4.8 / 5.0
59 opini
0.0 / 5.0
0 opini
0.0 / 5.0
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Osoby Polecające
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Opinie Negetywne
Nazwa Kancelarii | Siedziba | ||
Kancelaria Adwokacka Oskar Miłoń | Łódź | sprawdź | |
ADWOKAT JOANNA WĘDRYCHOWSKA | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Malanowski i Wspólnicy | Warszawa | sprawdź | |
Polecam wszystkim, wielokrotnie wraz z mezem uzyskalismy bardzo fachowe porady, dotyczace prawa spadkowego, rzetelne odpowiedzi, bardzo wnikliwe.
Polecam wszystkim, wielokrotnie wraz z mezem uzyskalismy bardzo fachowe porady, dotyczace prawa spadkowego, rzetelne odpowiedzi, bardzo wnikliwe.
Zdecydowanie polecam. Konkretna, kompetentna, pracowita, słowna i skuteczna.
Zdecydowanie polecam. Konkretna, kompetentna, pracowita, słowna i skuteczna.
Jestem wdzięczna pani Joannie za konkretne, bardzo kompetentne rady i pomoc bez żadnego „naciągania” na koszty jak to czasami w różnych kancelariach…
Jestem wdzięczna pani Joannie za konkretne, bardzo kompetentne rady i pomoc bez żadnego „naciągania” na koszty jak to czasami w różnych kancelariach…
Pani Joanna, bardzo konkretna pani Adwokat. Cenię za profesjonalizm i wiedzę. Godna polecenia 5/5!
Pani Joanna, bardzo konkretna pani Adwokat. Cenię za profesjonalizm i wiedzę. Godna polecenia 5/5!
Polecam Panią Mecenas?pełny profesjonalizm ?
Polecam Panią Mecenas?pełny profesjonalizm ?
Dziękuję za poradę w sprawie spadkowej. Jasno, rzeczowo, „jak prawnik inżynierowi” 🙂
Dziękuję za poradę w sprawie spadkowej. Jasno, rzeczowo, „jak prawnik inżynierowi” 🙂
Bardzo Pomocna Pani Adwokat
Bardzo Pomocna Pani Adwokat
Bardzo Pomocna Pani Adwokat
Bardzo Pomocna Pani Adwokat
Polecam zwłaszcza w zakresie spraw frankowych. Bardzo kompetentna, miła i pomocna Pani Mecenas z ogromną wiedzą i zainteresowaniem każdą zleconą spraw…
Polecam zwłaszcza w zakresie spraw frankowych. Bardzo kompetentna, miła i pomocna Pani Mecenas z ogromną wiedzą i zainteresowaniem każdą zleconą spraw…
Pani Mecenas Joanna Wędrychowska to fachowiec z najwyższej połki. Szczególnie w kwestiach tzw. 'pseudokredytow frankowych’!
Absolutnie polecamy z autopsji.
Ania i Darek ? ?
Madam Patron Joanna Wędrychowska is a professional from the top half. Especially in the issues of the so-called 'Frank’s pseudo-credits’!
We absolutely recommend it from the autopsy.
Ania and Darek ? ?
Mrs. Joanna Wędrychowska is a specialist of the highest level. Especially in the so-called 'pseudo-loans in francs’!
We absolutely recommend it from the autopsy.
Ania and Darek ? ?
Bardzo kompetentna, miła, pracowita i pomocna Pani Mecenas z ogromną wiedzą i zainteresowaniem każdą zleconą sprawą.
Bardzo polecam!
Very competent, friendly, hardworking and helpful Ms. Patron with a great knowledge and interest in every commissioned matter.
I highly recommend!
Bardzo kompetentna i skuteczna Pani Mecenas. Wyjątkowo dobrze przygotowana do prowadzenia spraw kredytów frankowych. Zawsze rozważa kilka scenariuszy, co daje jasność odnośnie powodzenia wygranej danej sprawy. Bardzo sobie cenię wysoki poziom etyczny Pani Mecenas. Nie jest to prawnik, który próbuje naciągać klienta.
Very competent and effective Ms. Patron. Extremely well-prepared to handle franc loans. He always considers several scenarios, which gives clarity about the success of winning a given case. I really appreciate the high ethical level of Mrs. Patron. He is not a lawyer who tries to pull a client.
A very competent and effective Patron. Exceptionally well prepared to handle cases of Swiss franc loans. He always considers several scenarios, which gives clarity on the success of a given case. I really appreciate the high ethical level of Mrs. Patron. This is not a lawyer trying to trick the client.
Szybka, rzeczowa, uczciwa obsługa od spraw karnych po bankowe kredyty.
Quick, factual, honest service from criminal cases to bank loans.
100% zaufania
Pełen profesjonalizm, duża wiedza połączona z trzeźwą oceną sytuacji i życzliwość w stosunku do petentów. Cenię Panią Mecenas również za błyskawiczną…
Pani Mecenas Wędrychowska, wspaniała sumienna osoba, bardzo profesjonalna, konkretna, polecam!
Pełen profesjonalizm, duża wiedza połączona z trzeźwą oceną sytuacji i życzliwość w stosunku do petentów. Cenię Panią Mecenas również za błyskawiczną…
Pełen profesjonalizm, duża wiedza połączona z trzeźwą oceną sytuacji i życzliwość w stosunku do petentów. Cenię Panią Mecenas również za błyskawiczną…
Pani Mecenas Wędrychowska, wspaniała sumienna osoba, bardzo profesjonalna, konkretna, polecam!
Pani Mecenas Wędrychowska, wspaniała sumienna osoba, bardzo profesjonalna, konkretna, polecam!
Pani Mecenas bardzo profesjonalna i zaangażowana całą swoją osobą w sprawy klientów. Otrzymałem pełną pomoc w sprawie spadkowej.
Ms Patron very professional and fully committed to clients’ affairs. I received full help in my inheritance case.
Profesjonalna, rzeczowa i rzetelna pomoc Pani Mecenas przy sprawie o stwierdzenie zasiedzenia. Dużo zrozumienia i empatii, polecam serdecznie.
Professional, matter-of-fact and reliable assistance from the attorney in the case for prescription. A lot of understanding and empathy, I recommend it heartily.
Niestety nie doczekałem się odpowiedzi na zadane pytania drogą e-mail ( 2 tyg.) pomimo informacji tel. że pani adwokat ustosunkuje się do tematu. Możliwe że sprawa mniejszego kalibru jak kredyty frankowe ale dobrym obyczajem jest odpowiadać na zadane pytania nawet w formie „przepraszam nie jestem zainteresowana”. Ktoś inny zajmie się sprawą.
Unfortunately, I did not get an answer to my questions by e-mail (2 weeks), despite the information on the phone that the lawyer will respond to the topic. It is possible that a matter of a smaller caliber, such as loans in Swiss francs, but it is a good practice to answer questions even in the form of „I’m sorry, I’m not interested”. Someone else will take care of the case.
Unfortunately, I did not get an answer to my questions by e-mail (2 weeks), despite the information on the phone that the lawyer will respond to the topic. It is possible that a matter of a smaller caliber, such as loans in Swiss francs, but it is a good practice to answer questions even in the form of „I’m sorry, I’m not interested”. Someone else will take care of the case.
Polecam. Profesjonalizm i ogromna wiedza.
I recommend. Professionalism and vast knowledge.
Naprawę warto. Kancelaria w 100% godna polecenia każdemu. Ceny przystępne, klient traktowany z godnością i profesjonalizmem . Bardzo dobry kontakt z Mecenas Joanną. Polecam .
It’s really worth it. The law firm is 100% recommendable to everyone. Affordable prices, the client is treated with dignity and professionalism. Very good contact with Mecenas Joanna. I recommend .
Profesjonalnie, rzeczowo, w dobrej atmosferze
Professionally, to the point, in a good atmosphere
I highly recommend!
Trafiłam tu z najbardziej beznadziejnym, przypadkiem jaki jest możliwym w życiu człowieka…
Nie tylko dano mi nadzieję…. sprawa wzięta w obroty…. Szybko, sprawnie. Ogrom wiedzy, empaptii. Jesteście najlepsze! I mimo że nasza przygoda trwa, nie mam już więcej słów. 😍
I came here with the most hopeless case that is possible in human life …
Not only was I given hope … the matter was in the course of action …. Quickly, efficiently. A lot of knowledge, empaptia. You are the best! And although our adventure continues, I have no more words. 😍
Bardzo profesjonalnie. Pani Adwokat rozważa różne scenariusze spraw, co daje bardziej wiarygodny obraz. Informuje klienta na bieżąco. Bardzo cenię sobie webinary w tzw.sprawach frankowych – jeżeli coś się zmienia lub jest jakieś ważne wydarzenie, od razu jest webinar dla klientów. Dzięki temu czuję się zaopiekowana i mam większe rozumienie tematu. Bardzo dobra relacja ceny do jakości ( ceny raczej umiarkowane niż te z wyższej półki). Polecam!
Very professional. The lawyer considers various case scenarios, which gives a more credible picture. Keeps the client informed. I really appreciate webinars in the so-called franc matters – if something changes or there is an important event, there is a webinar for clients right away. Thanks to this, I feel taken care of and have a greater understanding of the subject. Very good price-quality ratio (prices rather moderate than those of the higher shelf). I recommend!
Very professional. The advocate considers various case scenarios, which gives a more credible picture. Keeps the client informed. I really appreciate webinars in the so-called franc matters – if something changes or there is an important event, there is a webinar for clients right away. Thanks to this, I feel taken care of and have a greater understanding of the subject. Very good price-quality ratio (prices rather moderate than high-end ones). I recommend!
Very professional. The attorney considers various case scenarios, which gives a more credible picture. Keeps the client informed. I really appreciate webinars on so-called Swiss franc matters – if something changes or there is an important event, there is a webinar for clients right away. Thanks to this, I feel cared for and have a greater understanding of the topic. Very good price-quality ratio (moderate prices rather than high-end ones). I recommend!
Very professional. The attorney considers various case scenarios, which gives a more credible picture. Keeps the customer informed. I really appreciate webinars on so-called Swiss franc matters – if something changes or there is an important event, there is a webinar for clients right away. Thanks to this, I feel cared for and have a greater understanding of the topic. Very good price-quality ratio (moderate prices rather than high-end ones). I recommend!
Niestety brak odpowiedniego kontaktu. Wysłałem dokumenty i dzwoniłem w sprawie oferty. Analiza miała być w ciągu tygodnia. Czekam miesiąc i nic (:
Pani adwokat prowadzi moja sprawę chf od dwóch lat Oczekiwanie na odpowiedź na maila 3-7 dni Brak możliwości kontaktu telefonicznego Ilość spraw podjęta tak duża że widać już wypalenie i brak zainteresowania Podobnie jak polskie sądy Cóż ja nie polecam jeśli szukasz kancelarii to nie ten adres przynajmniej na dziś
The attorney has been dealing with my chf case for two years Waiting for a reply to the e-mail 3-7 days No contact by phone Number of cases taken so large that you can already see burnout and lack of interest Just like Polish courts Well I do not recommend if you are looking for a law firm then this address is not at least for today
I am very pleased with the cooperation with Mrs. Joanna Wędrychowska. Professionalism and reliability. Excellent communication, very high competences and concrete action supported by great commitment made a great impression on me. I can say that the whole thing is at the highest level in every respect. situation.
Really worth. The law firm is 100% recommendable to everyone. The client is treated with dignity and professionalism. Very good contact with attorney Joanna Wędrychowska. I am in the first instance, of course the case is won.
I recommend
Really worth. 100% recommended office to everyone. The client is treated with dignity and professionalism. Very good contact with Attorney Joanna Wędrychowska. I am after the first instance, of course the case is won.
I recommend
Really worth. The office is 100% recommendable to everyone. The client is treated with dignity and professionalism. Very good contact with Attorney Joanna Wędrychowska. I have passed the first instance, of course the case is won.
I recommend
Professionally conducted first instance in a case for the annulment of a Swiss franc loan. Very well prepared lawsuit, applications and all documentation. Clear and regular communication about the status of the case. Based on my experience, I strongly recommend this law firm.
Professionally conducted first instance in the case of annulment of a Swiss franc loan. Very well prepared lawsuit, applications and all documentation. Clear and regular communication about the status of the case. Based on my experience, I definitely recommend this law firm.
Professionally conducted first instance in a case regarding the invalidation of a Swiss franc loan. Very well prepared lawsuit, applications and all documentation. Clear and regular communication about the status of the case. Based on my experience, I definitely recommend this law firm.
Professionalism, extensive knowledge in the field of banking law, mortgage loans, etc. Very efficient and reliable patron, great webinars on the current situation regarding foreign currency loans, I highly appreciate e-mail contact, sending documentation, questions, etc.
I recommend!
I am very pleased with the service and care.
I appreciate flexibility and advice.
The court of first instance found the loan agreement invalid.
We are waiting for an appeal. We are of good cheer.
I recommend.
I am very pleased with the service and care.
I appreciate the flexibility and advice.
The court of first instance found the loan agreement invalid.
We are waiting for an appeal. We’re in good spirits.
I recommend.
I would highly recommend! Huge experience and efficiency, which is confirmed by the balance of won CHF cases. Trouble-free cooperation, very good substantive preparation and preparation of the clients themselves. The law firm keeps its finger on the pulse all the time. Win in the first instance in express time – I had an overwhelming impression that your lawyer did not even have time to spread her wings … :).
I would highly recommend! Extensive experience and effectiveness, which is confirmed by the balance of won CHF cases. Trouble-free cooperation, very good substantive preparation and preparation of the clients themselves. The law firm keeps its finger on the pulse all the time. Winning in the first instance in an express time – I had an irresistible impression that your attorney did not even have time to spread her wings … :).
I would highly recommend! Extensive experience and effectiveness, which is confirmed by the record of won CHF cases. Trouble-free cooperation, very good substantive preparation and preparation of the clients themselves. The law firm constantly keeps its finger on the pulse. Won in the first instance very quickly – I had the distinct impression that your lawyer didn’t even have time to spread her wings… :).
Mec. Wędrychowska and her team dealt with the issue of my parents’ franc loans. The case was legally won, which is a huge help for them (they are already at retirement age). Parents cannot praise the professionalism and efficiency of the entire office. On their behalf and on my behalf – I recommend!
Mec. Wędrychowska and her team dealt with the case of my parents’ Swiss franc loans. The case was legally won, which is a huge help for them (they are already of retirement age). Parents cannot praise the professionalism and efficiency of the entire law firm. On their behalf and on my own – I recommend it!
In this law firm, the approach to the client and his case is characterized by professionalism. E-mail inquiries are handled efficiently.
I recommend
Swiss franc case, I highly recommend it, very good contact, all doubts are resolved on an ongoing basis, the price is also affordable and, most importantly, the case was won, the verdict is final 🙂
A very professional and friendly attorney. Thanks to her substantive support, we managed to successfully conclude our Swiss franc case. We recommend it.
The attorney’s extraordinary professionalism and competence resulted in winning the „Franc case”.
Good communication with the entire team during the entire period of preparing lawsuits, hearings and collecting all receivables from the Bank.
The law firm handled my parents’ case, successfully obtaining a valid invalidation of the contract. The case began at the end of 2019. We chose a law firm that already had extensive experience and success in handling Swiss franc loan cases. The office’s employees always corresponded effectively and on time with the courts and the bank, informing us about everything. They responded to all customer doubts and questions quickly. Throughout the entire period of cooperation, we received current information on our case and general summaries on the current situation in Swiss franc matters. Won in the first instance, after the bank’s appeal, also won in the second instance and the entire case ended with the signing of a court settlement in 2024. To sum up, a very reliable approach to the client and professionalism in its field. I recommend cooperation with the attorney and her team.
I met Mrs. Joanna for the first time quite a long time ago, at a meeting of some association regarding Swiss franc loans, at a time when it was not yet known how the matter of contracts with banks would develop. Mrs. Joasia clearly and thoroughly explained the legal status at that time and what might happen in the future. She told us what to watch out for and what not to be afraid of. She emphasized that we need to be patient, because the franc issues will take time and the banks will defend themselves with their hands and feet. When choosing a lawyer, I compared cooperation agreements of various law firms, especially the „most famous and recommended” ones, and Ms. Lawyer had the fairest conditions. We started cooperation in 2018 and it was a very good decision. After six years, the contract was invalidated in the first and second instances, but the bank is still defending itself and before the final hearing, it filed a case for unjustified use of capital („and the banks will defend themselves with their hands and feet”). During these 6 years, in addition to e-mail/telephone notifications regarding our case, Mrs. Joasia organized webinars for everyone from time to time, discussing the current situation of Swiss franc holders, and those who did not participate online could then watch them online. Check out the Law Firm’s Facebook page and see how many cases we have won.
After two years of fighting with the bank, thanks to the professionalism and competence of Attorney Joanna Wędrychowska and her team, I am the happy owner of an apartment that is not burdened with a Swiss franc loan. Thank you very much. I recommend it 100%.
The law firm of Ms. Wędrychowska was recommended to me by a lawyer friend, and after several years of struggle with mBank, my case ended with the contract being invalidated. I would like to emphasize that the professionalism of the law firm’s team, good communication, and reliable information at every stage were a huge support for me. The case was won and carried out reliably to the very end, which makes me highly recommend the attorney and her team.
The law firm of Ms. Wędrychowska was recommended to me by a lawyer friend, and after several years of struggle with mBank, my case ended with the contract being invalidated. I would like to emphasize that the professionalism of the law firm’s team, good communication, and reliable information at every stage were a huge support for me. The case was won and handled reliably to the very end, which makes me highly recommend the attorney and her team.