thoroughly explained. Step by step, we were shown how the process will work and what we can expect. Letters and all responses were conducted in a professional manner. The law firm constantly monitored our case, for which we are extremely grateful.
We would like to express our special thanks to Attorney Kinga Romanowska, who demonstrated great professionalism, kindness and availability. She was always available and was able to explain complex legal issues in a simple way. Thank you very much once again!
Full professionalism, reliable approach to the matter, commitment, big bows!
Attorney Beata Strzyżowska, attorney Julia Szulczyk, attorney Ewa Działoszyńska are outstanding in their profession.